
The Way You Look

A Story Of How the Priestess Kagome and the Mighty Lord Sesshomaru Fell in Love.

AKEN0X · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


Mature warning

The night was becoming passionate with me and Lord Sesshomaru. Our tongues danced against each other, wanting more and more. His kisses became rougher and rougher as the night went on. My clothes were shredded the moment he moved away from my mouth. His mouth moved from my lips to my breast. His tongue swirled around my nipple as he cupped the other. The level of my screams intensified significantly. His tongue swirled around my breast for a while until he went lower. The night became more and more heated and intense. My voice and screams filled the halls all night. 

In The Morning

As I lay on the bed, wrapped around a soft futon blanket, I turned my head to the left, noticing Lord Sesshomaru's absence. Like a blazing fire, the morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room. I slowly stood up, feeling a slight pain in my neck. The pain was a subtle reminder of the previous night's activities, but it couldn't diminish the peace and contentment that filled me as I took in my surroundings.

The room was simple yet elegant, furnished with traditional Japanese décor. The walls were adorned with delicate paintings of cherry blossoms, and the floor was covered in soft tatami mats. A small arrangement of fresh flowers rested on a low table in the center of the room.

I approached the window and looked out at the garden beyond. The gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of the trees, creating a soothing symphony of sound. The sun's rays danced upon the surface of a small pond, making it sparkle and gleam. It was a beautiful sight, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to experience it.

Turning away from the window, I wore new clothes and went to the study chamber. Lord Sesshomaru was already seated, his long silver hair falling over his shoulders. His eyes were closed, and he appeared to be in deep meditation. I sat quietly for a few moments, observing him. His face was serene and peaceful, and an aura of power emanated from him.

After a while, Lord Sesshomaru opened his eyes and looked at me. His gaze was intense, but it was also filled with warmth and kindness.

"You are awake," he said in his deep, resonant voice.

"Yes, my lord," I replied, respectfully bowing.

We sat silently for a few more moments, enjoying each other's company. Then, Lord Sesshomaru spoke again.

"Get ready to leave, Miko. We must return to the village. His voice, cold and commanding, cut through the peaceful silence of our chamber. As he rose from his seat, his form turned away from mine, and he strode towards his bed chambers with purpose.

A profound love swelled within me as I watched him depart. My heart fluttered, recalling the tender moments we had shared the night before. But I knew it was time to put aside such thoughts and prepare for our journey. With a gentle shake, I banished the reverie and gathered myself.

The journey to the village would be long and arduous, but I was determined to make the best of it. I had always longed to explore the towns beyond the castle walls, to experience the simple life of the common folk. And now, with Lord Sesshomaru by my side, I knew this adventure would be unforgettable.

Under the cover of dawn's gentle light, Lord Sesshomaru and I set out for the village, our footsteps silent and deliberate. We had a long and arduous journey ahead of us, and as the afternoon sun descended, weariness crept into my bones. Each step seemed to weigh me down, but a relentless spirit propelled me forward, fueled by the unwavering presence of Lord Sesshomaru.

Despite the physical toll, the pain in my neck persisted, a constant reminder of the unique bond I shared with the noble demon. I reached to touch the sensitive spot, murmuring a soft "Iss, ouch." Little did I expect Lord Sesshomaru to address it so directly.

"Miko, does it trouble you, bearing my mark upon your neck?" His voice cut through the tranquil air, a mixture of concern and curiosity.

His words sent a shiver down my spine, stirring both trepidation and a profound connection. I had long pondered the significance of the mark, a visible symbol of the extraordinary circumstances that had brought us together. At that moment, I realized that it was not merely a physical imprint but a profound spiritual connection that transcended the boundaries of the mundane world.

With a newfound understanding, I turned to face Lord Sesshomaru. His golden eyes held a depth of emotion that I had never seen before.

"Lord Sesshomaru," I whispered, "It doesn't bother me. It just hurts."

A flicker of surprise crossed his face, followed by a subtle softening of his features.

