

Warning mature content The only heir to a third generation conglomerate, engaged to a spoilt princess he has no feelings for, finds himself in a dilemma, when he falls in love with a girl from a poor background just few weeks to his wedding.

Tijesunimi · Fantasy
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35 Chs


"what have you gotten yourself into Josephine" she said and ran her hands through her hair, she would never have thought that she would find herself in a love triangle with some scary bitch. She let out a sign and began to do her routine, checking if the goods were in their right position, she could still feel her legs trembling with fear. "What kind of a woman is she?" she asked herself and glanced at her wristwatch, it was past 7, almost 8pm, Alex will be here anytime soon and she doesn't intend to tell him what happened today, she would just keep it to herself, she doesn't want to bother him and the last thing she would ever do is making him worry. Done with her routine, she went back to the checkout point and sat on the long stood, then the door slide open and Alex walked, she wanted to run to him and throw herself in his arms and have him comfort her but she couldn't, she just couldn't. what would he think of her if she just rush to him and throw herself in his arms but what she didn't know was that he would love it and would embrace her with all his heart.

"hey" he said and moved closer to her

"hello" she said and left the checkout point to stand before him and the closeness they shared right now build some desire within them and they just stood there, staring at each other without uttering a word and Alex could see through those beautiful eyes of her's that she was sad, that something was bordering her, she wasn't smiling like she always did, she just had a blank expression on her pretty face and it hurts to see her like this."are you okay?", he asked and she looked away from him

"Hm" she muttured

"you don't look so"

"am fine, nothing is wrong with me" she said and managed a smile, "I will be right back" she said and was about to walk away when Alex grabbed her wrist

"Josephine" he called with a low voice that sent shiver down her spine,he turned to face her, her back turned against him and he said to her back , " it's hurts to see you like this"

"am okay" she said with a low voice and Alex turned her around to have her face him.

"Don't lie to me Josephine" he said and took her in his arms and she wrapped her hands around his back, her head buried in his muscles chest and he ran his hands through her hair. They took in each other's warmth, finding comfort in each other's arm, their body pressed against each other. He ran his hands through her back and she held his jacket taking in every scent of him, he was doing things to her and making her feel things that felt strange to her. Few minutes later, he released her and she wished she could stay in his arms longer.

Josephine looked away coyly refusing to meet his gaze and her action brought a smile to his face, "I will help you close the store" she heard him say.

"Oh, yes, it's time" she said and glanced at her wristwatch. Alex helped her close the store and offered to walk her home but she wasn't ready to go home."I don't want to go home now" she said

"alright, let's go to that garden" he said and she nodded her head and instead of heading to her home, they headed for the garden walking beside each other.

When she was in his arms minutes ago,she felt all her worries gone, she found comfort in his arms and she felt save and secured, she loved the tingling sensation she felt and she wanted to experience it again and she wondered how a mere hug from him made her feel that way. She wanted more, she wanted to stay in his arm longer but he had let her go, she remembered the way he held her wrist and drew her in his arms and her cheeks flushed red. She could feel Alex intense gaze on her but she refused to meet his gaze, she was too embarrassed and she kept walking, looking at her side and the people that were passing by. Her steps where brought to an abrupt stop when someone suddenly jumped in front of her, hovering over her and she gulped down her spit. He bent his head and brought it close to her face as he was taller than her, with him, this close, she felt her heart beat accelerating, God! what is he trying to do? she thought, still refusing to meet his gaze. "look at me Josephine" his thick voice vibrated on her skin and she jolted and slowly met his gaze and a smile appeared on his handsome face, her eyes fell on his delicate lips and she gulped down her spit, his lips were only three inches away from hers and she desperately wished that he would kiss her but the wish wasn't granted as he drew back from her and stood up right.

"what happened Josephine, is it that crazy boss of yours? hm, should I deal with him" he said and a smile appeared on her face that made his heart jumped in joy, though she still looked sad, but he was glad that he brought a smile on her face even though it was for a short while.

"he didn't do anything" she replied

"good to hear" he said and returned to stand beside her and they began to walk.

"it's nothing Alex"

"you really won't share it me?" he said and frowned

"I don't want to bother you, I will be fine, I mean it" she said and smiled but he wasn't satisfied, this wasn't her, she was always lifely and happy and it broke his heart to see her this way.

"really" he said and moved closer to her, "then cheer up" he said and tickled her and she stopped walking and he stopped too, she looked around her surroundings and smiled,"stop it"she said and they began to walk again

"alright" he said and tickled her again and she giggled, "what are you doing Alex"

"as you can see"

"stop it"

"okay" he said and tickled her again and they laughed

"that's enough" she said still laughing

"okay" he said and she quickly moved away from him before he could tickle her again and they both laughed.

"Alex" she called bringing an end to their laughter

"yes" he replied and she looked at him

"your fiancee..."

"what about her?" he cut in and halted his steps and she did too.

"what kind of a woman is she?" she asked and instead of answering her,he kept looking at her without saying a word and when he finally opened his mouth to talk, he said. "Did she come to you?".

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One ordinary night