
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0104 Aggrieved Lynch

In the afternoon, Lynch met with people from the Association of Women's Advocates, a man in his thirties and a woman in her early to mid thirties, at an outdoor cafe.

  "Lynch ...," Lynch introduced himself as he shook their hands, and the two visitors didn't show too much intense hatred, but instead shook Lynch's hand politely before sitting down at the table.

  The economic downturn had left the open-air cafe with far fewer customers than before, and while the place used to be filled with people, now there were only two tables in the entire small roadside garden.

  One table was them, and the other was a young man and woman who didn't look like an ordinary family.

  "I've heard from other sources that there might be some misunderstanding between you and me ...", his words stopped here, drawing out the purpose of this meeting, and all that remained was communication.

  The two men sitting across from each other looked at each other, the male nodding his head slightly, "Possibly, Mr. Lynch, do you know a lady named Julie?"

  The visitor didn't hold back and threw the crux of the question right out.

  Julie was considered a member of the Sabine Women's Advocacy Association who still carried a little weight, and in the earlier years when the Sabine Rugby Club was on fire, Julie had a little more clout and was able to use the fame of the club to make some comments on her own or with some of the players, and people had the patience to watch her say some of the things the association needed her to say.

  But in recent years, her influence in the eyes of the public and the people of Sabine has waned and her position in the club has begun to decline, although some people still look up to her for all the hard work she used to do.

  It wasn't good to act one way when she had influence and another when she didn't.

  Yesterday, Julie went to the association after she was fired and then found some of her friends to talk about it, and after a short closed-door meeting, the association decided to help Julie get justice.

  What justice is there, really?

  The economy is bad, all levels are withering, the association side also has such problems, the dues are hard to collect, the funds applied for can't be approved, the sponsorship from the society is also getting less and less, if we don't move a little and make a little noise, the chapter on Sabine's side might have to be disbanded.

  Whether it was to throw Lynch out so that those companies with a large number of female workers would understand their value and importance, or to get the association above to allocate some maintenance funds down is important, of course the premise is that it must make a commotion.

  As for why Lynch, who let him get caught in the act?

  Lynch also did not evade, he nodded, "Ms. Julie and I had a disagreement about our work, and it was difficult to find a balance, so I fired her ...", he seemed to smile and paused, "I remember that I compensated her with an extra A month's salary, did I break the law?"

  According to the current laws in effect in the Baylor Federation, not firing the other party in advance only required compensation of one month's salary, which would give the other party a month's cushion and would not cause problems in their lives due to being fired out of the blue.

  Lynch didn't break the law at all, and the Association's side wouldn't take this to mean that, even if it went all the way to the Baylor Federation's highest court, Lynch had done nothing wrong.

  The woman sitting on the side, who introduced herself as "Taylor", had a slightly serious expression on her face at that moment, and something very special was gradually emanating from her.

  This made Lynch feel that she must have a certain status in the association, and this kind of aura was often referred to as the aura of a superior.

  "Mr. Lynch, Ms. Julie talked to us about the reason for your disagreement, she said that you wanted to start a block of sports centered around female athletes, but that there was an element of allegedly pleasing men, and that you fired her when she stood up for the rights that women should be able to enjoy, is that correct?"

  The man sitting next to her tilted his head at Taylor, he felt that Taylor was a little too eager to get this over with, but he didn't say anything, Taylor was the vice president of this side of the association and still had some power and status.

  Their purpose was to make a scene, create public opinion, put pressure on Lynch, and let people see their power.

  "If saying a sport has a male audience is humiliating to women, Ms. Taylor, do you think I'm humiliating you right now?"

Taylor froze for a moment, her mind processing the first half of Lynch's statement, which she found a bit of a confusing concept, and was immediately confronted with the second half.

  A strong woman shouldn't be embarrassed to live with that, and her face shook her head slightly after a few small changes, but she didn't say anything so that even if there was a follow-up, she could always change what she wanted to say after she figured out what Lynch was thinking.