"Hn," he replied, his voice deep and rumbling. We continued our journey to the village, the sun slowly sinking below the horizon. By sunset, we arrived in the town, and I was weary but filled with a sense of contentment at being back home.

As I walk towards my hut, I notice Sesshomaru preparing to leave. "Sesshomaru, stay," I softly implore. I bat my eyelashes playfully, hoping it will sway the stoic lord.

"Miko, that won't work on me," he whispers, his lips slightly smirking. I smile, knowing my attempt has not gone unnoticed.

"But you're here, aren't you?" I retort teasingly. "I would say otherwise."

Sesshomaru follows me to my hut, his presence a comforting weight by my side. As we enter, I can't help but feel a sense of peace and belonging. This is my home, and it is where I belong.

I turn to Sesshomaru, and our eyes lock. In that moment, everything else fades away. We are just the two of us in this tiny hut, surrounded by the village sounds. 

 As I approached the majestic figure of Lord Sesshomaru, I jumped onto him, wrapping my legs and arms around him. I aggressively kissed him, and he returned the favor by kissing me back. He pushed our bodies to the wall, kissing me rough. It was only a few times that we broke the kiss, panting. Our make-out session was hotter than it was back at the Western castle. His mouth found its way down my neck to my breasts. I wasn't capable of keeping my voice down. "Miko," Sesshomaru began, his golden eyes narrowing, "I suggest you keep your volume down, as your companions might hear." 

He made his way to my lower region, sucking it harshly and rough. My moans muffled as I placed my hand over my mouth. 

As the Moonlight approached, our night was filled with sounds and heat, a magical fusion of the senses that transported us to tranquility and wonder. It was a moment to be savored, a timeless interlude where time stood still and the beauty of the night enveloped us completely. Round after round, position after position, I've ascended to new heights of exhilaration. A sense of euphoria washes over me, surpassing any previous experience. It's as if each moment is a symphony of triumph, composed with precision and executed with finesse. With every move, I feel a surge of energy coursing through my veins, propelling me forward with renewed vigor and determination. A crescendo of emotions builds within me, reaching a climax that leaves me breathless. It's a feeling that transcends words, a state of pure ecstasy that can only be experienced, not described.

In the Morning

After a whirlwind night, I lay on the futon, my body aching and my mind abuzz with thoughts. The memories of the previous night flitted through my consciousness like fireflies, illuminating the darkness. A smile tugged at my lips as I recalled the tender moments I had shared with the enigmatic Lord Sesshomaru.

With a sigh, I reached for a new set of clothes, wondering why he had an uncanny ability to destroy my garments every time. Draped in fresh attire, I stepped out of my hut, embracing the beauty of the morning. The gentle fragrance of dew mingled with the rising sun's warmth while the melodious chirping of birds filled the air.

My footsteps carried me toward Sango's hut, and I was driven by an urgent need to share the previous night's events. I longed to recount every detail, every whispered word, and every stolen glance, seeking her understanding and counsel. As I approached, the anticipation intensified, and my heart pounded with excitement and trepidation.

The journey to Sango's hut unfolded like a tapestry of lush scenery. The vibrant hues of flowers danced in the sunlight, and the rustling leaves of the trees seemed to whisper secrets to the wind. With each step, the weight of the previous night's experiences gradually gave way to a sense of wonder and anticipation.

As I drew closer, the aroma of freshly brewed tea wafted through the air, evoking a sense of comfort and familiarity. I paused momentarily, savoring the moment's tranquility before finally walking through the sliding doors. 

"Sango! Good morning to you!" I announced, my voice filled with excitement and anticipation.

Sango's face lit up with a warm smile as she turned to me. "Kagome, good morning to you too. When did you get here?" she replied, her voice as melodic as ever.

"I arrived last night with Lord Sesshomaru," I answered, feeling a slight blush creep onto my cheeks. "But besides that, I need to tell you something."

Sango's eyes widened with curiosity. "Okay..." she answered, her voice laced with intrigue. I sensed she was eager to hear what I had to say.

