

In a tumultuous world, turn apart by constant conflict, MK finds himself entangled in the midst of a war that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. Little did he know that his fate is about to take an extraordinary turn when he stumbles upon a mystical crystal containing the essence of a god, not any god, but the god of war.

kfd1234 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Zeus eye

[A/N: About the god's impotency, yeah some where impotent, and if you don't know the meaning,go check the dictionary, But some god's own can still stand except they can produce semen, and some actually have like 1 in trillions are there, But their not much infact maybe it's only one person]


"As I was saying, my successor was behind some human problems, maybe all of it, but I didn't know,I also didn't know that he was planning against me with other gods."

'Planning what exactly?',Mk asked

"He was planning a coup, at that time, I was the leader and the strongest,you see."

"Is the leader not supposed to be Zeus?",Mk asked

"Yeah, but I took over, he wasn't right for it, the guy's to Aggressive, selfish e.t.c, I wonder how humans still see him as the good guy, In your stories I mean"

"So you couped him," Mk asked and smirked.


"Then you don't want another to coup you back?"Mk asked.

" Boy I didn't just wake up from sleep one day and decided to coup him, it was the god's at Asgard, well now it's called Olympus that decided that so I just did it. My successor wanted to see whether there was any way we could use humans to heal ourselves, he also wanted to rule over them you know, his one of those god's that think we should use them as slaves. But I didn't agree..

"Agree about what exactly and why didn't you agree, I mean ain't it gonna benefit you?", MK asked.

"Ok,I didn't agree about both, and it was done before already by the former leader, the tried with gods but to no avail, And humans women were weak, it's either the die without getting pregnant or die when having intercourse with."

"But hasn't Zeus been doing it? Asked mk

'Yeah but I guess because of the curse they don't survive anymore, I Also tried but nothing, So we just stopped using humans, but we're still using some other means to try bring us back or else god's will go extinct.'

"You also what? Mk asked

"Nothing, Kratos replied fast, So as I was saying I didn't know how he got Zeus to help him out, since I Know Zeus hates all god of war and their successor but my guess is he was probably wanting to fuck again cause since when I couped him, I banned him from doing anything with humans heck even going to earth was a problem."


"Have you gotten any solution to you know what, Kratos asked Someone."

"No, your Highness we're still working on it," the person replied.

"Make it fast we ain't got forever, you know." Kratos said and was about to leave then...

"Have you heard about the party?" the person asked

"No, what party?",Kratos asked.

"Its being hosted by Ares your successor, at the Grand Central, he's inviting everyone, he told me to tell you to come also, he looked for you himself but didn't find you, so he said if I saw you, I should tell you."

"Ok, thanks" Kratos said

"So are you go...ing, the person wanted to ask, but Kratos has already disappeared."


When Kratos got back home, it was already dark, most of the god's had already gone to the so called party

"Not interested, let me just sleep,"he said to himself.

He took a shower and immediately he got with his towel on his shoulder, he saw his successor with an Apple.


Taking a bite huge from his apple he said...

"You... know, if... I ...should...say, ...you really...have...a...big...brother,"said Ares before he swallowed and took another big bite.

"Dont talk when your eating, and What you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in your party,?"Kratos said.

"Can't you guess, a voice suddenly said, lighting struck and Zeus appeared inside, Nice plan Ares, I guess you really know your predecessor,"Zeus said.

"Yeah..... Ares said spit pouring from his mouth, his...goo...in..g..d..., shut the fuck up, Zeus interrupted.

"Ive been awaiting this,"Zeus said.

"Then, you've been awaiting the afterlife, and you Ares why?"Kratos asked.

Ares swallowed and said "Your time has come, you ain't leaving here alive, that's all I have to say"

"Dont get cocky boy, Kratos said, am the god of war, you don't know how many god's I've defeated, You guys are actually the ones leaving here dead."


They all stood still just watching each other, that's what it will appear like to the norm eye, but what was actually going one was Mana intake (Mana Absorbing), they were all taking as much as possible Zeus and Ares had already taken much before coming, but they underestimated Kratos, he had a lot, and was still taking more. They started to release minimal attacks without moving, only wind/air was being sent out, it was like there was a hurricane in the room, clothes were busy flying then suddenly Ares started laughing.


"Why you laughing", Zeus asked looking straight at Kratos, not daring to look away

"Look at his brother, Ares said laughing harder" Kratos brother was flying around

Suddenly a boulder came fast rolling,it slammed Ares out of the room

"This guy has control over all elements, weapon mastery etc am really at a disadvantage here," Zeus thought

Zeus suddenly struck his lightning at Kratos,Kratos dodged and sent out thousands of kunai's with fireballs Zeus suddenly created a storm, the whole place destroyed,he managed and protected himself from the kunais and fireballs,it was dark but Zeus was seeing clearly, he couldn't see Kratos then the place start becoming a little darker the hair on his skin stood up, he looked up and saw a boulder the size of an Airplane, he performed his lightning boulder skill, it was a skill that covered his body with lightning and boosted him faster than the speed of light he flew up scattered the boulder,but was sent back down with a huge slap from Kratos, he lost some of his teeth from it, the rocks Haven't even fallen yet and they were still bigger than cars, so when he landed they fell on him, Kratos immediately turned that place to lava then he sensed something coming his way,he dodged it by going up again because he was in the sky when it passed,he grabbed it,turns out to be a spear, he was face to face with Ares now.

"You know your stupid right?",Ares said.

"Stupid child, if I slap you, did you see what my slap did to Zeus,"Kratos replied.

