
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0138 Understanding Lynch and the Power of Capital

  Niall eventually convinced the board members with his eloquence and his plan, which also had something to do with the actual situation Ristoan was currently in.

  These people won't be too blind to trust someone who has already deceived them more than once, they will definitely go through their own way to find out if what Niall is saying is true or not before finally giving their decision.

  But basically, it wouldn't change much because Neo wasn't lying this time.

  But these things were still too far away from the ordinary people, and it wasn't that easy for such an economic pillar to want to leave a region, even if he and the main ruler of the region had agreed on certain aspects.

  Just relocating the workers and employees who couldn't move with Ristoan to other states was enough to take a long time.

  The next day, Saturday, after the ferment of Friday night's reception, people began to pay attention to some of the contents of Lynch's used goods trade auction.

  At this Mobile auction, some people appeared who were out of place with some of the others.

  They wore expensive formal attire, maintaining a decent appearance even on a hot day, and although they constantly wiped off their sweat, on the whole they didn't give people the impression that they were being rude.

  These people had watched this Mobile auction of Lynch's the entire time, and even took the initiative to participate in it, these people were actually Lynch's potential partners.

  How to make a business bigger had always been something that businessmen tirelessly pursued.

  Everyone may come to different conclusions, some people will think that they have to use craftsmanship and artisanship to work on the craftsmanship link, others think that they have to take integrity as the basis, but what can really make the business bigger quickly is the operation and means of capital.

  It may be that the participation of these decent people today has inspired some people to spend money, by the time the Mobile auction ended at 7:00 p.m., the total transaction amount was slightly higher than last week's by 20,000 dollars, and this upward trend, which should not have occurred, has also brought many positive effects to this Mobile auction.

  As soon as the Mobile auction ended, several businessmen approached Lynch, wanting to talk to him about things related to cooperation.

  Capitalism was never kind, compassionate, or benevolent.

  In the ocean of capitalism, plunder was the root of everything.

  According to Federation and finance-related laws, when a company's market capitalization exceeded ten million dollars, it had to accept the investment behavior of its investors - their argument was certainly better than the truth, a business with assets of more than ten million dollars needed to have a board of directors made up of multiple shareholders with more than ten people, this was for the purpose of preventing financial crimes.

  In other words, if Lynch's Star Trading Corporation had a market capitalization of more than ten million dollars, he did not have the power to refuse someone else's investment, or else his company might be filed for investigation.

  As for how much money others invested and how many shares they could get from him, he could talk to others, but he couldn't refuse.

  If the market value of a company exceeds one hundred million dollars, this company must be listed on the stock exchange, and only after it has been listed for a certain period of time can it be delisted and delisted.

  In the official parlance, it is said that the growth of enterprises needs to give back to society, and at the same time, they also need to be monitored by society as a whole, and this is also meant to prevent financial crimes.

  But in reality these laws themselves are actually to facilitate the plundering of other capitals by capital. The market of capital is always a deep dark ocean, where everyone is a predator and at the same time a prey, a game of survival.

  Unlimited value-added and unlimited devaluation are the most common phenomena here, how to make oneself a value-added and always be in the position of a predator is what every businessman, every businessman who can be called a capitalist, pursues.

  Compared to those other entrepreneurs who were afraid of investors, Lynch was much more generous, he even invited these people to go to the hotel with him and opened a business suite with a meeting room.

  Sitting in the room, blowing the cool breeze from the central air conditioner, these gentlemen who had been bored in the gym for hours finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  After a short period of recuperation, some people laughed and asked Lynch what he thought about the investment.

  In fact, at yesterday's reception, these people had basically exchanged opinions with Lynch, and today they were just here to have a field day, if they could cooperate, they would, if they couldn't but there was a profit to be made, they would consider if they could steal business from Lynch.

  On the surface they wouldn't do that, but they would secretly have someone register a company to run the same business as Lynch, even if they were businessmen in the same camp, they would definitely not be humble when it was time to compete.

  "I don't refuse to invest, in my eyes, it's better for one person to make money than for everyone to make money ... together", perhaps it was the words that had a different allure, and soon the atmosphere in the room was mobilized by Lynch.

