
HMS Dreadnought On the Move(Part II/II)

Time: 15 minutes until mission launch

Location: HMS Dreadnought

POV: Kyle's

'This will be the first step I'll take to War, this will be the spark that lights the fire, it won't be Germany, it won't be the Union, no I. I will personally start and end this war, these men place their trust in me, yet I feel like I betray them with this mission, the Union will know who did it eventually, and I do not think they'll sit and watch, time I do not have, if I let them finish the Obj. 289 we will be the one to suffer.

Rommel, Nova, Rudolf, Mackensen, Gunther, Manfred, Zero, Erwin, Adelger, everyone, why did they join? I am not charismatic, nor a powerful individual, when they were freed released they chose to follow me instead of going on their own, Rudolf has long since repaid his debt, Mackensen and Gunther do no own me anything, so why? If I win and leave to the next timeline I'll ask them, I want to know.' with that thought I entered the HMS Dreadnought, the Captain stood at the Entrance to salute me. ''Sir she is ready, all maintenance has been done and we are stocked on supplies.'' The captain reported to me, I nodded in response. Behind me were Nova and Rommel, we walk all the way up towards the CC on the HMS Dreadnought.

In it were Constantine(Zero), Gunther, Manfred and Rudolf. ''In the Marshall we trust!'' They saluted before seating down. ''This is The captain speaking we will depart in 15 minutes, please be prepared.'' The captain said over the intercom.

15 minutes pass with just making some small talk in the CC onboard, the massive engines came to life, pushing the behemoth forward, sirens wailed as the Hangar doors were opened, it was nighttime in order to avoid any probing eyes, ''Sir are there any backup plans?'' Gunther asked curiously, ''There is one, but that is not to retry to destroy object 289 but instead focus on defending the Union onslaught.'' I answered flatly. Silence permitted in the air as they heard this, ''I will check up on the 4 new Me262 prototypes delivered by Adelger.'' Manfred said in order to leave the awkward silence, ''I also have to check up on the tank crew.'' Gunther said laughing a bit.

''I will go with them to further talk about the coordination of the last phases.'' Rudolf stood up while saying that. Nova and Rommel just stood behind me silently, ''Sir if I may be blunt but they are being very disrespectful .'' Constantine(Zero) Said to me, ''They have their reasons.'' I replied coldly. 'This mission is a one-way trip if it goes wrong, or we will be very damaged, they know this so they put their hopes on a backup plan. Which does exist but not the one they hoped for.' I remarked. ''Marshall, this is the Captain speaking, could I ask you to come up to the bridge?'' The captain sounded over the intercom, I just sighed and slowly stood up, '' Let's go.'' I said to Nova and Rommel, leaving only Constantine(Zero) in the onboard CC.


Time: 1 hour after the HMS Dreadnought's departure

Location: Motherbase CC

POV: Mackensen's

''Now Gentlemen, I have been tasked by the Marshall to prepare for the worst outcome possible, the total annihilation of the HMS Dreadnought and the death of the Marshall himself. our Underground city project is only 37% complete. Making it not feasible to just sit here underground waiting for things to cool off. Hence I order everyone to Mobilise all men, I want the White skull army stationed at their respective forts around Switzerland.

I want ravens in the air 24/7, Black hand spies must be gathering Intel and focus on protecting the Council members from foreign activities. More men will be allocated to the Construction of the Underground city project, All other sector heads not directly involved I want you all to stay prepared and get ready for the worst.'' Mackensen said to the CC, Rommel's and Manfred's Positions have been temporarily filled by the Vice-heads. While the heads wore solemn looks on their faces that wasn't from being afraid of the Union, it is the possibility of losing the Marshall.

About 2 Hours has passed since the Departure of the HMS Dreadnought when a messenger stormed into Mackensen's office, ''SIR!'' The man Saluted, ''At ease, what is it?'' Mackensen replied continuing to write the document. ''We have found the location of Erwin!'' The messenger said anxiously. ''What!'' Mackensen shouted and looked up, ''Black hand Nr. 173 found the whereabouts of Erwin, he was conducting investigations in America on the criminal organisations, in one of his infiltration's he found documents about the transfer of Erwin Drachmann the descriptions match, he went back to the HQ in Washington to immediately report this Sir!'' The man said respectfully.

''Well done, very good! Promote the man to 4-star rank Black hand, also get him back here to Motherbase, I want to hear it personally from him.'' Mackensen said before waving the messenger away. 'We cannot do anything yet since we are in the middle of Operation Dust Angel, but that doesn't mean we can't do some preliminary search.' I pondered. I started to walk out of the office and head towards one of the completed underground cities, a city is categorised as In Industrial, Agricultural, Residential, Military or Scientific. I board the train heading towards one of the 6 Industrial cities current build.

The train ride lasted for 30 minutes before arriving at the massive gates barring entry to the city, Heavy anti-tank guns and 20mm autocannons protect the gate, while white skulls armed to the teeth patrol the area, the train enters with no problem, 'It is time to meet an old friend' I thought while a light smile hangs on my lips.

enjoy :)

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts