
10. Those Mesmerizing Eyes


I woke up to the loud and annoying sound of my alarm. I wanted to skip my lectures, so badly, today. But I rubbed the sleep off my eyes and got out off my bed. I did some simple stretching and got into the shower. It was already freezing cold, out there but the dream I had, made me so hot and bothered that a cold shower seems like a good idea. While showering, I remembered the dream I had today.


I haven't had this dream for a long time but why am I dreaming of it again?

I still remember how I came to meet those eyes. They were mesmerizing.

I was an outcast in my school for being an orphan. I was humiliated and bullied for only one and one reason and that was being an orphan.

I never understood their obsession over me being an orphan. It always bothered me. But I learnt it, a hard way to be quite and let time take it's course. Fighting back, only made things worse. It was already worse for me and I didn't wanted it to be the worst.

That day was the same as well. I, getting humiliated and bullied. It was hard, so hard to not fight back. But I remembered the first time I fought back, I went back home with busted lips and bruised face, which was painful as hell. So, I suppressed my will to fight back and endured their bullies and humiliation. By the time, the bell rang, indicating the end of break, I was smeared with yolk, flour and some kind of stinky liquid which made me stink like hell.

Everyone enjoyed the show, like watching some reality show on television for fun. No one had the guts to stand up against these creepy sociopaths. I believe, they wanted to keep out of danger. As I passed through the classrooms, everyone fake gagged, as if they would throw up right then. I ran to the restroom and locked the door behind me. I cried my eyes out until there were no tears left to shed. I stood up from the cold floor and walked up to the mirror.

I looked so messed up. I cleaned myself up and changed into a pair of black jean and causal white t-shirt. My swollen eyes were proving my despair. Nothing can help me, hide those swollen eyes. To give myself a boost of confidence, I applied the coral lip tint and ran my hand through my hair to get it straightened out, only to get disappointed a bit later.

After giving myself a pep talk, I walked to the door. If only I had known what was about to come, I wouldn't have opened the door. As soon as, I opened the door something sticky and stinky plopped on me form above. My whole make over and all those pep talk went down the drain. Each and every student who had gathered to see the show, were laughing their ass out. I, somehow, managed to clean my face but changing into different clothes was out of the option because the clothes I wore before this chaos was the only outfit I had in my locker.

I tried to clean it well with tears flowing out of my eyes uncontrollably. As I was on it, the "Queen Bitch" of our school, dragged me out of the restroom by my hair. It was painful, it felt like my scalp was about to come off my skull. I tried to get away from her hold but her hold was too strong to even move without feeling the pain.

"You, bitch. What do you think you are doing?"

I was quiet for her to keep going. But me being quiet made her irritated. She hurled me back by my hair with force. I screamed in agony and pain. My tears kept flowing on it's on accord. I begged her to let me go. I don't know how, I annoyed her today, to be so cruel on me. My begging only piqued her interest more. She slapped me and punched me right on my guts like I was her punching bag, I was exhausted. I wanted all these to get over and have a good sleep. She was punching me, slapping me, calling me names. She was getting irritated by my lack of response to her actions. So, she punched me hard this time which made me tumble back. My back hit a strong wall and I started to fall down when a pair of arms held me up and close to it's body. I was not able to see the person who held me up from falling but I was sure it's a boy with a fine body. I was so exhausted and out of my content that I was only able to see his beautiful eyes, which was worthy to be drowned in, before passing out.

I woke up a week later. They said I was heavily injured because of which I had concussion. I tried to find the guy with mesmerizing eyes but he was no where to be found. But everything changed after that day. I was treated with respect and the best part was I was left alone for good. I didn't know what happened and what made those "Bitches" stop from bullying me. But I know it was him who helped me out of it. I was grateful to him and wanted to thank him. But I didn't find him anywhere. It was like he just vanished into thin air.

I used to often dream of those eyes. I thought, it might be because, I was thinking too much about him. Slowly, I stopped dreaming of it and it was ages until yesterday, I dreamt of it, again.

A slight knock on the door brought me back to reality. I dried myself off and got ready before unlocking the door and sauntering out of the restroom. As soon as I was out, Rose ran to the restroom, crying with relief.

