
Mission Nr. 184

Location Marshall's Office

POV: Kyle's

''Zero. I have another mission for you, after seeing the success of the last one.'' I said to Zero in my office. ''Thank you, Marshall, I am not worthy of your praise.'' Zero replied sincerely. ''With Austria under our thumb, we can start declaring our alliance and a union between the two countries. Now while I will be busy in the Light it is time for your next mission in the dark.

Your target is Heinrich Himmler leader of the SS, the only Germany organisation under the Union's control, we have been able to suppress them through our power in the Wehrmacht, but to advance we need to get rid of this nuisance. You will have full power to get what you need and how you are going to achieve the goal, but keep this mission secret on the SS level, any leakage might ruin not only our plan but also our entire support of the Wehrmacht. Dismissed Zero.'' I ordered him, ''Yes Marshall, the Union shall taste defeat, I guarantee it.'' And with that said Zero sneaked out of the Motherbase through the secret passages that only I and 20 workers know about, sadly those 20 workers will not be able to speak of it.

'Defeat is not an option Zero, you must win!' worry clouded my thoughts.


Location: Secret Police HQ

POV: Zero's

I walk through the secret passage to finally arrive in another walkway, this is the HQ of the Secret Police, it consists of 3 rings and one central round room, the 3 rings layer horizontally around the circular room painting a sort of bullseye if looked from the top. The outer ring is where all secret passages connect to, while only two entrances exist to the 2nd ring, those 2 entrances are well hidden making invaders think this is just a walkway that connects these passages without knowing this is actually the HQ.

When one enters through one of the 2 entrances one arrives in the Sleeping quarters of the 28 agents, there will always be only 28 agents, Alpha until Zulu, Shadow and I. All of them do have an apprentice outside of the Organisation that will be trained and take their place if they die during a mission, everyone in the Secret police is of equal standing, only I is above them and above me is the Marshall.

The commander is below that of my position and is unaware of the Secret police's existence. But there are 29 rooms, the 24th room is actually the entrance to the next ring which can be accessed when one inserts their Knife which is actually specially engraved to be a key into the sinkhole, the bed will then collapse against the wall and a Tunnel will be revealed that will take the agent to the last ring before the circular room. The person exits into a square room only 1 meter by 1 meter, you have 10 seconds to put in your second dagger in to open the door, if one fails to do so then poisons gas will be released which causes instant death upon when breathing in and 1 minute when only in contact with the skin.

I easily passed the entrances and arrived in the inner ring, just before the council room. In the inner ring Is where all weapons are located and most secret R&D is held, The Marshall issues development and research of weapons he deems too dangerous to fall into enemy hands. or too dangerous to be made public. One of the most secret developments the Marshall has tasked the team down here with is something called STA, Even I do not know its contents.

I walk through the armoury, dumping and picking up weapons he deems suitable for the next mission already before walking to the only 'Official' Entrance to the Secret Police council, to enter it you have to do so in pairs, each Agent has to insert both 'keys' aka the Daggers into the 2 specified holes in front of them which in turn opens up the door to the Inner Council. Many Booby traps litter the rings and council, only to activate through a Signal button which is located at the desk of me and at the chair of the Marshall, (the later is unknown to the Secret Police or Zero, this is a failsafe for Kyle).

I entered the Council room together with agent Hotel, in which a roundtable was placed and a world map in the centre, on it were various symbols and items used by the secret police. ''Gentlemen, we have been tasked with another mission by the Marshall. Mission Number 184, This mission is this time classified as SS rank, the Highest any branch of the Organisation ever received the last highest was A rank and that was the replacing of the Austrian head of Government with a body double. So I want everyone to take it seriously.

The Marshall has given us free rein on how to accomplish this task, he only has one goal, the elimination of Unionist influences in Germany. To accomplish this we have to eliminate the SS more so the leader Heinrich Himmler. We shall start this meeting with the reports and afterwards make plans for researching our target and how we want to eliminate Unionist Influences. We shall start with Alpha and go all the way to Zulu. Shadow is currently continuing to infiltrate the higher levels of the Union so he will not be present the following weeks and cannot be counted on during our operation, most likely only for intelligence reports.'' I told them.

The Agents quickly and neatly gathered their documents out of their briefcases and put them on the table, Alpha stood up and reported, ''Our investigations in China has been unsuccessful as we have met Unionist Forces larger than expected, causing 28 Black hands to die and 67 to be injured, we have however completely destroyed their HQ causing an estimated 300 Unionist spies to have been killed, We couldn't recover any data however due to a fire started by the Union, seeing our casualties and our failure to gather any useful info I have deemed the Operation Dragon, aka Mission Nr. 167 to be a failure.'' Alpha reported before sitting down.

The other Agents were deep in thought, no one blamed him as the Union is almost everywhere, this site has occurred in 23 Missions already. Everyone just stayed silent waiting for the next report, Agent Bravo stood up and reported;'' We have infiltrated the Dutch east indies successfully, our casualties for finding the Unionist HQ, eliminating all outposts and building our base of operations is estimated to be 134 Black hands as some are still missing, 112 Million RM has been used. I deem Operation Oasis aka Nr. 132 to be successful!'' Everyone minds relaxed a tiny bit hearing a successful operation.

One by one the Agents report their successes or failures to me, from the 26 Operations only 10 were successful 10 were mutual destruction and 6 were a total failure. ''Okay people It is Time to start discussing operation Nr. 184, Code named; Operation Dust Angel, get a move on gentlemen!'' I ordered.

Hope you enjoy :)

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts