

In a tumultuous world, turn apart by constant conflict, MK finds himself entangled in the midst of a war that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. Little did he know that his fate is about to take an extraordinary turn when he stumbles upon a mystical crystal containing the essence of a god, not any god, but the god of war.

kfd1234 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


When Mk was walking back to the barrack using his ear, he saw the soldiers that he followed drunk and doing some stupid dance.

When he jumped,he landed on a rock and it burst into pieces, instead of running away for fear thinking someone might have heard, he stayed there being proud.

"What the fyuck,Mk said."

"Yeah that was real boy, but that rock wasn't strong anyway, so don't start getting big headed,"Kratos said.

"But I still broke It, didn't I,"he said.

"If I was you I'd start running," said Kratos

"Well that's the thing, you ain't me,"Mk said

"I heard it from there," a voice said, "Then why didn't you go check it out,"Another replied,"What if it's a beast, I don't wanna go die.

Suddenly Mk heard footsteps running to his direction and lights where shinning there.

Mk immediately started running to the direction of his room.

"But your my descendants,"kratos said mockingly

Mk realized that his going way to fast, he was going at a speed he had never and would have never even dreamed of going in.

He outran the soldiers coming, but he soon realized that he couldn't stop his legs, it wasn't responding, he tried he's best but ended up making a loud boom right at his room door.


"Bro he's been busted, let's just forget him and go to sleep,"James said

"Well,it's been an hour, let's sleep,"Arthur replied.

As they were arranging their beds to sleep, they heard a loud boom, then a muffled scream after.

"Well now the idiots been caught,goodnight Arthur,"said James

"Don't you think we should peep,like check what'sup?,"Arthur asked.

"There's nothing to check there and..."James said before he got interrupted

"What was that?",Jessica burst in and asked

The door burst open before anyone could answer, and Mk walked in.

"Man why's the interruptions in these place too much said James and didn't your mama teach you how to knock?

As Mk got in,he slammed the door and looked at James in the eyes, they stayed like that for like 30secs before Arthur said

"So how was the observation or looking around?"

"What happened?, tell us something."

"Nothing", Mk answered, still looking at James before finally going to James bed to sleep in.

"Nothing, ha, these guy must have been beaten like hell, I mean just look at his face,he was busted and doesn't want to tell us,"James said "And where do you think your going to?,He asked.

"To that bed over there,"Mk said

"Thats my bed, you know, mover your ass or I'll burn it," James threatened

"Burn it and you won't wake up when you sleep,"Mk replied

"Whatcha say punk,"James said, sparks of flames coming from his mouth and they didn't notice it but his eyes was slightly narrowed.

Mk turned around, looked at him from head to toe and said "I said you're a bitch"

James had enough, he made a huge fireball, suddenly Arthur's robot gripped him

"Alright then, that's enough, if you wanna fight go out and do it,"Arthur said

"uhhh, you would have let them had a go, this place is boring,we need some entertainment,"Jessica said.

"Dont ever speak about my mom again, Mk said moving to his bed.

"Huh what did I say that's bad,I just said didn't your m..., Arthur held his mouth, didn't he just warn you, he said to James.

"Whatever" James said.

They all went back to bed

"Hmmmm,"Kratos hmmmmed

"what's hmmm," Mk said

"It would have been interesting watching that fight, I mean even though you'll lose, it would have been fun seeing some action after all these years,"Kratos said.

"Who told you I'll lose,"Mk replied

"Boy, you just got powers, your still a long way to get to his level and there something you didn't see upon you were looking at his eyes,"

"what's that?,"Mk asked

"They narrowed, remember the tale I was telling you were some humans actually killed some low tier gods?"Yeah", "Good their eyes to narrowed and they have red hair, so I guess his from that clan."


All these time Mk was speaking out loud and The others in the room were watching him like he's gone mad.

"I.s he o..k,is he ok, Jessica whispered to James and Arthur.

"Told you guys, that these guy is sick, he's mentally ill, James screamed

That's when MK realized that all these time he was speaking with his mouth

"Hahahaha,Kratos laughed

You weren't speaking mind to mind this time"

"Bro are you ok?, Do you need water?, you know sometimes I take a lot of water and I feel real good,"Arthur asked and said to Mk.