I hushedly explained our nights together to Sango, including the unexpected passion and deep connection between Lord Sesshomaru and me. As I spoke, I felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement coursing through me.

Sango listened intently, her eyes never leaving mine. She seemed captivated by my story, and I could sense the understanding and compassion in her gaze.

Sango's calm voice cuts through the air, tinged with disbelief and astonishment. Her eyes widen in surprise as she stares at Kagome. "Kagome!" she exclaims, her voice barely above a whisper. "You did that last night?"

Kagome's face flushes a deep crimson as embarrassment washes over her. 

 "Yes, I know. It's very un-priestesslike of me," I reply with a wry smile. I understand that, but I couldn't help myself. Being a priestess doesn't mean I must be perfect or devoid of human emotions. Sometimes, I need to let loose and have a little fun.

 With a heavy heart, I summoned the courage to reveal a peculiar mark that had appeared on my neck, a symbol that held a profound connection to my fate.

As I hesitantly pulled down the collar of my robe, exposing the faint, shimmering mark on my skin, Sango's eyes widened in surprise. Her lips parted slightly, and her gaze was filled with concern and understanding.

"Kagome," she spoke softly, her voice laced with a quiet intensity, "if I were you, I wouldn't show that around Inuyasha. He might get jealous and start something."

Her words struck me like lightning, jolting me out of my reverie. Inuyasha, the half-demon with whom I shared a complex and tumultuous bond, was known for his volatile temper and deep-seated insecurities. The thought of him reacting adversely to the mark on my neck filled me with a mix of trepidation and sorrow.

Sango, sensing my inner turmoil, reached out and placed a comforting hand on mine. Her warm and steady touch provided a much-needed solace amidst the swirling emotions.

"Kagome," she continued, "Inuyasha cares for you deeply, but his past and his nature as a half-demon often cloud his judgment. If he were to see that mark, it might trigger his insecurities and lead to a confrontation."

With a heavy sigh, I nodded in understanding. Sango's warning poignantly reminded me of the challenges in my relationship with Inuyasha. It reminded me that, while powerful and transformative.

"Sango, I don't understand," Kagome said, her voice laced with frustration and vulnerability. "One day, Lord Sesshomaru seems to care for me deeply, and the next, it's as if I'm a stranger to him. Am I taking things too fast? Am I expecting too much?"

Sango's eyes held a knowing glint as she responded, "Kagome, Lord Sesshomaru grew up in a world of solitude and isolation. His heart was hardened by the harsh realities he faced. It is not easy for him to express his emotions openly."

Kagome's heart sank as she realized the depth of Sesshomaru's emotional struggles. She had always admired his strength and independence, but now she understood that a soul longing for connection lay behind that stoic facade.

"But what can I do, Sango?" Kagome asked, her voice trembling.

Sango's lips curved into a gentle smile as she replied, "Kagome, the best thing you can do is to be patient and understanding. Lord Sesshomaru is a proud and independent demon. He will not be swayed by force or manipulation. The only way to reach his heart is through genuine love and compassion."

 I nodded in agreement and continued the rest of my day assisting Sango around the village, my heart eagerly anticipating my subsequent encounter with the demon Lord Sesshomaru. I knew our subsequent encounter would be a magical fusion of destiny and desire. As the days passed, the anticipation grew stronger, fueling my thoughts and dreams. Sesshomaru's presence haunted my mind, his piercing gaze and enigmatic demeanor captivating my imagination. I yearned to be in his presence again, to explore the depths of our connection and discover the mysteries within. The more I thought about him, the more my heart yearned for his touch, voice, and embrace warmth.

Finally, the day arrived. As I stood before the sacred shrine, my heart pounded with anticipation. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp air and the scent of incense. When I opened my eyes, I saw Sesshomaru standing before me, his presence as captivating as ever.

In that moment, time stood still. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only Sesshomaru and me. His piercing gaze met mine, and I felt a surge of electricity course through my body. It was a moment that would forever define my life and shape my destiny in ways I could never have imagined.