
The way it rained

They called her a dreamer ,she was a queen who reincarnated and lost memories of her past life meanwhile he is Lord of Blades who killed himself so that he can take rebirth and find her again , he remembered everything , he made her fall in love again if you are a person who likes fantasy with cheesiness,salt , spice and sugar than this is for you

Ash_5303 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter -2


Another day started

He was thinking about how they met so early

But still, he was smiling

There was another thing to be worried about

His father King Markus entered the room and said - next time don't put your life in danger to save someone else

Lawliet - isn't it what we have to do

King Markus - more people could have saved her.

It's not always you

Meanwhile, lawliet was thinking

I've been abused... shaded blood more than any normal human can ever shed in this reality...the most times when I sought the bright side that will bring me to an unexpected paradise!... I've always worshipped the angles spin and beautiful spirits....but they never did me any good...till the end, death was the only thing that brought me back to life again....yet I've died so many times....yet death wasn't the one whom I ever loved or sought for but....sometimes it calls me into its shadows asks for presence...in my whole life no one or nothing wanted me....but Death was the first thing that wanted me....so how can he expect me to act like I am weak and normal

Still, he answered

I will do whatever it takes to save my kingdom and her

King Markus - don't you tell me you got love at first sight with her

Lawliet - yes I did

King Markus - then you must get ready

I and her father King Vaikansia are going to hunt ghosts and spirits at Valkai's grave

You must join too

Make sure you don't die

Lawliet - not until I kill you

Queen Antonia - this is not the way you answer your father

King Markus - nevermind he is a young boy

Let's go

They took horses and reached

Princess Hairaeth was also found to be there

King Markus - I thought it was unusual for princesses to handle a magical bow and hunt

King Vakansia - nah, you never know

King Markus - then let's leave the kids alone

Hairaeth bowed gracefully

They started walking and saw many layers of bushes

Then they walked through the last layer of bushes and to a small house. She stopped. "What are all these graves for?" lawliet turned back to her. He barely even noticed them anymore it had been so long. "Oh... don't ask. By the way, can I borrow your war hammer?" She reluctantly handed it to Lawliet and he grabbed the tombstone marked with her name and walked out a few paces. He set the stone on the ground and smashed it with one hefty swing from the hammer. "W- why did that have my name in it?" he looked back at her. "I still respect those I assassinate. I'm an assassin and a prince, not a monster." he tossed her the hammer like it was nothing. She caught it and they walked inside. "Is that what all those graves are?" he pulled open a drawer and grabbed out his sword, polishing it and handing her.

Turned back before she smashed that sword at his neck. "Most, yeah. She never has 'failed' a job before so I guess I get nervous." She shuddered. He pushed her with a single finger

Her heart was beating faster than usual

He started walking towards her

She was literary going to cry

Then he said, "Since when did you become so weak ?". Hairaeth took that sword and then both fought a fight then of sudden a wild bore came which was going to put horns inside Lawliet's stomach but Hairaeth killed that bore with a bow

Then they heard the song of Kai the magician's arrival

They were talking about the queen who sacrificed herself for the kingdom of Hringkalla and saved this world from the darkness of lewith

Lawliet thought it a good chance to make her remember he said do you know about the queen of the Hringkalla?

Hairaeth said - I never heard so much of her still I remember her as a goddess who is worshipped and I even remember her being single

Lawleit laughed - she wasn't a goddess but yes she was equal to a goddess and she had a relation

She was a warrior

Let me tell you her story

It was dark when it all happened. The cover of darkness had concealed them well, but it had done its job too well. Her enemy followed her tactics. They were no match. the queen died that day amid battle, her hands gripping her sword tightly, her features twisted in agony and determination. The prince who was going to be King of Hringkalla soon stood beside her after the enemy won the land they had been feuding over for centuries. She looked almost peaceful. She would have looked like she was merely sleeping if it wasn't for the scarlet stain ever growing on her silver and black silk cape. Prince bowed his head in despair, short brown strands blocking his vision. She had died doing the right thing. Prince pulled his leather cloak tighter against the onslaught of rain and wind, frozen to the core. "Someone make a stretcher.

Bring her back to the castle." Four of the prince's guards sprang into action, searching for stray branches and rope, maybe leather left by fallen soldiers. He turned to the rest of his troop and locked eyes with his second commanding team. Her chocolate dark brown eyes burned with rage, hatred, and a look only he could determine. Love and sadness. "Move the wounded out. I will carry the dead."

Prince's words had a bite to them, and she nodded sharply and raised her hand, twirling her wrists. "Move out!"

His second in command pressed her foot into the fire

stirrup and threw herself over her dappled stallion. Men and women made their way back to the kingdom. he stayed to escort Her Majesty back for her burial, one he would now have to arrange.

They would be informed later that she had left a will, ordering the chief to take care of the rest

She died in the prince's arms

Prince was heartbroken but still didn't show emotion as she said "Promise me you will never cry " he would have to live with that knowledge and memory for the rest of his life so he thought to end himself and slashing his head with a sword

Your dad was chief

Hairaeth " She was so amazing "

Indeed she was answered lawliet

"Well I have a question how do you know about this so deeply? " asked Hairaeth

Lawliet answered "I have listened to it millions of times. Anyway I

Feel we should go "

The next thing he saw was she fainted
