
The Way He Loves Me

Used to being pushed to the side by her boyfriend Lina meets someone who only has eyes for her. She embarks on an amazing relationship which showed her that she could love so hard and be loved with so much passion. But there’s drama and heartbreak looming over her perfect relationship.

Brokenwingsforever · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Life Is Unfair

We arrive at the doctor's office and we're greeted straight away.

"Laura!"Eva says grinning at her "How long has it been?"

"Eva! Too long, we need to catch up" They hug

"Lina, Charlotte this is Doctor Kaufman, my good friend" Eva says

"Nice to meet you both" she says with a large grin. "Nice to meet you too" Charlotte replies. At this point I couldn't even say a word, I was still in shock. The whole way here all I could think about was what this baby meant, how my life would change.

"Come, I have everything set up for you" We walk into the examination room, the lights were low, there's a bed in the middle with a monitor on the side along with chairs for guests.

"Please lay down and lift your top over you abdomen please" She says sitting down at the monitor. I lay down on the bed and watch as she turns on the screen and takes a bottle from the side.

"This will be slightly cold" she smiles at me. I gasps as she squeezes the clear gel onto me, it was cold. She places the ultrasound wand on the gel moving around my belly. The picture comes on, Charlotte and Eva were on the edge of their seats starring at the screen.

"Okay Lina, let's see what we have here. So this is your uterus" she points, I hear Eva gasp

"And here's your healthy baby" she smiles. I look at the screen in shock. It was just a tiny round blob

"Judging my the lining and size I would say you're about 2 months give or take" tears stream down my face.

"Are you sure?" my voice small

"I've been doing this for 26 years, I'm pretty sure darling" she smiles

"I will have some pictures printed for you, why don't I give you guys some privacy" she gets up


"Th-thank you"

"Thanks Laura" Eva says as Dr Kaufman leaves the room. Instantly Charlotte and Eva lean over the bed and hug me. I couldn't help but cry, which made them cry too.

"Darling, I want you to know that we will support with whatever you need and whatever you want to do. You are part of our family, you have always been ever since you met Charlotte, and this baby..."

"This baby will be loved and be happy" I say smiling at her. This was the piece of Simon I got to hold on to, a piece I'll get to love.

Dr Kaufman came back in and gave me an envelope with the scan pictures. I stared at them still unable to believe that me and Simon made this perfect little blob.

After leaving the Doctor's office I went home. Charlotte offered to stay over but I just wanted to be by myself. The doctor suggested I take things easy and reduce stress. I emailed my work straight away informing them that I wouldn't be able to carry the work load anymore. I was determined to keep my baby healthy and happy in my tummy. But one thing I couldn't change was the situation with Simon, I couldn't stop being heart broken, I couldn't stop worrying or thinking about him every minute of every day.

I was patiently waiting for the next time Simon contacted Charlotte or Eva to tell him. I know we weren't together but this could be his reason to ensure he made it back in one piece.

No one has been in contact with Simon for a whole month, his mom tried to contact him many times to tell him but in vain. She even contacted the base there but no luck. Because of this, it brought on so much stress, which caused me to pass out at work last week. Dr Kaufman told me that I need to be very careful as stress was really affecting the baby but how could I not be worried or stressed? We hadn't heard from him and we were all getting so anxious. Fear was all I felt lately, fear I'd never see him again, fear that he would never meet his child. I tried so hard but I was failing. I look at myself in the mirror I'm not even showing yet, you would never know I was pregnant. Instead of gaining weight I was losing weight, my pregnancy was just a rollercoaster of emotion.

I hear the door ring pulling me away from my thoughts. I quickly rush downstairs. I open the door, it's Eva and Charlotte they both look like they have been crying.

"Char?What's wrong?" I had already connected the dots in my head, tears were already forming in the corners of my eyes.

"Li" Charlotte hugs me "We have some news, can we come in?" I move to the side and they walk in. Eva takes my hand "Come sit down darling" she leads me to the couch and they sit either side of me.

"Major Reed came by the house and erm" Major Reed? she's the woman who came here before, I frown at Eva.

"Simon and half of his squad are MIA. They believe they might have been killed in action" she sobs.

"But there's hope" Charlotte takes my hand "They haven't found their bodies, which means there might be a chance" Although she was trying to give me hope to hold on to, the tears rolling down her cheeks and the look in her eyes said otherwise. I stand up with my hand over my tummy. I feel dizzy and hot. I couldn't breathe it's like all the air in the world was sucked out. Suddenly I feel I sharp pain in my tummy, I cry dropping to the floor.

"Lina!" Charlotte cries

My eyes started closing I couldn't keep them open anymore and their voices fading away

"Mom, what do I do?"

"Call an ambulance, we need to get her to a hospital right now"