
9. The Ride Back Home


We said goodbye to everyone before we got into my car. And I really can't explain the delight I was feeling, seeing her sitting beside me. Because..........

I was astonished when she asked Sam to drop her off at the campus.

"Hey Sam, why don't you drop me off at the campus?"

Sam smiled like he was asked the million dollar question to which he knew the answer to. His smile was making me angry. I wanted to wipe that smile off of his face.

He answered with a big smirk on his face "Why not, My Lady?" and winked at her. She blushed red before clearing her throat.

"But I thought, David was going to drop you home." He asked with a smirk on his face. God! How I wanted to strangle him to death.

"Ya, but we decided it because we thought you were coming with your girlfriend but she didn't come. So, as she isn't here, you can drop me off right?"

"Oo! I see. Hmm...... Ya, she didn't come and I'm free too, to drop you off. But, as I know, David is also free. Why not go with him?"

I exactly know what he is doing. He is playing her and trying to make me angry by his absurd questions.

"God! Why do you have so many question? Will you stop asking?" She huffed and continued "He stays far from the campus but you don't. And today, we all are tired. So, I just wanted to make it easy for everyone."

"Oo! Really? Very thoughtful of you." He said with a genuine smile.

I was about to say her something before Peter cut me off "Sam, you are not free today. Did you forget I needed your help back at my place?"

He probably stepped in seeing me fuming and nearly losing it. I was really a minute away from pouncing on him.

"Really? Then how don't I remember it?" Sam asked him. I can see how Rose was stifling her laugh and Meghan had no expression on her face.

"Because you are a forgetful bastard. So, Laney, I think, it would be good if David sends you off. You know, we'll both tire him off." No doubt, why I prefer Peter over Sam. Peter is someone who knows how to turn the table. I really admire him for that. And Sam, even though he is my best friend like Peter but he really pisses me off sometimes.

Laney looked between Peter and Sam for a minute and said in a sorry tone "ya, that's actually right. And, I think you should drive Meghan instead of me." I don't know whether it is right time or not to suggest him this but his facial expression changed instantly which made Laney take a deep breath and she continued.

"Uhh..... I mean Peter and Rose definitely want to have some time for themselves, right?" She looked at Peter and Rose for help. On the other hand Peter and Rose both were having fun by seeing her in such situation.

"Ya, actually. I want to ride back home with Peter only. And I want to have some "Private Discussion" with him." She said private discussion making inverted comas by her fingers.

"And what exactly does this private fucking discussion is about that you want Meghan to ride home with me?" Sam asked totally astounded by their little play. And it's very clear he has already figured it out and was not ready to play along.

" Hmm......... To me, It sounds like, I'm gonna have fun." Peter said kissing her cheek. Gross! They both really should stop it. And anyways, who am I to say when I want to do the same with Laney.

"Oh ya, It will. And I exactly know how that private fucking discussion works out. Shoving your tongue right her throat, isn't it?" Sam said shoving his middle finger right on their face. It's really fun to see their little drama.

Rose went tomato red before going cold and giving him a cold glare which I know effects very well on him.

"ASSHOLE" she curses rarely like she did now but she is good nonetheless. It made me laugh out loud like a crazy person. And on other hand Meghan was fuming and her eyes were blazing like fire.

"Will you shut the fuck up, stop discussing it like I don't exist here. No one needs to drive me home. I have got my fucking legs to walk home. And I also have my fucking purse on me which is loaded. I can definitely get a fucking cab to ride back home. So, stop it." She was walking away, which made Sam to run after her and I know, I don't have to worry about her because she has him.

Rose and Peter said their goodbyes as they went off. I helped Laney get in the car. I got in as well. As I was about to reverse my car from the driveway, I saw her looking far away with so much worry in her eyes.

"You should stop pushing them together."

She was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she didn't hear me. So, I cleared my throat to gain her attention and it worked. She got startled and turned to look at me. Her eyes were out of life, the shine and the light which I love the most in her eyes, were gone. As if she was thinking about something which bothered her a lot.

"Pardon? Did you say something?" She asked me changing her expression instantly, as if I would find out her secret.

"Err..... I said, you should stop pushing them together. It's not gonna work."

"Why? Why do you think so?"