  He took out some data to show that this is a very lucrative project, "So far, a single profit can be guaranteed at about fifteen percent of the total turnover, excluding some other costs and necessary expenses, the pure profit is about eight percent up and down fluctuations ... "

  "If you join the cooperation related to the sale of seats, there will be an additional stable income, Sabine this side is twenty thousand dollars per week ... "

  Honestly speaking this is already a very attractive figure, about eight percent pure profit, even some large group companies do not dare to guarantee that they can make so much money.

  Coupled with the fact that they were currently able to maintain this kind of profit momentum in such an economic situation, these businessmen in front of Lynch immediately became interested.

  They might not be really looking at this deal, what they were looking at was the political value behind the Mobile auction, and the fact that it could provide a reliable and stable cash flow in times of economic downturn, which was what they needed most.

  Lynch, on the other hand, continued to promote these things, and continued in a tone with a slight excitement, a hint of preciousness, and a bit like a pilgrimage, "Since the third installment of the Mobile auction, the amount of money sold hasn't seen any significant decline, and today's turnover has even seen a small boost, and this situation tells us that its potential hasn't bottomed out yet. "

  "I am actively preparing to open Mobile auctions all over the state, and have already received the approval of Mr. Mayor and the governor in this regard, and the next thing that will happen is that there will be second-hand goods trading auctions with uniform prices, uniform services, and uniform quality in all fourteen cities throughout the state."

  "And, I have revealed a new small project here first, I will set up a second-hand goods trading staging area, and the weekly Mobile auction will gradually reduce the low-priced goods and increase the high-priced goods later on, separating the bottom-end goods from the high-end goods, and adding a more ceremonial customer experience ... "

  "In my current estimation, if each city's Mobile auction unfolds smoothly, the net profit should be over a million dollars per month!"

  The merchants in the room glanced at each other, they hadn't thought at all that an inconspicuous second-hand goods trading auction would actually have such a staggering profit.

  Even their own estimated profit was far more than the uncertain "over a million" that Lynch had given them, he had more room for profit, especially those seats.

  They had already figured out that each seat would bring Lynch five dollars in revenue, and the real reason why those salespeople were willing to join this game, which was obviously just a carnival feast for a few, was that Lynch could ensure that the top three salespeople would earn more than ten thousand dollars a month.

  In other words, salespeople wanted to make more, and their enemies were their coworkers, who in turn were their own greed.

  If one arranges for one's self to attend the auction and call out bids for oneself when necessary, the seats plus the investment in the auction assuming that there are nine thousand five hundred dollars, and one can take the third place position, then at the end of the month he will get five hundred dollars extra.

  So there was no need to worry about not being able to sell these seats, rather than saying that these people were Lynch's partners, it was more like they were a group of gamblers and Lynch was just providing them with a different way to gamble.

  A profit of over a million dollars a month was already enough for these people to go down, they didn't care what people outside said about them, and there was a lot of added value behind this business.

  For example, accepting to add some advertisements of goods on the flyers of the Mobile auction, for example, to advertise the goods by lucky draw at the site of the Mobile auction, for example, to give away some experience rolls and movie tickets ...

  These are all ways to make profits, as long as there are people, as long as these people have the ability to consume, the capitalists have a way to make them as pigs to be slaughtered and sold, which is also the original "flow".

  One of them asked a very central question, "Mr. Lynch, how much do you think your Star Trading Corporation is worth, and how much do we need to put up in order to get shares in your company?"

  Lynch slightly ticked, "Complying with the current mainstream calculation method in the financial market, using three to five times the annual earnings as an estimate of the company's short-term value is a very reasonable calculation ...", the others nodded their heads, the current Baylor Federation's related calculation methods was indeed how it was calculated.

  "According to my current personal estimation that may not be too accurate, starting from the second half of the year, the net profit of the Star Trading Corporation will be around 1,200,000 dollars per month, and the net profit for a year is counted as 14,000,000 dollars."

  "Let's take the center and value it at four times the annual profit, I think the market value of Star Trading Corporation should be more than 50 million dollars ..."

  These people across the table when Lynch said this suddenly realized that something wasn't quite right, today Lynch's income was probably just around 60,000, yet he had stiffly valued his company's market value at 50 million.

  This is not right ah, if they want to invest, just one percent of the equity, they have to pay 500, 000 Federation Thor, this ... always feel that there is something not quite right.

  The room once fell into silence, Lynch did not take the initiative to open the mouth, just with the eyesight of looking at the gold bars to look at these people, it is all money!