
The warm hearted : Once in a millennium

Katherine_Kare · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Jerane : So what are you doing nowadays?

Reichel : I'm a journalist.

Jerane : That's pretty good.

Reichel : What about you Mr. Jerane? How's your work going?

"It's going fine " he said.

"Mr. Jerane....If I may ask... how do you know Cat? she curiously asked.

"Well she's my sister ?" Jerane replied.

'What? She's his sister. Really?'

"Oh is it? " she said surprisingly.

Suddenly something struck her mind.

"Mr. Jerane could you please tell me who's Red? "

She asked this because according to Cat someone called Red has brought her here, so she wanted to know about that person to find out what had happened to her yesterday night.

Hearing this his expression slightly changed. With this she understood that he didn't wanted to talk about that.

"He.... "

Suddenly his phone rang. He took his phone and she was sure it was the Black Diamond VIPN smartphone from his left pocket of the black pants he was wearing.

"Sorry Miss Reichel, gotta go" he said while keeping back his phone.

"Yeah sure, hope we will meet again " she made a warm smile on her face for him.

"We will" he assured and he walked towards the door. He paused for a moment and turned to look at her. Slowly shutting the door he left the room.

'I can't believe I met him. He's just amazing'

She smiled.

As she was sunk in her thoughts the door opens and Cat came inside "By tomorrow we can remove your bandages and plasters then I'll drive you to your home. Now take a good rest. "


Next day morning

"There you go. See? Your wounds have healed and I'm sure you can walk. Now get ready I'll drop you"

Cat exited the room so that Reichel can get ready for leaving.

She slowly placed left leg into the floor and then the right leg and tried to walk. It was no more paining. She was able to walk.

She went to the bathroom little far from the bed, it was then she understood how big the room was. When she was lying she didn't notice it because she wasn't in a condition to look at the beauty of the room. Slowly she entered the bathroom. It was really big. It was big as the room or even bigger. There was a mirror at the right corner, a hexagonal jacuzzi at the center, a bath tub at the left corner and a closet at the front left and there was lot of space between all these.

She was amazed to see such a big bathroom.

'This person Red is surely a rich guy. Looks like he loves bathing. '

She approached the mirror on the right corner. There she saw a variety of items. Shaving cream, hair gel, trimmer and everything a man uses was there in front of the mirror. She noticed that all these items were not in the market. It looked really expensive.

She then moved to have a bath in the shower and wore a small gown that Cat gave her earlier. It was a little tight but it was fine with her.

She came out of the bathroom observing the room. Giant windows through which sunlight passed reflecting on the white marble surface which was now a little warm . Maroon color curtains were tied on both sides of the windows. At the left of the door towards the corner there was a huge wardrobe. She wanted to look into it, but it is not nice to sneak into others wardrobe.

'But nobody is here then why not have sneak peak? '