I know, why Sam doesn't want to disclose his feelings to Meghan but it's not my story to tell. He should be the one, not me. I had no words to tell. She took my silence as disagreement which made her furious enough to blow off. But she calmed herself before continuing.

"I asked, WHY? I think they are good for each other and I don't want Meghan to hurt when I know, she is not in wrong." I was astounded by her words which made me ask in return.

"How do you know, she is not in wrong? How do you know, that she is not making a fool of herself by hanging on to him?" I was really curious to know.

"I can see, how Sam looks at her. How he gets angry when any other man tries to flirt with her, how he smiles when she smiles. There are many other things. Love is not the one that can be hidden from others. We can see and feel it vividly."

I was totally dumbfounded. She is quite an observer. I really don't have words. A few minutes later, she spoke up "so, don't have any words to continue the argument, do you?"

"Ya, really I don't. You won, I accept defeat."

She squealed in excitement as if she won the million dollars cheque as a winner.

The whole ride was silent. She fell asleep soon after our short bickering. She was sound asleep when we reach the campus. It was time to say our goodbyes for today. But I was not ready to say her goodbye yet. So, I sat their staring at her beautiful face which was filled with calmness. As if she was in another world void of sorrow.

I inched a bit closer to make out the fine details of her beautiful face. She was really beautiful with thick eye lashes and full and kissable lips. Which made it more hard for me to control my growing desire. She stirred a bit in her sleep which made her hair spread out on her beautiful face. I slowly tucked her hair behind her ear without waking her up.

It was the first time that I was feeling this desired for someone. She makes my heart race whenever she is near. I want to kiss her so bad that I'm going crazy with desire. I want to feel her soft lips against mine. I want to explore that little mouth of hers which drives me fucking nuts.

My control was wearing away slowly. My desire was so strong, that it was winning over my weak control. I inched more towards her. Our nose was almost touching and I was about to kiss her when her eyes opened slowly and when she found me so close to her, she got startled and her eyes widened in shock. I instantly backed away from her.

"I was just trying to............... err I was trying to wake you up. We are here. I'm sorry for....... that."

She was looking at me with her widened eyes like my words had no effect on her. But she calmed down a bit later. She cleared her throat as if something big was stuck in her throat which made her uncomfortable to speak.

"I'm sorry to bother you and thanks for dropping me off. I'll... get going then."

"Ya, sure. It was not a bother to me. Get a good night sleep. Bye."

"You too and drive safely. Bye."

She got off the car and started towards her dormitory without looking back. I pulled away my car as soon as she got inside the dormitory.

It was a blissful day which I spent with my friends after a long time. But the most intriguing person who made it more graceful was her. And I was looking forward for many other days to come like this. Her thoughts took my mind off from everything else.


I rushed inside my dorm room and locked the door before falling face forward on bed. He was so close, just like my dream, a dream where he inches closer and kisses me. First slowly but it grows passionate by every kiss. The thought itself made me blush. I sat up straight on my bed and smacked myself "Oh god, how can I even think about this? RIDICULOUS!"

The thoughts made me so bothered and worked up that I was totally huffing to clear my mind up. I chugged a glass of water to restrain myself. But it was of no use. So, I changed into my running clothes to go for a run. It has become one of my habit, whenever I'm hot - headed, worked up or tensed about something, I always go for a run to calm myself.

I left my room in minutes. The climate was cold and breezy but it was bearable which brought a small smile on my face.

I plugged my earbuds into my ears. I had taken my i-pod before leaving my room. Which consists many of my favourite songs. I played one of my most favourite "Cheap Thrills" which is sung by Sia.

This song always boosts up my energy to run at a great speed. Like a passing wind "woosh". Not to mention my dampen mood which always gets boosted up by this song. I ran almost 60 laps around the campus. I was worn out of energy and my messed up mind was almost clear. So, now, I only wanted to go back to my room and fall asleep after a good hot shower. I dragged myself towards my dormitory and into my dorm room.

It was almost mid night. No wonder, why the campus felt so deserted. I quickly took a good hot shower and tucked myself in the blanket on my bed before falling sound asleep.

I only hoped to see him in my dreams. Not the cold - hearted one but the one I was falling for. Whose smile mesmerized me like his smile did.