After doing her business, she came out yelling about me being a brat or something.

"What were you doing in there? Dozing off or what? I was about to shit my pants."

I chuckled and apologized for making her wait. She gathered her books and was about to walk off the door when she stopped and asked "Are you coming or not?"

I thought for a while and said her to go without me. Rose being Rose, asked whether I was okay. "You look like a total mess. Like you haven't slept for ages."

"Had a bad night." I said with a shrug.

"Are you okay? Is something bothering you? Hmm...... You can tell me if you want. I'll hear you out." She looked considerate but I knew better than to spill my beans.

"I'm okay. You go ahead or you'll miss the class too. Go now. I'm fine." I pushed her out of the room and closed the door, even before she could say something. I wanted to have a quiet day today. So, I decided to take a trip to the library. I have heard that our campus has the biggest library with as many books we can imagine. I liked reading books. The verse "Books are the best Companions" sets perfect with me who had no friends. Whenever I was alone and wanted a company I used to read. And today, I'm yearning for that company who won't judge me. Who would help me with it's own way to comfort me. With this yearning I walked to the library.

As soon as, I entered, the smell of books hit my senses and made me smile with glee. I started to saunter around in search of something which would catch my attention. I came around the section of romance. Romance is the only genre which I prefer to read. Because it always works it's wonders to help me forget my sorrows for a bit and comfort me. As expected, It has many books. So, I looked through it to find something which would help me forget everything for a while. And my eyes stopped at the book named "After". I remember reading this book before. And it had really worked it's wonder then. It's a perfect book to drown myself in and forget about my worries.

I remembered how the male protagonist "Hardin" and female protagonist "Tessa" loved each other through good and bad times. How they became each other's strong rock despite having their own problems, differences and demons to fight. How "Hardin" became strong at last after losing his hope again and again. It's a perfect book to gain some confidence and courage as well as to boost up my mood. Absolutely perfect!

How I wished then, to have someone like "Hardin" who would become my strong rock. He would be with me, even if I'm not good enough for him. Who would love me more than anyone else. And I still wish, if I had someone like him.

I checked the author to confirm if I had the right book or not. I was delighted to see "Anna Todd" written in small size. I took all the 5 volumes of it and sat down on the floor near the window and between the shelves. My nose was deep inside the book when I felt someone sit beside me. I looked up startled to find those mesmerizing eyes from my dreams looking down at me with amusement.

"OH MY GOD! David, you scared the hell out of me. Can't you make some noise to indicate that you are here?" I said huffing and panting from the sudden rush of fear in my mind.

"Hi there. And what? Make a noise, huh?" He said sarcastically and was suppressing his will to laugh loud desperately.

His sarcastic ways of putting things and his silent laugh was getting to me so I asked "What? What's so funny to laugh?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry but, literally, I called you twice and you didn't respond. I think, you were too lost in the book to hear." He said smiling genuinely at me. Really, was I that engrossed in the book to not hear? Maybe.

"Umm....... Sorry. I think, I was too engrossed in it." I said hesitantly.

"So, what are you reading? Something I know?" He asked to make me feel less uncomfortable. And it was working.

"After!" I said excitedly. He was looking at me as if I had grown horns on my head.

"What's with that funny expression? As if I was describing some shit which was out of this universe." He was looking at me for a bit. Opened his mouth to say something and closed it again, thinking better of it. He was doing the same thing like a fish, opening and closing his mouth for minutes now. When I, eventually, turned my focus in the book thinking, he had nothing to say, he asked.

"Is it a romance genre?"

"Hmm..... Ya. Why?" Sometimes I think, he should have been named after the book "50 Shades Of Grey", he is so much expressive that sometimes I get confuse figuring out his expressions. Lord! Forbid me, from choking him to death. He continued even before I can pounce on him.

"Nothing. Just, didn't take you as a romance lover. I mean, I have never seen you speaking about those boring romantic movies. You always talk about thriller or action movies. So,-"

I cut him off "So, you thought, I'm someone who doesn't prefer romantic things. Actually, I don't prefer romantic movies but I love reading it."

"Is that so?"

