
5. Through Your Eyes To My Soul


It was the Monday morning again. I have already spent a whole week, working, attending lectures and studying and I'm really enjoying it. I never thought it would be this fun. I know, it sounds hectic and tiring. But it helps me to be strong and energetic. Life was never easy for me and I like it that way.

I woke up at the loud sound of my alarm and saw it was 5:15. I turned off the alarm because I don't wanted to disturb my new roommate. She stirred a bit but she was snoring again in minutes. No doubt, she was a tight sleeper.

Her name is Rose Carter. She moved in yesterday in the morning. I was shocked to find out, that I would be sharing the room with such a beautiful person. She is as beautiful as her name. And I liked her in an instant. I was uncomfortable at first but the way she spoke to me made me comfortable. We spent the morning talking and knowing each other. She wanted me to introduce to her friends in the evening. I was thankful for her sweet gesture. Because she looks like, she comes from a rich family. No other person in her shoes would have made a friend like me, neither would have introduced me to her friends as well. But she was doing all that. And her kind nature made me love her more. So, I made sure once again that she was sleeping before I rushed out of my bed to get ready.

I got ready in 20 twenty minutes and I saw myself in the full - length mirror. I looked beautiful in my black skinny jeans and a white crop top with the words "Let The Beauty Rock" on it.

I gave a once-over to myself and then left the room. It was almost 6. So, I walked hurriedly to get to the cafe on time.

I felt happier and free than before. Which made me happy. Everyday was a new and pleasant day to me. And, today was a pleasant day too with new challenges, which I was ready to face with a happy smile on my face.


I woke up by 8 in the morning. It was a pleasant day for a run. But my mind was too messed up and tired to go for a run and get tired physically. It was hard not to think about the last 2 days. First the disastrous dinner of Saturday and second my father's wried confession yesterday. Both the things are messing with my head.

Yesterday's whole morning and afternoon went in a blur. But the evening is something, I remember too clearly. I clearly remember how my father confessed that he never opposed but supported me in everything with his whole heart. It confused me a bit because as I remember, I have always seen him obey gramps's orders and made me obey too. He said me that he wants me to do something which I really love in life. And the word that I have never heard from him, I heard it yesterday for the first time. He said with tears in his eyes that he was "proud" of me.

I had never imagined my father would say that he is proud of me. And he also said that he is proud because I was brave to speak my mind out, to stand up against my gramps for my rights which he never did and neither he has the courage to do it in future. But he said he has enough courage to support me.

I still don't understand how he is supporting me. But then it clicked to me that gramps is someone who has the capability to stop me playing but yet here I was playing for 6 years against his opposition. He would have crushed anyone who coached me or put me in the previous matches. But nothing like that has ever happened because my dad was helping me from behind the scene. Really! I am so grateful to God that he has blessed me with such a great parents. I really love them. I was almost on the verge of tears. Somehow I controlled myself and rushed out of my bed.

I went to the gym which was built in our house itself. It was as magnificent as the whole house was. It had various equipments. I got it as a B'day gift when I turned 17.

I worked out for an hour and was heading towards my room to wash up and get ready for college, when my phone started ringing. I took it out from my pocket and saw that it was Peter. I answered the call after the 5th ring.

As soon as, I picked up the call I heard Peter's sister, Meghan's loud grumpy voice "WHY NOT?". I held the phone away from my ear to save it from any further damage. A minute later I heard him saying "sorry for that, dude. You know, how she can be sometimes."

I chuckled and said "I know, man. I know, it's hard for you to handle her anymore but why was she grumpy this early in the morning?".

"Don't even ask. She wants me to give her a ride to college. But I don't want too. She will play that shitty game to know who Sam is dating. God, I'm getting fed up of them." He said getting more irritated.

"Oh my, You are the messenger for them both, isn't it?" I said trying hard to suppress the laughter. But I was not able to suppress it when he shouted like a girl "Oh stop it." I laughed harder.

As I was trying to catch my breath, he said "Let's meet in the cafe near the University campus at sharp 9."

"Okay." I said and teased him a bit before hanging up the call. It was 8 and I had half an hour to get ready. So, I took my precious time to get ready and left the house at sharp 8:30.

I reached the cafe which Peter had mentioned in 15 minutes. I waited for 5 minutes when Peter parked his car beside mine. He gave me a bro hug and I side hugged his girlfriend, Rose. That's when, Meghan got off the car and jumped off to me hugging me tightly and almost chocking me to death. I tapped her arms to indicate her that she was choking me.

She got off me and said cheerfully "I'm so happy to see you, David."

"Ya, I know, you are happy too see me. That's why you were chocking me to death, isn't it?" I asked sarcastically.

"It's my love for you, bro." She said in a childish voice. She will never change. She always talks like this when she wants to be spared by us. And we always spare her. I love her like my own little sister. And it is fun to see her being childish." Okay, okay. You can stop being cheesy now." I said and she did a happy dance.

I turned towards Peter and asked "where is Sam?". "He said, he'll meet us in the campus and he also said that he wanted to introduce someone to us." Peter replied. Meghan was busy talking to Rose about something but the last sentence caught her attention.

"What? Who? A girlfriend? Tell me, who it is?" Meghan asked shaking Peter, probably being worried.

