
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0066 Where can I find a class representative?

"Did you get your paycheck?"

  A slightly anxious face appeared in Anderson's eyes as he unlocked the door with the key, and he met the lady's gaze, looked a little sheepishly at his feet as he turned to carry in the boxes that had been left outside the door, and answered in a jittery, somewhat impatient voice, "No."

  "No?" Mrs. Anderson already lack of care of the skin has sagged a lot, decreasing lines, crow's feet, forehead lines ..., dull and rough skin, she was full of disappointment, her hands unconsciously clasped together, "Then what are we going to do this month?"

  There were bills coming in the mail soon, and if they couldn't pay them, they would be put on a high-risk list, and the next thing you know, if they defaulted one more time and didn't pay what they owed this time, the bank or some company would start the investigation process.

  Once the investigator determines that they are unable to continue to make payments, the goods they have purchased on installment, even their home, will be auctioned off and the proceeds of the auction will be used to pay what they owe.

  What is even more frightening is that as soon as one of them initiates an investigation, all installment businesses will do so, which is enough to destroy a family completely!

  There have been several cases in recent months that have happened in their neighborhoods, and these neighbors have had to sell their homes and move to live in a much worse, more dangerous neighborhood.

  Filled with all kinds of criminals, skilled women, pimps, and what have you, it was hell, but of course it was heaven for some.

  Anderson carried the three boxes into the house, he went straight to the couch and sat down, his wife circling around the boxes, "What's in there?"

  His brain exploded in the face of his wife's rambling interrogation, "Stuff the factory uses to offset payroll, maybe if you go out now and ask the neighbors if anyone needs it, it's a better option than giving me a headache here, don't you think?"

  The two of them stared at each other for a few moments, and instead of leaving the room, Mrs. Anderson began to clean up in silence, going around with a rag.

  In fact, Mrs. Anderson had already cleaned the house before Anderson returned, and for most full-time housewives, there were only so many things left to do besides serving their children and husbands.

  Watching TV, talking to the neighbors, cleaning, and, in some cases, cheating.

  Whenever Mrs. Anderson's mood reached critical mass, she would begin her chores, doing them in silence, as if she were cut off from the world and would not be disturbed by the outside world until her mood returned to normal.

  Anderson sat on the sofa and watched Mrs. Anderson go back into the "state", his head hurt even more, he felt like a victim of cold violence, look at this woman who has no one else in her life!

  He actually did not like Mrs. Anderson very much, they got married, living together is just the need of life, this is the sadness of ordinary people, reality will never give way to the ideal.

  The rich, the privileged class was the opposite, only with them was there a suitable soil for ideals and romance to grow.

  Anderson patted his head and left the house, he needed to get out for a while and think about what to do next month.

  He hadn't been out of the house long when a young man smiled and handed him a flyer.

  Normally, Anderson would have turned it into a paper airplane or a ball of scrap paper and thrown it in the trash.

  But right now he was in the middle of anxiety and needed to do something to take his mind off it, so he turned his attention to the flyer.

  "GET NOW, payable immediately!"

  "Whoever can give you thirty or fifty dollars is your friend!"

  "Those who can give you three or five hundred dollars are your relatives!"

  "The only one who can give you three and a half thousand, three and a half thousand dollars is us!"

"GET NOW, instant payment, GET, NOW!"

A promotional flyer for a finance company, just about to throw it away, Anderson suddenly froze, maybe these people could solve his problems!

  In no time, Anderson arrived at the address on the flyer with three cardboard boxes, it was on the edge of Sabine's downtown district, which was completely different from the other finance companies that were almost on the outskirts of the city, and gave Anderson some inexplicable psychological recognition.

  There were a lot of people there, which also gave him a feeling of an unprecedented atmosphere, even worse than in earlier years when social development was not as bad as it is now.

  In the past, though poor, though economically underdeveloped, everyone lived a full life, unlike now, at least in the past he did not have to think about losing his job.

  He looked at the rows of contract tables under the open sky in the distance, and then at the various mortgages piled up like mountains to the side, and sighed softly.

