
07- Adorable


As school ends we all decide to meet directly at the rink, I reach home and go up to my room to change my outfit and brush my hair.

I wear a cute sundress, because why not.

I pair it with white converse, I keep my hair open but keep a scrunchie with me.

I spray my perfume and I'm ready to go, it's currently 3, so I leave right away.

I reach the skating rink after 20 mins, so I'm on time, and everyone's already here.

Arcane looks really handsome though, with a black shirt, so simple yet drool-worthy.

I park my car next to the Range Rover, again. I guess it's one of the guys' car.

I take my phone, and get out, as I'm out Cain hugs me and I hug back.

"You're here" he smiles

"How could I miss an opportunity to see you fall on your ass," I say smugly

"Of course," he says as he takes my hand and we go inside.

We reach inside and it's cold.

maybe I should've taken a jacket,

we head to the counter and I peek over to see the rink and it's surprisingly.. empty?

I smile brightly, "there's no one except us"

"It's your lucky day then," Arcane says with a small smirk,

only then do I notice that it's just us, everyone went further towards the counter to get their shoes.

"It must be," I say brightly,

it's the people I'm scared of, not the place. No people no problem

"Fucking adorable" he mutters, I don't think he wanted me to hear it, but I do

"Thank you," I say smiling and looking anywhere but him

"Come on let's go then, you're yet to make me jealous of your skills," he says and I just laugh.

We walk towards the counter, as the guy at the counter gets us the shoes, the other guy keeps staring at me, feeling uncomfortable I cross my arms and stare back at him.

My fear always disappears when I'm pissed

Maybe I should just stay pissed

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear Arcane go over to that guy, grab his collar, and pull him forward

"Look at her again and it'll just be the last thing you look at" he snarls, he looks scary but I feel giddy because he had my back.

The guy quickly scrambles as we finally get our shoes, we go to the bench and sit, I look over to find James and Cain falling together, I giggle lightly at how cute they are.

I shift my head to my side and find Arc looking at me, I tilt my head,

"what's up" I say

It's like my words broke him out of a daze, he shakes his head and wears his shoes, while I wear mine.

We reach the rink and finally step in, it takes me a second but my feet stop shaking, I start slowly, my going around doing a simple twirl and laughing, I look back to find Arcane smiling at me.

"What are you looking at loser, come on now, or are you scared," I say with a slight smirk as he launches towards me at full speed and I skate away as fast as I can.

I giggle as I skate from him, others look at us like we're crazy, prolly because we're amazing at skating and they suck.

jelly jelly

As I finally think I won I feel hands go around my waist and I'm suddenly lifted off my feet.

I squeal as I tilt my head back only to find Arcane smiling, a small smile while his eyes sparkle,

"Got you" he says slowly as he twirls me around and I giggle lightly.

He is definitely good at skating and maybe weightlifting too?

He puts me down as we hear shutter sounds going off, we look over to our friends, only to find Owen Mia AND Cain clicking pictures of us, I laugh as Arcane let's go off me and puts me down.

I'll ask them to send it to me

We all skate for an hour or so when we decide that we're tired enough, and we decide to go over to my place to chill and watch a movie.

We all get in our cars and drive to my home, after getting home, I usher them all to the living room as I go to the kitchen to get cans of coke, as I hand them all a can I ask,

"let's just order pizza, how does that sound?" they all nod, before I could say anything else Arcane pulls his phone out and asks us our preferences, and orders it.

"what are we watching then?" Cain asks seated next to James, while Mia and Kai are next to each other, and Owen on the floor in front of the couch while Arcane is next to me.

"let's watch a horror movie," Kai says as Mia quickly disagrees, we finally decide on watching a sad movie and I go and get some tissues and hand them out, Owen and James look at me weirdly, and I shrug.

I'm a crybaby.

10 mins after the movie started our pizza arrives, Arcane went and got it.

Sugar daddy?

no, PIZZA daddy.

Time flies and soon the movie ends, as expected I'm crying my eyes out, my legs are crossed in the butterfly position while my face is in my hands, I keep crying as Arcane rubs my back slowly.

Mia, Cain, and Owen are also crying,

We're all a mess

"I'm going to be in a trauma for the upcoming 2 weeks until I end up eventually forgetting this movie" I sigh as I rub my eyes with a tissue.

"It's just so sad when you love someone and there's no forever," Owen says lightly as Mia cries more and Cain mutters a low yes.

I look over to Owen to find him with his head down, so I bend forward a bit and rub his back, like Arcane's rubbing mine,

I look at Arcane only to find his gaze fixated on me, he smiles slightly as he wipes a remaining tear from my face, and I smile back.

"It's getting late so we'll be leaving now, we had fun today," James says as he gets up and pulls Owen up with him, Cain hugs him whispering something in his ear, as I walk them to the driveway.

They all go out leaving me and Arcane, as we're getting out too, I notice him looking a bit tense, so I hold his hand to stop him, he turns and looks at me with a confused look, I leave his hand and open my arms motioning him for a hug, as he stands there frozen.

He doesn't feel like a stranger to me, is that possible?

Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?

I sigh and move forward getting on my toes, wrapping my hands around his neck, I feel him tense, so I begin to pull away but he hugs back, his head on my shoulder as he sighs.

"I don't know what you're going through but you'll be fine," I say as I run my hand through his hair, I feel him tighten his grip as we hear a door open so he finally lets go of me, but his eyes are still fixed on me.

He bends down and places a kiss on my cheek as he whispers a thankyou.

I blush and smile as we finally walk out and find Owen standing there with a stupid smile, I laugh as I look at him.

They all leave soon and I'm left alone with my thoughts.