Ares didn't reply suddenly the spear Kratos was holding exploded and destroyed Kratos right arm, completely

"Ahhh, Kratos screamed,upon with that scream and all the noise nobody came to help him even Monkey king."

"Now you see, your stupid" Ares said.

Kratos arms started to regenerate but incredibly slow

"Dont even waste your time thinking it'll heal now,I knew you had regenerative and boosting powers so I neutralized it, that arm will take time before it heals and there was also poison in that attack so if I was you I'd just give up."

Kratos felt weaker, the poison has started it's effect but he didn't give up. He was so angry, thinking of how to kill the guy that he didn't even notice Zeus behind him then Zeus sliced his other hand with a lightning sword, but it started to regenerate fast.

Kratos could use all elemental abilities except lightning.

"Its time to finish you,"Ares said.

Kratos arm finished regenerating and he said, "I've been in this situation before already and i overcome it","but this time you won't"Ares said, then him and Zeus went straight to finish him.

Kratos summoned his pet flamy bird and for the first time in his life he retreated,"coward come back here and fight,"Zeus said

"I'll leave to fight another day,"kratos replied

"I won't let you," Zeus said

Zeus immediately teleported himself on top the bird facing Kratos but Kratos immediately graped his eye with his hand and pulled it out,it became a crystal but he was caring he used that same hand and hit Zeus in the stomach his hand coming out of Zeus back then he threw him of the bird, Ares threw another spear and killed the bird, Kratos knew it would come back, he fell to earth.


"So that's how I fought,even at my weakest form Zeus was no match for me, unfortunately my bird died,but it'll be back, when I fell and landed here, without wasting time I put myself into it.

Ares came checked looked around but didn't see anything, so he went back After some days Zeus came and checked also but didn't see anything he didn't even sense his eye, maybe it's because I was in it. They came again but found nothing,since then they didn't come back, for years I've been here humans came and built this military base, no human has been able to hear me till you came.

I think this war has been going on for how long,Kratos asked"

"umm, 1 year 8months "mk replied.

"ok, the only reason I think he hasn't wiped or finished yet, is because maybe he thinks am alive and protecting humans or my friends are keeping him at bay, that's why it just started I guess.

About those my friends, I guess he poison them during the party, he ain't stupid after all, You do know that,that wasn't the complete story right?, because there were other god's there that's why I lost."

"Hmm, I believe you, god of war."Mk replied sarcastically


Mk checked his watch and saw that just an hour had passed

"What! he exclaimed, I really thought by now it would have been three hours, but it's good,".

"Well mind to mind communication doesn't take time,"Kratos said.

Using his evolved senses mk started to walk to where had some noise so that he may find the barrack/base,on his way there he started to chitchat with the person in his mind.

" You know I really thought you'd talk like, speak like the people in the olden days, I mean all those old books are written like that."

"What do you mean?speak how? Kratos asked twice.

"Something like, thou shall hear me out, or thou is a fool."mk laughed

"We gods are different we can pick the way you speak when we hear you for some time," Kratos replied

"so can you hear different languages?"mk asked.





"Why are you replying in one word and why you quiet now,"mk asked

"Am quiet cause am thinking"

"Thinking of wh....

"ughhh, brat when am thinking I hate interruptions, ok fine am think of why you like you, why did you have my powers and a system thing just by touching me.Explain why you came here."

"Ok, I felt and energy, something calling unto me pulling me here and drawing me like a magnet. mk said.

"Wow that's great" -kraros said

"what is?" mk asked

"let me just get these over with, taking a breath he said, remember that time when I told you that I also

"yeah, I remember, what's up with it," mk said.

"Thats because,I also slept with a human, woman and what you felt it's a god feeling, like when our family it's trapped or something, that's how we feel, it's called god intuition. when I was with my mom that's how I feel.

Mk stopped, "so your saying we might be related"

"yeah but am not sure,"said Kratos

"You know, your not sure of anything right,Mk said,An am angry, you literally did what you said shouldn't be done."

"Well, yeah but I did it before I said it, and don't blame me, we all make mistakes sometimes or fall for temptations, I mean she was hot"Kratos said

"But what if she died, and even god's Make mistakes?"mk asked.


"you know what, just stay quiet," mk said

"Boy I know what I did was wrong, and am not even sure were related, but I'm sorry if that's what you want to hear, I hate being commanded or ordered especially by a weakling and quietness is a stupid trait."

"Wow, what an apology, is that how you apologize?"Mk said.


Mk continued walking and thought about the system... It appeared and he looked through it

[User: Micheal Kenner]related to G.O.W



He now saw a place he missed


"So we're related then," mk said.

"Yh, Kratos said, so I have a child,it feels so joyful, but unfortunately I never got to meet him/her but at least am meeting you,my descendant."

"you never cared to meet him/her actually,mk said and yeah it's a surprise that you still had sperms and how did the system know"?mk Said.

"There are some questions without answers, let's just forget that and continue on, he said, the real question is how's it that you don't have powers, I mean I know that some don't have or the have to activate but your my boy, how's you don't have,"he said.

"There are some questions without answers, mk replied back, I don't know why but we don't.

"so you have nothing?"kratos said.

"I do have a lot of stamina, "mk said

"Thats not what am talking about, but at least now you have mine,But do anyone in your clan have?"

"No, actually am not sure, and we're not even much"

"Maybe you guys must active your powers,"kratos said


"I don't know, maybe through life and death situation"he replied

"Maybe,mk replied sarcastically


Mk saw some lights ahead went to it and saw the fence he jumped back from where he came from and got back to his room.

I don't really know these god of war full power, so for all of you that think it's impossible for him to lose, you should know that these KRATOS is different

kfd1234creators' thoughts