Mk pretended to be sleeping and they all (except James) thought like he's sleep talking, talking in his dream

"Oh he's sleeping," Arthur said.

"No that guy ain't sleeping, I know when someone's sleeping and not,"james said

"Just go to sleep man"Arthur said.

"Why didn't you tell me, I was talking out loud?"Mk asked

"What, how was I supposed to know, I mean how you doing it now huh, how you talking without them hearing"Kratos

"I think I've gotten the hang of it now, Mk said.

"Good for you,"Kratos said


The next day around 4:00AM, they were all awakened, at first, it was by a bell ringing, then soldiers started to scream and bang at all the doors. some that wouldn't wake up were forcefully brought out. After they were woken up, they started to jog and they did some workout activities (exercise).


<5 exp granted>

"Wow, I even forgot about that,"said Mk

"I didn't have a system and I never forget anything that will make me powerful, but you is just walash" said Kratos


After some time they were told to line up and ordered to run a 10km race, the last 50 would be punished and would continue the exercise, while the others would go back to bed.

A gun was shot and they started,Mk passed the line, he thought could go on much more than 10km, he didn't even have a single sweat on him.Unlike yesterday when he was breathing like a dog, and sweating like as a(whatever animal that sweats).

The first person was a guy named Nero Khan, their clan was very rich if not the richest, their only rivals were the witty (with money),And 2 and 3 where twins 5 is a girl, a beastkin girl.

Mk got 40, he did it intensionally not wanting to showoff or bring any unnecessary attention.

Arthur got top 10, James got 41 immediately after Mk, he was quiet annoyed and suspected that Mk used drugs or his ability, because he was thinking since when is he these fast,and Jessica 441. They remaining contestants seeing that only 9 remaining started to run and cheat infact, they just did whatever they could to get in first, (they cheated like held each other, or push or stoned but not using their abilities or else they'll be disqualified and their punishment would be worst) many entered and the number was now 449, one spot remaining. A fat boy was seeing hoping, all those that were sitting at the finish line or talking with each other started to clear, giving way to the ball shaped human,the fat boy got in and fell on the ground.



All those that couldn't get in were facing their punishment there whatever it was.

Mk and every single one of his room mates passed,All the students were told to go back to their rooms but to comeback by 7:00AM, it was just 5:30AM when they got back, so their supposed to use the chance to bath and eat(they'll buy food in the canteen) Upon getting back to the room Mk immediately fell on the ground and started push-ups

"What the hell, what's these guy doing," James said

"Only a blind man wouldn't know,"mk replied while still doing the push-up

James got annoyed

"Since your a talkative, let's see who can do more"

He joined also. Arthur seeing them doing it decided to join also, now all the boys were doing it

Jessica just went to the bathroom and started to do whatever she's doing.

The boys continued for some time till...

<5 exp granted>

<You have completed your first ever mission>

<Bonus: 50 exp>

James hand was killing him but he refused to stop, because Mk didn't, Arthur was actually doing his fluently, he wasn't even sweating.

Mk just stopped and stood up

"Ha I knew you couldn't continue for a long time," James said with his eyes red

"Are you competing with me?,"Mk asked

"No!, James replied while standing up, am just stating fact. he said, his hand shaking like hell

"Watch your hands bro,"Mk said and walked to the bedroom


When he reached he summoned the system status

[User: Michael Kenner]





[Strength :10]


[Stamina: 15]

ABILITIES: Fire lvl2


[0 Skills/technique points available]


Store... unlocks at level 10

[Main mission]

Reach level 10

[Daily quest]

work out 2 times a day for 30 minutes

indoors and outdoors

prize: 10exp

[Temporary mission]

Fight and win

Reward: 10 exp

punishment: -50 exp


"Wow, new skill and that relationship stuffs is no more there,"Mk said.


"But I don't like that consequence of losing, I mean that's not fair right?,Mk asked.

"Boy, it ain't fair that you have a system and my powers and the boost of that bonus, you didn't complain about that, then why must you complain about this,"Kratos said.