  "You have to pay attention to the market dynamics of the whole city and the neighboring cities, you can't just be too rigid ..."

  At that moment, Lynch was talking to Mr. Fox, his son, and two of his men about the appraisal.

  Valuation is not a very casual, simple and easy job, it is a very complicated job.

  Those contracts that Lynch had taken to the bank earlier had been valued by the bank at a little over three million, but in Mr. Fox's case they were valued at closer to four million, which meant that Mr. Fox's overflow could potentially become a huge risk to himself - it didn't really exist.

  Still, this wrong approach could lead to a multitude of problems, such as getting less and less money when lending with the agreement, and in order to get more and more money for himself, Lynch would have to show them how to value it correctly.

  "Sabine doesn't have a specialized consulting firm, so you'll have to do this content yourself, of course if you can't do it right but are willing to spend the money, I can help you." He said and couldn't help but smile a little, he always wanted to put on his brightest smile whenever he met a generous gold owner.

  "We need to find out what's stalling, what's easy to take off the market, what's suitable to lower the price and what's suitable to raise the price accordingly, it's a learning curve!"

  He looked around and suddenly pointed in Anderson's direction, "Look at that man ...", the eyes of the four people next to him immediately followed Lynch's pointing, "He brought three of the same things at once and they still look new.

  "I bet these things were either stolen by him or someone else is settling the debt against him, so we can cut the price a little more accordingly."

  "As for how to find out the price of this thing, ...," Lynch took out a piece of paper with more than a dozen phone numbers on it, "Here are the phone numbers of the top channelers in Sabine, as long as they can be bought legally in the Sabine market, you can check the price with them."

  "Call for quotes, you can even ask about recent sales of these things and give these guys a lower price."

  "That way, you'll get the largest denomination of agreement sheets for the least amount of money, and I'll be able to raise more money for you!"

  Mr. Fox's eyes began to light up, and he felt that the best decision of his life had been to give Lynch the chance to speak - it was the first time they'd met, and Mr. Fox had thought Lynch was a guy sent by someone else to get himself into trouble.

  But he was generous and magnanimous enough to give Lynch a chance to speak, which led to the rest of their partnership and the transformation of GET NOW Finance.

  Now that the finance company was changing more and more and faster, he used to think about bringing Lynch into the business, but now he didn't think so.

  These days, he had done the math: if all the principal and interest were collected, along with the collateral that was automatically forfeited, his wealth could reach as much as ten million dollars in two or three months!

  Just before, it had taken him almost half a lifetime to earn about two million of his family's wealth, and now it was only a few months.

  He couldn't possibly share such a large amount of money with Lynch, so giving him a small service fee would be quite a lot, at least one or two million dollars.

  Young people should know how to be satisfied, Lynch was very good at that.

  He looked at Lynch with increasing satisfaction and finally looked at his son, "You should learn more from Lynch's friend, don't fool around with these women all day, understand?"

  This made Mr. Fox's son a little embarrassed, but he nodded anyway.

  Lynch was like a magician in their eyes, a magician who could do money magic!


  Suddenly I realized that what we needed most was an imaginative class representative.

  Actually, that poster slapping Anderson in the face at the end of the last chapter has a lot of deeper allusions.

  First of all, it doesn't just literally mean that every day is a new day, which I think is a very one-sided translation. In the context of the times, the phrase should be translated as "every day is full of new hope," which is more in keeping with the times.

  The words on the poster essentially represent the blind optimism of the underclass about the future, even after a year or two of market weakness.

  This is partly of their own making, and partly the result of the demands of the upper class on the lower class. For example, the upper class has been saying that although the market is weak, the financial market is still going up.

  The fact that the poster was blown away by the wind meant that a storm was coming, and it also meant that something could not be covered up, and that the upper class was about to lose control over the lower class, at least on the surface.

  Some problems are about to surface.

  The poster hit the face, representing the ideal defeated by reality in turn slapped the optimistic people hard, and the conflict between the two ends of the society thus began to heat up.


  So we lack a good class representative!!!!