
The warm hearted : Once in a millennium

Katherine_Kare · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Reichel stood in front of the wardrobe.

It was divided into three sections . There were so many coats and suits of different colours hanged up at the section at left. At the middle section there were many towels and blankets. The right section was divided into two . At the upper part there were ties and at the lower part there were four pair of shoes which looked like unused.

It was like a rainbow. Each and every colour was there.

She moved her fingers throughout the wardrobe. The suits were smooth as feathers, ties were shiny and the shoes were made of pure leather.

'Hmm, he's got all the colours and brands.'

She had nothing to pack except for her phone. It was a proper phone and now it's glass was little broken at the sides.

She took it and then moved towards the door and opened it . The first thing she saw was a huge lawn.

It was inside the house. There was no roof on top of it which allowed sunlight to pass through. It created a feeling of relaxation in her.

Cat saw her enjoying it. "Isn't it beautiful? Red likes it a lot that's why he stays in the room right in front of it. "

Each time Reichel hears about Red her curiosity to know about him increases. But when once she asked about him to Cat, she didn't give a proper answer. So she decided not to ask anything about him but then she thought,

'I should know about about him then only I can find him and only he can give an explanation to what exactly happened to me. '

"Cat, from your words I don't think you want me to know who he is, but appart from his name and identity can you tell anything else about him? "

Cat looked towards her and asked "Why? "

"Nothing much, I was just curious to know about him" She said.

"Well from all these you would have understood that he is rich. And one thing that you should know is that he's not like what you see. I mean he appears very serious and dull but he's really gentle and warm from his heart. You won't even recognize him if you see him because his likes and looks are totally opposite" Cat laughed.

Reichel was well attendively hearing all these things. She wanted to ask more and find this guy.

"Looks like you are deeply interested in him...huh? " Cat asked.

"It's not like that. Just wanted to know, that's all" she replied.

Even thought she said that she was not, actually she was really interested in this guy. With each second her curiosity was growing more and more.


They reached the gate of house. Reichel turned to look at it as she was never going to come here again. It was so huge and vast that calling it a house was not appropriate instead, it should be called a mansion.

There were three cars parked at the left side of the mansion. Two black BMWs and one white Jaguar.

Outside the gate there was a huge writing on the right wall .


Cat : Do you what it means? It means...

Reichel : Red Mansion , right?

Cat : You know French?

Reichel : Used to study.

Cat : OK the. let's get going .

Cat started her bike. Reichel was a little uncomfortable on sitting on the bike with her gown, but she somehow managed.