"What a speech man,what a speech", said Mk.


It's been over an hour since Jessica entered the bathroom and she ain't out yet, and the time was 6:30, if she didn't go out soon, they'll be late and they didn't want to know what would happen when or if they got late.

They boy's looked at each other, then they both looked at James, "Why me?", James asked

"You are the talkative one", Arthur replied, "And your both from the same clan,Mk added, how hard can it be to talk to someone from your clan, "he said and they left leaving James to face a redhead.

"Stupid excuse for cowards," James whispered .

"And since your the courageous one, do it,"Mk replied, overhearing his whispering."What the, how'd he hear me,"James thought

"Huh, what you talking about,"arthur asked."Nothing, Mk replied, And I know your surprised,I can hear your thoughts you know.Mk Jokingly Said.

"Guess James was right, this guy must have really lost it,"Arthur thought


It's been 5 minutes since Mk and Arthur left the room, and James hasn't done anything yet

"I ain't hearing anything yet, I thought like by now, she would have Burnt his face,"Mk said to Arthur

"Or did she decide not to do anything, and...",Mk said with his mouth opened

"Anddd... what?"Arthur asked, raising a Brow.

"You know,"he replied with his face being all stupid like.

"I gotta go check it out,"He said


Immediately Mk opened the door and got in, James threw him to the door and ran out, slamming the door.

Mk knocked on it

"Who the hell's that, am not done, so get your ass away from that door, unless you want me to burn your stupid face!!!,"she screamed.

"I ain't hearing any sound of moving back!!!,"she screamed

Mk immediately ran out of there

"How did I get hurled like that,and is James that strong that it made me seem weightless,"He thought to himself

"Hahahaha,Kratos laughed really loud,these is so funny, and didn't I tell you that you would lose, if you had fought him, that's just the tip of his real strength boy,"he said and continued laughing.

"I knew that these asshole would come in, that's why I waited...patiently,"James said, laughing.

"What did she say?,"arthur asked

"She said,... that she'll soon be out, and that if she's not out in 5 minutes,then let someone go call her,"Mk lied

"Hmmm,ok,You will complete what you started James,"Arthur ordered, not wanting to go in.

"Ok,ok, I'll do it,"he replied.


After 5 minutes James went and knocked.

It was quiet at first, then the noise screeched slowly, opening, James started to feel really hot, when the door was done opening, he saw a fiery monster, instead of a human." Didn't I say, 'GET YOUR ASS OUT'!!!!," Jessica screamed.


"You do know, that I was lying, righttt?,"Mk asked Arthur.

"Seriously!?,Oh my gosh, you're really wicked"Arthur replied.

Suddenly they had a BOOM, the door opened, smoke was slowly going out, the boy's could only see eyes,Red eyes, The boys took fight stance getting ready for anything, suddenly the eyes went down and when the smoke cleared, they saw James slowly crawling to them, with his tattered skin and burnt clothes.

Arthur went to his aid,"Sorry bro,"he said."They wounds don't actually look fresh though,I thought it'd be worst than these,Guess their healing"

They weren't healing at incredible speed but, faster than the human normal capacity.

After that scenario, it took over 5 minutes for Jessica to come out, fully dressed and armed, with her sword. By that time James had already Healed, no scar were remaining. She went and ate her own share of food that they had already prepared and left.

The boys ran picked their towels and pulled,the got in the bathroom immediately and started bathing.

As they got into the bathroom, Mk sighted the boys, taking a glance at him after some moments, He figured that their gaze was going down to his brothers place.

"Why are they looking, he thought, I'm not small and Arthur is far bigger, I actually think that we're the ones that supposed to be looking at his brother."

The boy's were actually looking at his abs, they were perfectly showing well, it was as if a god made them himself, he sculpted and polished it well.(they thought, andddd am not gay y Author serious note,am just trying to defined nice abs...thank you)

When they were done,they all ran out dressing and eating at the same time, Arthur's robot was feeding him


They finished and ran to the stadiumlike place. Fortunately for them, they weren't the last...

Not gay ooo

kfd1234creators' thoughts