
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0067That's how I work.

"Sir, this house was built only three years ago, it's still new, and if it wasn't for the fact that its owner is desperate for money ... ", an account manager from a real estate company pursed his lips into a smile that everyone understands. It might not be on our list for sale!"

  That's the way it is in this day and age, everyone feels they should be respected and valued, and behind the demand is a huge market, so whether it's a bank, or a real estate company, or any other service industry, as long as it's a business person, he/she is a manager.

  The account manager is the most common, and then there is the customer service manager, and probably a lot of people have never thought about calling themselves managers, or what kind of state they are in when they call them.

  But people love it, and "having a manager who specializes in my service" is always an experience to brag about.

  The house in front of Lynch was a new house in an up-and-coming middle-class neighborhood, built practically only two years and ten months ago.

  It had separate front and back yards and a not particularly large swimming pool in the back yard.

  The main house had three stories above ground and one below, covering two hundred and twenty square feet, not including the yard.

  Lynch has some money in his hands, before and after adding up to almost more than 200,000, it is hard to imagine that last month, "he" is still because of the lack of work things by Catherine's parents dislike, and thus broke up with his girlfriend, this month earned a lot of people may not be able to earn a lifetime of money.

  Fate is so interesting, of course, more or personal ability, not everyone has such an ability, only Lynch a person.

  It wouldn't be appropriate for Lynch to live upstairs in that tavern after he had the money, he needed a house to hide something private, so he chose this place.

  The groups living in the emerging middle class neighborhood weren't apathetic yet, almost half the residents here were newly upwardly mobile middle class families, and for these people what they most needed at this point was more abundant networking relationships.

  Community socialization is a great way to make friends, and they're enthusiastic about getting to know everyone in the community and thinking about how these people might be useful to them.

  After a few years, they lose that enthusiasm because the vast majority of their neighbors don't have anything to do with their lives - there's no socializing other than saying good morning in the morning, good day at noon, and good night at night.

  Now, though, everyone was active, and being active meant being enthusiastic and responsible, and when Lynch was in need, this group of silly ... good-hearted enthusiasts would come out in force to help him, and to multiply certain things to help Lynch.

  "Open the door, I want to go in and ... turn around," he held the rounded post head of the handrail at the bottom of the stairs, the warmth of his hand was comforting, he looked back at the account manager and made his request.

  The account manager's expression changed slightly, and she immediately put a smile on her face and wiggled her butt up the stairs.

  In the summer, the weather was so human that everyone hated not having clothes on their bodies, after all, the wet feeling of their clothes when they were soaked with sweat really sucked!

  After opening the door to the room, the account manager invited Lynch to enter the room, it had to be said that the design of this house was still very good, the original owner should have hired a good designer to design this house for his family.

  Practical, beautiful, trendy, simple yet elegant, with very good light and ventilation, without that musty smell of decay that comes from entering a house that has not been used for some time.

  Most of the contents of the room had been removed, leaving only a rough space, and Lynch walked through each room, taking a trip down to the basement to look around, and was very pleased with it.

  It wasn't like some designers who had made each room compact to increase the number of rooms and make it look more like a large family.

  This original homeowner, who had no shortage of money, had allowed for a lot of space in each room of the house, and it would be hard for those who lived there to feel cramped, confined, and tied down, and that was something he was very pleased with.

"How much?" Lynch asked as he entered the first floor, the surprise on his face hard to hide.


The current situation in the big city was not clear to everyone, but Sabine's economic and social problems had begun to become apparent, with unemployment rising and jobs becoming harder to come by.

  A few years ago, these gold masters didn't care how much the land cost, how much the design fees were, how much the labor cost, every account manager could make his money just as easily back then.

  But now it is very difficult, they want to make a deal, not only have to ask the customer to eat, ask the customer to shop, ask the customer to relax, and even have some content that is not allowed to write.

  The industry has even said that some places have seen the emergence of the kind of scum who go around cheating and scamming under the pretext of buying real estate, which has turned what was once an industry that everyone envied into a high-risk industry.

  Some people began to criticize these real estate account managers for their indiscretions, and their own style is problematic, but if it is not to survive, who is willing to sell their dignity?

  The girl quietly lifted her already very short skirt, straightened her dress, pinched the corner of her coat and pulled it down, "Forty-eight thousand dollars, sir, it's definitely worth that price!"

  The real estate company had given her a base offer of forty-two thousand dollars, with a significant percentage of the excess being her commission, and she hadn't offered a high price.

  A non-self-contained home would be an additional expense for design fees and basic renovations from the time you get it to the time you move in.

  It's not uncommon for a $50,000 house to cost $3,000 or $5,000 in design fees, and while poor people living in low-cost housing in poor neighborhoods may find this uneconomical, middle-class people don't see this as a problem.

  Designing and decorating for half a house's worth of money was about to become a standard, even a perception.

  Lynch shook his head, "Too expensive, forty thousand, I can pay ... now," he pulled the check out of his pocket and took out a pen.

  The account manager's breath caught, she raised her hand and ran it through her hair to hide some tiny little flash in her mind, and said with a lowered eyebrow, "Sir, there is actually something else coming to this house that you haven't learned about, do you need me to take you to see it?"

  It was a very obvious sexual innuendo, Lynch had already been inside, there was nothing he didn't understand, and if there was, it could only be said that it wasn't the house itself.

  Unknown secrets were like a black hole, capable of capturing the interest of most men, but Lynch was not one of them.

  "I won't sleep with you, I'll give you five hundred dollars, give me a minimum price and maybe it'll be easier for me to talk to your boss in person?"

  The girl rolled her eyes, she would rather Lynch sleep with her a few times, "Eight hundred dollars, I need the money!"


  This was a violation of the operation, but everyone didn't care, Lynch was trying to save time, after all, exploring unknown hidden secrets also needed time, the girl on the other hand preserved her dignity even though she revealed the low price.

  A short time later, Lynch and the girl signed the purchase contract, and the real estate company breathed a sigh of relief, not so reluctantly because the transaction price was hurting their bottom line.

  For real estate companies with a large backlog of properties in their hands, these houses are close to their lives, not to mention the bottom line, even if it is a little less, they may not stay.

  Some of the money of the real estate company is a bank loan, some of the community capital, the economy is now slow, all parties to the funding gap pressure doubled, can be off hand to cash than to stay in the hands of waiting for the conviction of much smarter.

  Only half a day to complete all the contracts, looking at the house, Lynch was satisfied!