
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0103 I love sports and I love this city!

Kane and Julie looked at Lynch in disbelief, their minds unable to comprehend that Julie, who had been with the club since she was nineteen years old, had been thrown out by the new owners after twelve years of service to this club because of a mere difference of opinion.

  She had poured so much of her heart and soul into this place over the past twelve years that even now that the club had been relegated to amateur status, and she was being paid almost an average per capita salary every month, she had never thought of leaving.

  Even Julie would have thought that she would be here for the rest of her life, and then her son would become an athlete as well, training here to represent Sabine in the world.

  There were a lot of things she hadn't thought about, including getting fired for contradicting one of Lynch's comments.

  She still stared at Lynch with wide-eyed disbelief as Lynch repeated, "You may leave, ma'am ...."

  After Lynch's reminder, Julie walked away a little confused, Kane wanted to say something, looked at Julie's desolate back and finally couldn't help but say, "Sir ...".

  Lynch raised his hand to stop Kane's next plea, these people had been in the club for too long, plus the fact that the owner before this had basically just wanted to launder money and delegate power to the management in the team, leaving everyone in the team with a skewed perception of power.

  There is only one man of his word on this team and that is the owner of the team, everyone else just serves him and they have to figure that out.

  They can defy any of Lynch's orders as long as they resign, and they can do anything they want that isn't illegal, or Lynch will have his lawyers sue them until they can't afford to wear pants.

  Even if Julie hadn't come forward, Lynch would have gone after one person, and that was the coach who wasn't here today, and as far as he knew, there were still coaches here.

  Because of the money laundering storm waves, in addition to the original business enterprises, some players, including the coach, are also involved.

  A very simple truth, players, coaches, if not involved in the whole process, the transfer of money laundering way is very difficult to complete perfectly.

  This also makes it impossible for the original coach to find a home, not every club is willing to accept a coach with a professional stain to manage their own team, so the coach remains here to eat the old money.

  Kane could understand the position he was in, so the person he could use to stand up for himself was one of the other two, until Julie stepped forward.

  After Lynch stopped Kane's words he changed the subject a bit, "I agree with what you said before, sports represent the spirit of a town, Sabine has to show something new out of this dwindling summer, we need a professional men's rugby team to lift the atmosphere, how much would it cost me to come in and restart a professional club if I took ownership of the place? "

  Kane wanted to talk to Lynch about some of the things Ms. Julie had done, but at that moment his heart skipped a beat and a thud caused him to feel a brief sensation of dizziness, where was he to think that a lady he had worked with for about ten years would be thrown out by this lovely owner?

  After a brief moment of reckoning, he quoted Lynch a price, "It'll probably cost between 200,000 and 300,000 for this year, and maybe a little more later, and if we bring in stars it could cost a little more.

  He said and his voice lowered, running a professional rugby club is not really a simple and easy task, the transfer fee for top rugby star Jonathan in this year's transfer window has exceeded 3,100,000, making history.

  Think about it, a star worth 3,100,000 can not work with a group of "blue undershirts" (ordinary professional players), he also needs good teammates, at least three to four star players, and then some high-level blue undershirts, just the price of the lineup may exceed ten million, and this is also included in the annual salary! Not to mention the average small business, the worst plutocrats might not be able to afford this kind of game.

  Lynch didn't say anything, Kane gritted his teeth and added: "I think the first thing we need to do right now is to get promoted to the professional league, to complete the process from amateur to professional, and then we can cultivate our own stars, so the costs will be drastically reduced, and maybe there's still money to be made!

  A smart man who knows how to get capitalists like Lynch to support his ideas, and that is to show them the profits.

Lynch doesn't really think about expenses and income, a lot of times club managers like Kane, they know enough about the club and the sports industry, but they don't understand some of the things that are going on at a higher level.

For example, City Hall was going to set up a sports fund this year, and hell knows what that fund was for, it might not cover the cost of bringing in top players for Sabine's rugby clubs, but it would still take some of the financial pressure off.

  There was also the share of the broadcasts on the Union side, the bonuses from the professional league, and as long as it was done correctly to put his club up against some of the top teams in the Union, there was a lot of money to be made from the broadcasting fees alone.

  Not to mention some cooperation programs between him and the mayor to improve the image of Sabine, voluntarily jumped into the "pit" to save Sabine's precarious sports, the mayor can not give some political support?

  So Lynch is not worried about the cost, he is only thinking about how to support the framework of these things as soon as possible, so that people can see the effect, so that he can reach out to the government to ask for money and policies.

  "You give me a full development proposal, women's rugby and men's rugby, to professional standards, do that proposal by heart and it will determine how much I invest here." Lynch said, pausing, "And does the club have its own training base?"

  Kane's eyebrows raised and he shook his head, even in the previous years when that big player was here, he didn't consider setting up a professional training base for the club, they were only here to launder money, not to help the sports business, it was impossible to invest much here.

  Even the introduction of the players had its own purpose.

  Lynch nodded slightly, roughly knowing what he was going to do next, not only for money and politics, but also for land!

  Sometimes, whether or not a businessman could make money, and how much he could make, had nothing to do with what kind of business he was doing, it just depended on how much guts he had, and whether or not he could get people to trust him!

  Soon after, at Lynch's request, the Sabine Professional Rugby Club made an announcement to the community - posting a notice and placing information in the newspaper.

  From now on, the club was called the Star Professional Club, and men's professional rugby was just one of the programs under this club, in addition to women's professional rugby, which was already in the works, and baseball, cricket, polo, basketball, and tennis, which were still in the works... ...

  In short, everyone who saw the announcement would feel that the club, which had been in the doldrums for three years, had suddenly become a new club, and would be able to feel something that had not been felt for a long time, something called the spirit of the city.

  In the afternoon at City Hall, the mayor of the witness, Lynch and the United Sports people, and the club manager signed the club equity transfer agreement, the City Hall and the United Sports as the club after the responsibility of the party to the club for "a dollar" price of all the equity and power of the club to Lynch, which includes about 30,000 yuan of debt.

  During the period when the club was without an owner, Lynch was responsible for maintaining the club's minimum daily expenses, with more than $10,000 per year was used to pay the salaries of basic staff, and now that the debt has come into effect, Lynch will have to pay the money back to the United Sports Association.

  Speaking to the press, Lynch spoke of his affection for the city, his support for the sport, and his love of rugby and other ball games.

  In the past, he was just an ordinary person who couldn't do anything about these things, but at this moment he already had some ability, then he should take his responsibility and contribute to the revival of Sabine!

  "Touching!" After a simple press conference, Ferrell led Lynch outside, and as they walked, he said somewhat gloatingly, "You're in trouble, you fired the club's assistant?"

  Lynch nodded, "What happened?"

  Ferrell let out a chuckle, "The Sabine Women's Rights Protection Association came, they said you discriminated against women, they intend to sue you."

  This was a bit of a surprise to Lynch, but he didn't take it to heart, "Give me their phone number, I'm sure we can clear up the misunderstanding soon.

  There was nothing in this world that couldn't be solved through communication, even wars could be solved through negotiation, let alone some trivial and small problems.

  In Lynch's opinion, this was no problem at all!