
The Warrior Princesses Alpha

In a world of warring wolf and dragon clans, a seventeen-year-old princess is determined to reclaim her kingdom from the traitorous wolves who betrayed her family. As she gathers an army, she meets two very different men, a dragon prince and an eastern wolf king, both of whom declare their love for her. TORN between her duty to her kingdom and her growing feelings for them, the princess must decide who to trust before the fate of her entire kingdom rests on her shoulders. Ashina's heart hurt when she was sixteen and found the man who stated he was in love with her, balls deep into some dragoness. Even if Cadma had never cheated on her, their love was not meant to be. The young prince did not see it the same way Ashina did and was not letting go of her without a fight. Angry at her true-mate, Andor, who did not save himself for her, she decides saving the kingdom is more important than having a mate. Is it possible for her fated mate and her to be together? Ashina had made the decision that love would not be part of her life at that point. As Ashina's heart was broken at sixteen, she realized that it was time to build an army to reclaim her kingdom.

Kathy_Hoffman_7203 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Stuck In The Past

Ashina –

"How many men are holding her captive?" I asked.

"Two men one on either side of her, and one threw the child over his shoulders."

"Did their eyes glaze over in a mind link yet?"

"No, they haven't princess. I am wondering if they can mind link Malcolm, technically Malcolm is not a part of the royal pack, is he?"

"Okay, how many innocents are around you?"

"Princess, this is a remote area. I don't see anyone in our vicinity, would you like us to take them out?"

"Yes, take them out immediately. Then take the girl and her daughter to the headquarters and sneak them out through the tunnels. Knock out the three guards and take them to our home-made cells for prisoners in the tunnels. Have Jefferson interrogate them, that is what his specialty was in his pack."

"Okay! Got it Princess! Consider this done!"

I made my way to the royal end of the hallway. My heart hurt as I had long forgotten these hallways. I stood by a door fearful to step in, my hands slowly grip the doorknob. Fearful of what I might see.

My heart pounded in my chest as I walked into the past, I had blocked for so long from my mind. Tears rushed down my cheeks in waterfalls.

Walking in, I closed the door quietly and cautiously behind me. The room was the same way I left it. Walking to my barbie house I fell to the floor, picking up barbie, my mind rushes me to that day. My hidden memories break down the wall that hid them with a vicious return. This was my nightly nightmares one-hundred times the fear and sorrow effect on me. Hugging my barbie, I was laughing that day. I was so happy. Mommy would soon be home and we could play barbies, eat blueberry tarts, and tease daddy with spray guns of water, soaking daddy until he concedes.

Barbie was a black-haired Barbie like my mommy, Ken was a dark-haired barbie like my daddy. I dressed Ken up like my daddy in a suit, he loved my mommy so much, in her sun dress and sweaters that smelled like Sun flowers on a hot summer day.

My daddy smelled like the forest we so often hunted in having venison for dinner. My father hunted meat for my mother to show his dedication of love by the gifts he would give. My tears flowed down my cheeks; it had been a year since they had been home.

The maids were laughing in my bathroom adjoined to my little childhood suite. They were laughing excited that my parents would soon be home. One of the maids came in and would always play with me and my barbies. I love her so much, her name was Dolly I think, or maybe it was just a childhood nickname I called her. This maid was beautiful just like one of my dolls.

The door opened in a rush, it was my parents as my mother ran to me and hugged me like she would never again let me go. In dad's arms was a baby, he smiled and said, "Baby girl, look at the gift we brought home. He is our new baby; do you like him?" Nodding my head emphatically I ran to my father to hold on to the little guy's hands. "Is she a girl daddy? I would like a girl baby as a gift daddy." I make certain to use my puppy eyes as I pleaded my case.

My father chuckles, "Would a baby boy be alright, don't you want to be our only daughter that is a princess?"

Placing my finger in my chin in deep thought, I realized daddy was right. There couldn't be any other princess but me. Looking up with a big smile on my face I nodded, "Thank you so much daddy for bringing me home a baby boy as a gift." My dad hands over the baby to my mommy, and my mommy hands over the baby boy to my nanny who had just entered my room as well.

I jumped up into my daddy's arms that were so big and enveloped me to his chest, bringing in the forest smell. I nuzzled my nose deep into his chest hoping that my parents would never ever leave me again. It was almost time for bed. My parents took chairs in my room and told me stories of their adventures until I fell asleep. 

That night was the night of terror, the maid came running in, telling me we needed to head to the secret tunnels, she made it seem like a game. As we tip toed trying not to wake anyone up, a mean looking man, a monster in my nightly dreams cut off her ear, and my nanny picked me up and ran while my friend Dolly fought off the man, blood running down her face, soaking her night dress. Trying to scream a hand covered my mouth, "Ashina we need to get you out of here!" But the voice was still my maids, yet it is the nanny that is running me to the tunnels.

"Ashina! Come out of it! Now! What are you even doing here?"  Being shaken out of my trip to the past, I see an older maid shaking me with her hands over my mouth. I smell roses like what I used to smell when Dolly was around. How could this be?

Dolly –

"Your highness! Please look down so that Malcolm doesn't realize you are being min-linked. Feign a headache and get up here right away. Ashina is in her room help!" 

When I opened the door and saw Ashina wrapped up in a ball around her barbies crying her heart out. My heart had broken, we were hoping she was still alive, tears swelled up in my eyes to see how broken our little girl was in front of me.

I could tell Ashina was reliving that night, as she was hysterical, talking like if we were all there that night still. My body shivered as that night plagued my memories and nightmares until this day.

I could see Ashina about to scream, this is when I mind-linked her mother to come immediately. We had to get Ashina out of here. How was she even able to enter without Malcolms vampires recognizing her.

Then it dawned on me Ashina doesn't have any scent, not a wolf, human, or elemental royal. That is why they couldn't scent her. Her heartbeat is even masked, almost like she is a vampire herself. That can't be, hmmm maybe she had a witch help her.

The queen carefully opens the door while telling a guard to stay out, she is going to lay in her daughter's bed.

The queen's hand covers her mouth as she sees me rocking Ashina on the floor like a baby with her mother. The Queen quickly takes over, putting Ashina in her arms asking me to lock the door. I quickly locked the door, then sat on the bed watching the queen as she rocks Ashina like so many years ago.

As the Queen is rocking Ashina, we can hear a voice coming from Ashina. Almost like she is wearing an earpiece. While the queen is rocking Ashina, I take the earpiece out of Ashina's ear and put it in my own ear cavity.

A male voice is speaking urgently stating that Carol and her toddler had escaped. He wanted to know what he should do. Thinking to myself What is Ashina up to?"