
The way it rained

They called her a dreamer ,she was a queen who reincarnated and lost memories of her past life meanwhile he is Lord of Blades who killed himself so that he can take rebirth and find her again , he remembered everything , he made her fall in love again if you are a person who likes fantasy with cheesiness,salt , spice and sugar than this is for you

Ash_5303 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter -1

<p>___________________________________<br/>They call her The Dreamer. You know, she was just like you or me, but this world was not for her. Where most looked at the night and were frightened of its dark, she embraced it for its stars. She learned dances from the wind, learned how to breathe from the trees and learned symphonies from the rain. She looked at life like it was the most precious thing." "But why was she called the dreamer?"<br/><br/>"Because my dear, she saw the best in everything and fought to make it a reality. But it consumed her before she could see it. We call her the dreamer because, just like a dream, she was swept away before she could finish. Because she reminded us how to dream"<br/><br/>after leaving this world she took rebirth and intervened with snuggles of leaves<br/><br/>she was like nectar present in flowers<br/>and this journey is about her <br/>her name was Hairaeth<br/> <br/>likewise on the other end <br/> Dust <br/>Dust withered the pain of those people who were trying to survive the apocalypse.<br/>Dust which carried away her ashes of last birth <br/>Dust which was shining for the first time after that gaze of darkness<br/>It was crushed by warrior which played with fire and sang with rain <br/>Our dear Prince Lawliet <br/><br/>He was in pain after Hairaeth died as all he could remember was that she took her last breath in his arms <br/>and that he was so broken that he wasn't even able to shed tears <br/><br/>In pain, he did everything he could to find out about the Goddess of the afterlife <br/>Then he killed himself with a sword and reached there <br/>So this is what happened there <br/><br/>Goddess - open.your eyes young man. I already know what you want but there is something I want to tell.<br/>Lawliet - ok tell <br/>Goddess - you may be able to take rebirth and remember everything but she has forgotten everything which happened to her in her last life.<br/>I feel it would be equal to impossible to make her remember about you <br/>Lawliet - I don't care. Just tell me what I have to do <br/>Nothing is impossible for me I will make sure she remembers me and rises in love with me every day <br/>Goddess - an interesting person. Anyway did you say rises?<br/>Lawliet - yes rises <br/>It was not like another kind of love where the person falls in love <br/>We both roze in love we both made each other stronger <br/>Goddess - uh hu it's not important to tell me, child better be leaving <br/>What if u are late <br/>Lawliet - where would I find her?<br/>Goddess - just like how you found in this life <br/>But it would be hard to make her remember. You can still try those special moments which happened in this life <br/>Lawliet - we mostly fought battles and killed enemies<br/>Goddess - weren't you both enemies first then...?<br/>Lawliet - cough* cough * anyway <br/>Goddess - ok child enjoy <br/><br/><br/> 1 sec later <br/>Lawliet took birth at a king's home again but this time he already had his powers <br/>All he had to do was wait <br/>Wait for 19 years like before <br/> <br/>Whereas on the other hand hairaeth was born in the dark kingdom <br/><br/>She was getting powerful day by day <br/><br/>15 years later <br/>There was a festival where all kingdoms were invited <br/><br/>There both of their kingdoms were also invited <br/>Prince Lawliet was finding Hairaeth <br/><br/>Suddenly Some dragons attacked the city <br/>One death dragon was approaching Princess Hairaeth. there Prince Lawliet of hell took his blades and threw his blades towards the dragon <br/> <br/>He grabbed Hairaeth's waist and pushed her aside and killed the dragon. <br/>People started murmuring that "lord of Blades has arrived, now nothing can be wrong with them <br/>They started hailing his name <br/>Lord of Blades!<br/>Lord of Blades!<br/>Lord of Blades! <br/><br/>Hairaeth approached him cautiously as he drew his blade across the sharpening stone in front of the stall. "Thanks for saving my life well They call you the Lord of Blades?" She said quietly; her words mingling with the sounds of scraping metal and her footsteps. "Why?" The question had burned in her brain ever since she first heard the title. The mysterious figure continued to sharpen his blade. "I used to wonder that myself." He said, barely noticing her presence. "I've known many keen and noble swordsmen who have proven themselves far swifter and more bloodthirsty than I" Sparks flew off of his blade as he dragged it slowly across the stone. She continued walking towards him, her fear melting therein. After a moment, he turned to look directly at her. "Only I remain."<br/><br/>She thought she saw tears welling in his sullen eyes. He continued sharpening. "Then I realized something. Something that changed my perspective. Something that made me feel worthy of the title." She finally approached him, a mere few feet away. "You see it is one art to know when and how to take a life". He said, placing the stone on the ground, and looking at the blade. He moved suddenly, and with a flourish, she found the tip of his blade inches away from her throat. His gaze burned into her.<br/><br/>"It is another, entirely, to know how and when to spare one then suddenly he realized she is his Hairaeth <br/>Those same dark chocolate river eyes and whitish skin with red blush at cheeks and cupid bow lips <br/> <br/>He loved her once again <br/>He felt kissing her once again <br/>But he controlled his thoughts and continued that eye contact with her <br/>At last, she said "Please don't kill me right now <br/>I am not even 18 yet"<br/>He smirked <br/><br/>King Vaikansia - Hairaeth! Don't you know how to talk with the lord of Blades? <br/>Hairaeth - sorry dad <br/>King Vaikansia - never mind lord of blades <br/>Lord of Blades - there is no need to call me lord of Blades <br/>You can call me Lawliet, sir <br/>King Vaikansia - ok lawliet <br/>So see you soon <br/>King Markus - funny <br/>King Vaikansia - aye hai buddy <br/>So many years passed<br/>King Markus - I know right <br/>And your daughter has turned very beautiful too. Well I hope Lawliet didn't cause you much of a problem <br/>Sometimes he acts idiotic <br/>King Vaikansia - no no not at all <br/>He owes life to me <br/>He has also turned very dangerous <br/><br/>Meanwhile, lawliet and Hairaeth thinking about how they know each other <br/><br/>Then they heard a village poem by a child -<br/>Golden forest, magic's embrace,<br/>Sunlight weaves, a celestial<br/>trace.<br/>Majestic trees whisper secrets old,<br/>Creatures dance, legends<br/>unfold. Fairy wings flutter, and dreams take<br/>flight,<br/>Gilded streams sing, pure<br/>delight. Time suspended, serenity<br/>found,<br/>Nature's enchantment, a sacred<br/>ground. In this golden realm, of bliss we<br/>seek,<br/>Living a dream, mystical and<br/>sleek.<br/><br/>Everyone clapped <br/>And soon the time came to depart <br/><br/>King Vaikansia said "Meet you someday after Markus "<br/>King Markus "Same to you ansia <br/>King Vaikansia -" Oh please don't call me by that name in front of kids. <br/>Let's go Hairaeth "<br/>King Markus- this person never changes <br/>Let's go LORD OF BLADES <br/>I am sure your mum will shout at you for what you did <br/>___________________________________</p>