
The Warrior Princesses Alpha

In a world of warring wolf and dragon clans, a seventeen-year-old princess is determined to reclaim her kingdom from the traitorous wolves who betrayed her family. As she gathers an army, she meets two very different men, a dragon prince and an eastern wolf king, both of whom declare their love for her. TORN between her duty to her kingdom and her growing feelings for them, the princess must decide who to trust before the fate of her entire kingdom rests on her shoulders. Ashina's heart hurt when she was sixteen and found the man who stated he was in love with her, balls deep into some dragoness. Even if Cadma had never cheated on her, their love was not meant to be. The young prince did not see it the same way Ashina did and was not letting go of her without a fight. Angry at her true-mate, Andor, who did not save himself for her, she decides saving the kingdom is more important than having a mate. Is it possible for her fated mate and her to be together? Ashina had made the decision that love would not be part of her life at that point. As Ashina's heart was broken at sixteen, she realized that it was time to build an army to reclaim her kingdom.

Kathy_Hoffman_7203 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Dean Meets Dahlia



"When did you say that Carol and the toddler had escaped? Do you mean the maid and her daughter?"


Dean –


"Who is this? Where is the princess?"


Dolly –


Sighing, I put the earpiece near Ashina's mouth so he could hear her mumbling and crying. As soon as I got the earpiece back in, I started speaking again.


"Ashina, as you can hear, isn't doing so well right now. I was and still am the royal family's personal maid, and her mother is tending to her right now. Ashina walked into the past as her room hadn't changed since that day, we rushed her out of there hoping she would make it to safety. We had no idea if she was still alive or not. Now who are you?"


Dean --


"How do I know I can trust you?"


Dolly –




I asked, flabbergasted that this idiot would even ask me that. Neither of us know the other and sometimes we just have to take a chance.


"How do I know you're trustworthy? I know about her crown birthmark and where it's on her body. This is the same spot as her mom's birthmark. Currently, her mother is taking care of her. What are Ashina and you up to? Because I have to get her out of here before the King finds out. He's going to kill her parents and then take her."


Dean –


"I'm on a mission with the princess. I'm Dean, and our Black bear clan volunteered to bring Malcolm down. Several bear shifters have been killed by him and eaten. There's no ignoring his existence anymore. He's sick as hell. The princess has created a resistance, and I'm just a soldier."




Dolly –


"I see." I wasn't certain what to say to that. Looking at the queen, I explained to her what was going on. The queen was better at understanding military rebellions than I would ever be. I wasn't even eighteen years old that night. I was saved by the queen, not letting Malcom kill me. She had some of his witches heal my ear. I have stuck by her side ever since that terrible night. Now I am almost thirty-years old and still have not found my mate. I chose not to escape into the tunnels that night. I could never leave the royals. They saved me as a child from a cruel orphanage that was in a small cruel pack. They enveloped me under their wings. I owe them my life.


"Hold on, the queen will talk to you, I will take over with Ashina." I went and got a wet wipe to sanitize the earpiece. Nothing that has been in someone else's ear should touch the queen's ear.


Once I had cleaned the earpiece, I handed it to the queen, switching places with her, rocking Ashina. Looking at Ashina, I knew she had a birthday recently; the queen and I celebrated her birthday hoping. Wherever Ashina ended up, she was happy that day.


Queen Amira –


"Hello, who am I speaking with? I am Ashina's mother." I realized that I sounded tired; I was no longer the dynamic queen I used to be. However, I was curious to learn how and why Ashina had arrived here in the first place. It is far too dangerous for her to be in this environment.


Dean —


"My name is Dean, and I'm a warrior that's part of a large gathering of shifters. Taking down Malcolm is Ashina's mission. We need to figure out what to do about the maid who escaped with her daughter. Does she pose a threat to our mission?"


Amira –


"There is a hidden basement in a house on the outskirts of the town. This is where we have an underground helping women and children to escape. This is probably where she is headed. My maid Dolly can meet you and show you where this is, but what can you do for my pack that is escaping?"




"Please bring Ashina out of this right away. She is a genius at warfare, yet she has never been to war. The princess has a longing to save her pack as well as all kinds of shifters. Please bring her back to all of us for the success of this mission."


Amira –


  "I will do what I can, like I said I will send Dolly, as she knows where the hideout is, and please get my pack to safety first and then I will help bring down Malcolm."


Dean –


"Alright, let me know when Ashina is back to herself. What does Dolly look like? So, I will walk up to the right person. Where shall we meet?"


Amira –


"There is a bakery in town, wear a baseball cap, should Malcolm or any of his soldiers see you. Tell the baker the queen sent you and to put you in ragged clothes. She will sit down at a table by herself carrying a red rose. She also has red hair tied up into a bun. She will be wearing a black maid's uniform with a black and white apron."




"I will make my way to the bakery. Please do not betray us as I do have men that are inside these gates."


Amira –


"How do I know that you will not betray me? Neither of us knows the other, yet we must trust one another for this to work." 


My Ashina grew up to build an army. I wonder what happened to my sister and her mate. I wonder how big the army is that she amassed. I can't leave my mate, the king has him hidden somewhere, and if I escape, he will kill my mate.


"I will send dolly to you now. By the way, her real name is Dahlia. My daughter when she was just a toddler nicknamed her Dolly. She will be on her way in about five-minutes."


"Alright, your highness, I will be awaiting Dahlia."


Dean –


In accordance with the queen's instructions, my men and I went to the bakery in town and found suitable outfits there. Making sure this wasn't an ambush, I placed my men around the shop. The queen and Dolly may not even know that I am the future king of bear shifters, since I lied to them. Therefore, you can imagine my surprise when a red-headed wolf shifter and a maid nonetheless came in, and she was my long-awaited mate. Breathing deeply, I knew my father would not approve. No matter what I do, I cannot have a wolf who is a lowly maid as my queen.


I watched her face look up at mine and our eyes met. Her mouth dropped open and she jumped up to leave. I walked over and stood in front of her.


"Come on, let's get the women and children to safety." Dahlia is quite beautiful, but I cannot have her as my queen, I just can't.