
The Way to Protect You

A Man by the name of Haru was send back to the past which is scientifically impossible. this time he will save himself from the mistakes he had done to himself in order to save his and other's futures

Senpai_Desu · Fantasy
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14 Chs

I'm Back and Changed (2)

A man came in 2 days later, they're talking with Mark I guess it's time for me to prepare for the discovery of my being a Hollow I don't need to worry though. Since Mark will surely protect me.

"Hello young lad"

Mark introduced me to the guy and I just sat there, it's quite hard for me to stand since my legs are just practically flesh and bones due to the fact that I was malnourished, I let out a sigh was I five when all of this is happening?

"I need to get a blood sample, don't worry it wont hurt one bit"

He pricked my finger which of course it sting but it's not that bad, he took a sample of my blood before leaving, oh well, this might expose that I am a Hollow. though I'm pretty confident I wont get exposed since Mark will definitely protect this fact.

Hah... I should've really treated Mark and Snow better in my past life. Surely this time I fixed about 4 things. The first meeting in which I should've acted hostile changed to me being docile. The one in the car in which it should've crashed which is I am sure it was my fault. The one in this house in Which I absolutely trashed eating their food RAW. and the Last one in which is the the government official probably who took a blood sample to put in the census, thank god I didn't act violently.

"wa-" urgh.. my throat hurts, I can't speak what's up with that

"Nhh" again, I don't think this is a coincidence right now.

ah... I think I know the cause, I got reminded of that Entity in which before I seemingly died.

I looked around the bed, I'm in the guest room. I looked at the drawer beside the bed and opened the first drawer box I can open grabbing anything that I can write with and anything I could write with.

writing about.... writing about.... I placed the items back wondering why I'm in a rush. Then it hit me, I can't even write it down. That's where I knew nobody except me would know about this, I guess as a compensation for that was my memory of the ridden past and a new found power that I'm about to found yet.

"this is tiring to think about, 'Chk' hm? I looked at the door and Snow with a bowl of soup is coming to me


that sweet innocent voice makes me feel guilty of what I remember for all the things.. the-

"we don't know what will happen from now on..."

that surprised me, what does she mean?

"can you speak yet or...?"

I shake my head and thinking about it, that Entity doesn't want me to speak or mention itself I need to know how far that is.

Snow starts feeding me, to be honest this is starting to get embarrassing but I just sighed and opened my mouth obediently

"well, papa always told me to be good at school, if you ever have a hard time at Math this big sis will help you!"

look at that, I'm not even registered yet and she already considered me family, and oh you poor child Snow I know you're annoyed at Math. but if I remember probably she went to Med school, so this time that probably won't change.


It's been two months I guess now at least I can run around without falling over. Doing chores is one of my things since It was forced to me that this family-

"Haru dinner is ready!"

I went ahead to the dinner table. and I guess since I've been always paying attention now that I've seen 3 large plates for Mark and 2 plates for snow, all of those stacked with steak. Yeah this Family consists of Super humans. I Forgot on how much they ate.

but oh well Mark makes the best Steak


I looked at Mark that called me it seems like that he has an announcement to make

"since you can't talk well, sign language is your last choice isn't?"

Ah yes, After I was registered to the Census and registered as a Ferdell, they tried giving me a voice box, its connected directly in my head. but it still didn't work. That entity completely took my voice. but sign language can display what I wanted to say.

I gave a thumbs up to that for Mark saying I will learn it

"good because three months ago I studied Sign language used here in the western continent"


for three months? you manage to learn another type of communication by three months? well I guess it is possible

"I learned both Western and Eastern sign languages"

I just gave a look of confusion

"western and eastern countries"

yeah Super humans alright