"Uhh... Yes. It is. It's like, I'm diving in the depths of imaginary world, which is full of hope and love. It has obstacles and difficulties on the path ahead of us but it's so easy to slove it and get rid of all the worries and enjoy the wonders of this imaginary world."

"So, how imaginative are we talking about?"

I can see the amusement in his eyes, as if he had found a new way to look at it. I smiled thinking of his question "As imaginative as you can be."

"Ooh! I see. It sounds interesting. I mean, I never thought of it in this way."


He was looking at me intently and was starting to feel uncomfortable under his scrutinizing eyes. I was squirming uncomfortably. He had that evil smirk of his, on that devil of a face of his. As if he knew how his scrutinizing eyes were affecting me.

"No, never. So, tell me something about the book you are reading."

"What do you want to know? I can tell you the whole story without missing a thing. I love to tell others about the book I love. So, it just a piece of cake. But, I would prefer you to read it instead listening me tell about it."

"You sound like someone who knows the story already."

"Probably, I have read it before. It's a wonderful love story of two people who were beyond repair and how they became the healing potion for each other."

"If you have read it before why are you reading it again." He made a boring face to indicate that he would have gotten bored if he read it again.

"For fun." I said with a shrug.

"That's a weird way to have fun." He said making a strange face. I laughed out loud on his expression. He muffled my voice by his hand pressed tightly on my mouth.

"Shh! You are gonna disturb others. Don't laugh loudly, okay." He said and was looking at me intently to obey. He was dangerously close to me, I'm sure if I inched a bit closer, I would be able to taste his wonderful lips which looked soft and kissable. I nodded my head in acceptance. He removed his hand from over my mouth being relieved. I was coughing a bit from exhaustion as well as the way his closeness bothered me. He gained my attention by pushing a bottle of water towards me. I chugged all the water down from the bottle. I turned a bit to thank him for water but as my eyes locked with him, I forgot everything.

Those eyes of his. It was green with hint of gold. The same ones which I dreamt of. But something didn't seem right. I mean how can I not remember meeting with such a hot man. And the eyes I saw when I was young, were like an open book. But his eyes are cold apart from the tender way he is looking at me. It seemed to have a shield up to hide his tender side from being discovered. As if it was hard for him to open up, the same like me.

We may be different from each other or may be from different worlds, may be he's out of my league but we are same when it comes to opening up and open our hearts to others. We both are afraid of getting hurt. We both are afraid that if we open up, the history may repeat itself. And we both don't want that.

It piqued my curiosity to know him better. I want to see him smile like he is smiling down at me now with warmth filled his eyes. Is it safe to open up to someone who is suffering like me? Because I want to know what he is suffering through and be there for him. Like I want him here for me to be by my side.

No one has ever bothered me this much as he does. He was too close for me to even breath. As if he was confiding his thoughts through his actions. My breath hitched as he inched a bit closer to a point where our lips were almost brushing. I don't know how long we were like that staring and waiting for the other to make a move and to give the green signal. I bit my lower lip hard enough to draw blood in nervousness. He looked at my lips and stroke my upper lips with his thumb which made me ease down a bit and loosen the death grip that I had over my lower lips. It gave him an opportunity to stroke my lower lips as well. I was getting hot and bothered by his touch. I can feel the heat rise up to my face. And feel the lust rise rapidly. It was the first that I was getting this intimate to someone. It felt as if I would lose my mind if he kept touching like this.

In a dash, his lips were on mine. It was soft as I had thought. It felt like a dream. He was stroking my lower lips by his tongue for my permission. It felt magical. He knew what he was doing. He did that again and again until I was lost in his kisses. And as I permitted him, his tongue entered and explored every nook and corner of my mouth sweeping and sucking. It felt as if I was floating. We were so into it that we didn't notice someone's presence until a loud noise of something crashing down brought us back to reality.


Author's Note

I'm sorry, my dear readers for not getting connected with you earlier. I hope you are enjoying David's and Laney's story.

what do you think about Laney's suffering and the kiss they shared?

Let me know through your comments. I would be waiting, desperately, to know your thoughts and opinion.

please rate it and comment it to your heart's content.

Love you all.

J. Sammy