  The shake of her head could be an affirmation or a denial, how she said it was up to her.

  Lynch, on the other hand, laughed, he laughed several times, his laughter filled with a faint mockery, "No, Ms. Taylor, I've humiliated you, ruthlessly humiliated you ..."

  "Mr. Lynch ...", the man on the side interjected, trying to interrupt the conversation between the two, he could already see that Taylor had fallen for it, but how could Lynch let him have his way?

  He asked back directly, "As Ms. Taylor's companion, do you think I'm humiliating her?"

  This man, who had already realized the problem, was immediately cornered, it was hard for him to answer this question, if he said yes, without discussing whether or not opening his eyes would make him feel bad, once the events of today spread, it would become a big joke.

  Everyone would feel funny watching other people's jokes, and even pretend to comfort the other party after the person being laughed at got angry, but only the person being laughed at would know how painful it was to be the butt of the joke.

  If he said otherwise, then it was obvious that he had deviated from Taylor's position, which was tantamount to taking Lynch's side and only meeting them for less than five minutes before Lynch disintegrated them from within.

  Taylor also seemed to realize that her evasion had just turned out to be one of the dumbest choices, her face didn't look so good, and she directly interrupted Lynch's pressing question: "You're evading the question!"

  "Dodging the question?" Lynch looked at Taylor with some exaggeration, "Are you talking about me?"

  "No, I'm not dodging the question, I'm just solving the problem, and if you think my admiring glances at you are insulting, then there's no point in us talking about it."

  Lynch felt that if Sabine's Women's Advocates were full of people like Taylor, then they weren't threatening at all.

  Taylor stared at Lynch, probably because Lynch's "admiring look" at her made her feel like Lynch wasn't lying, and after about ten seconds she nodded her head and said, "Well, it doesn't humiliate me, so what?"

  Lynch's attitude relaxed as well, "Let me ask you another question, Ms. Taylor, do you think I'm pretty?"

  As much as Taylor wanted to say no, she had to say that Lynch was born with good skin, she reluctantly nodded her head, "So you are handsome?"

  Lynch smiled brightly, "See, that's where Ms. Julie and I differ, she believes that admiration from a man is a form of humiliation for the person being admired, and I have the utmost respect for every woman, and women are an integral part of the makeup of society!"

  His statement quickly stabilized Taylor's emotions and his attitude quickly moderated.

  "I've noticed that there are some girls who also appreciate men who are handsome or have a great physique, but these men never feel humiliated by the stares of the girls."

  "The same goes for sports, it's only humiliating for women when a predominantly female sport is shown only to women."

  "Personally, I think Ms. Jolie has some ideological problems, she goes about deliberately creating divisions and horrible views to highlight women's right to their status, which is all very negative behavior towards women's advocacy associations."

  "Because she and her behavior, her approach, will eventually be perceived as this is your style and approach."

  "To take it a step further, I was originally going to push for a campaign that would have created at least two thousand or more jobs for women in this state, but because of some disagreements between us, including between Ms. Julie and myself, I've decided to put that on hold for the time being."

  Lynch's expression gradually became serious, "I will also hold a press conference to explain this matter to the society, I did not discriminate or humiliate anyone, Ms. Julie put me under pressure that I should not have to bear, the society and the public opinion will give me a just result!

  Taylor and the man next to her looked at each other, suddenly realizing that they were the ones in trouble now.

Taylor took the initiative to shut his mouth, the man coughed lightly and said solemnly, "Mr. Lynch, you can refrain from holding a press conference for the time being, we do not have a thorough enough understanding of this matter and there might still be a very serious misunderstanding, shouldn't we clear up the misunderstanding first?"

  "If there are some problems with Ms. Julie, we will have an opinion on how to deal with her and help you push for this female-dominated sport to be established in this state or even federally as soon as possible."

  Faced with the two reasonable association staffers, Lynch reluctantly agreed to their request: "You only have three days!"

  "I want to know the results of your actions after three days!"