"STOP! I. DON'T. KNOW. He never said me who it is. So, you have to wait,to know, who it is." He said being furious.

"OKAY." Meghan said shouting and walked off into the cafe. We followed her inside. She sat into an empty table by the window. Rose excused herself, probably to order for us. She was someone who knew everything about our likes. So, no need to tell her what we want, she will probably order the right things.

I have never been into this cafe. But it's cozy and spacious in here.

I have heard it makes the best coffee. I was busy looking out the interior of this cozy cafe when my eyes landed on a beautiful girl behind the cash counter who was talking to Rose with a big smile on her face. I was intrigued by her smile. Her eyes were sapphire blue. And her hair was dark brown with a hint of gold to it which she was wearing in a ponytail.

They were interrupted by a middle-aged women, who told her to take a break, maybe, because after a while she came to our table with Rose.

And Rose introduced her as Laney. Everyone introduced themselves and when I introduced myself to her, her eyes widened a bit. But she masked her expression before anyone can see it.

I questioned myself about it. But her expression was quite weird because she was someone I have never met before. Then I thought she might have heard rumors about me.

She was having a bagel sandwich and a mocha with double cream. I was staring at her while sipping my black coffee. She was really beautiful in a way which was unexplainable. Peter nudged me with his foot under the table which diverted my attention from her face.

I turned towards Peter and mouthed him "What?". He took out his phone and typed out something. A minute later my phone buzzed in my pocket, I took it out and there was a message from Peter.

I unlocked my phone and opened his text which said "Why are you staring at her intently? You are scaring her dude." I replied him with capital letters "I WAS NOT, FUCKWIT."

He chuckled under his breath and kept quite. The girls were speaking. As the time passed, I came to know that she was from our university. And was a literature major student. It made me happy that I will be able to see her in between classes or may in the campus.

I caught her staring at me in between. I didn't like the way she was staring at me. It was like she was seeing through me into my soul. Like she was able to see how messed up I was. It was like she was trying to believe the thing she was seeing in the depth of my soul. I wanted to stop myself from glancing at her in between the talk we had. But I wasn't able too. Is this what first sight love like? Am I in love?

Oh God, Her beauty is fucking with my head. Because I know, there is no way I can fall for anyone again. There is no way I can love someone. I promised myself that I would never love again, NEVER.

I am not in love, right?

I can't be.



I was engrossed in my work when I heard a familiar voice "Laney ?". I saw up to see who it was, I was happy to see that it was Rose.

"Hey, Rose." I greeted her.

"I never thought I would meet you here. What a pleasant surprise?" She said being amused. " So, you work here?".

"Yes. So,tell what can I get you?" I asked her.

"Hmm, 2 Black coffees, a Latte, an Americano and 2 Ham Burgers." She said.

I repeated the order to Mrs. Blake and helped her to make the coffees because today her son "Jason" was not here to help us. As I was filling the plates to hand her, her order. Mrs. Blake came to us and asked "Is she your friend?".

"Yes, she is. And she is my roommate too." I said her excitedly.

"Oh my, that's good for you. Why don't you join her? You will have to leave in some time. So before leaving have your breakfast with her." She said.

"Ya, that's a good idea." She said cheerfully.

"No, Mrs. Blake. I'm ok, let me help you. It will be hard on you." I said immediately. "And she is here with her friends. I don't think it's a good idea." I said continuing ahead.

"Oh, come on, Laney. I really want to introduce you to them." She said and continued "They will be really happy to meet you. Come on, please." She pleaded.

I looked at Mrs. Blake she was already filling the plate with my favorite sandwiches and coffee. She handed the tray to me and gestured to follow Rose. I did as I was said.

She took me to the table which was occupied by her 3 friends. She introduced me to her boyfriend first whose name was Peter. And then she introduced me to the girl who was sitting by the window. Her name was Meghan. And she was Peter's younger sister and then I was introduced to the most handsome man on the table. His name was David, David Lamberton.

His name sounded familiar but I didn't remember where had I heard it. I racked my brain and then I knew where I heard his name, obviously in the campus. I heard some girls gossiping about how handsome and rich he is. And how he lives up to his look. And how he was the most famous person as a "Quarterback" of our college football team.

As I realized who he was my eyes widened in shock. He got confused first by seeing my expression but something crossed in his eyes as if he realized what I was thinking. I overcame the shock before anyone else can see it.

But I was quite mesmerized by his flawless look. He had green eyes with a hint of gold to it. He had a kissable lips. His hair was black. He had a strong jaw and he was fair. I have never seen such a handsome person before. I was, like, drooling over him. I slapped myself mentally to snap myself out of the spell his beauty has casted.

It was so hard to not look at him. A man with such looks will obviously live up to it. I thought to myself. I caught him staring at me more than once. It was hard not to look into his beautiful eyes enough it made me feel naked. Like, he knew what is in the depth of my soul. It was like he knew the things, I desperately wanted to hide from everyone.

But I felt comfortable in his presence. Even though he was staring me down, I felt comforted. I don't know whether he is a magician or not. But I feel something has changed after I met. People may think I have gone crazy after hearing this. But it doesn't change the truth. I feel like he can see my soul , into my soul through my eyes.

Is it, possible?

I want to know myself.