
The Wandering Cultivator

His sole purpose is to become the strongest of all! Note: Sorry guys was nota able to release new chapters. I'll be back after the new year's celebration. ************ Cultivation Stages************** Early Warrior Stage Body Refining Stage Early stage Mid stage Late stage Energy Condensation Stage Early stage Mid stage Late stage *hidden stage* ?????????? Mortal Warrior Realm – cultivator can use the different kinds of mortal rank fighting skills with the help of the condensed mortal energy Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Heavenly Warrior Realm – cultivator will be able to unleash the power of a heavenly rank fighting skills with a might of the condensed heavenly energy Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Soul Warrior Realm – cultivator can refine and strengthen the soul of a warrior and condense soul energy Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Heavenly Soul Realm – cultivator can freely fly to the heavens and explore the vast sky and condense heavenly soul energy to hasten healing capabilities Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Divine Soul Realm – cultivator can condense and materialize soul weapons and boost attacking power Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Godly Soul Realm – cultivator can summon soul armor with godly defense power Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Mortal Godly Realm Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Heaven Godly Realm Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Immortal Godly Realm Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Divine Godly Realm Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Ancient God Realm Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage True Ancient God Realm Supreme Ancient God Realm Arcana God Realm Primordial Deities Realm Mythic Deities Realm

blurred_vision · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 13: A Sudden Turn of Event

Just as Neonero was about to leave the battle platform, the surroundings suddenly turned dark, strong winds began to blow and lightning suddenly started appearing in the sky. Everyone was surprised and could not understand what was happening. Then the ground started shaking and cracks started to appear on the ground. Suddenly a black hole appeared about three hundred feet above the center of the battle platform.

The black hole has a diameter of about twenty three meters. It was emitting with a faint of red and purple lightning around it. And suddenly a strong wave of energy came out of the black hole that sent a shock wave to the whole area of the Mystic Lightning sect. Neonero still on the battle platform was blown away and crashed in one of the buildings of the sect. An excruciating pain all over his body was torturing him right now, not because of the impact from the crash but because of the overwhelming pressure of energy emitted coming from the black hole.

Then three silhouettes appeared from the black hole one is shrouded in a black and red lightning like energy and the two are shrouded with a black and purple lightning like energy. When the three silhouettes appeared the pressure that Neonero felt became even stronger that as if all his organs will rupture at anytime and his body will be crushed into a meat pulp. Not able to hold anymore, Neonero started to lost consciousness and the last thing he saw was one of the silhouette started shooting purplish rays of energy.

"Interesting, I never would have thought that in this part of the universe exists a world blessed of with abundant source of energy." One of the silhouettes shrouded in black purple lightning.

"And to think that B class beings are the strongest in these part of world." Said by the other one.

"Lord, in a certain part of this world I can sense energy that on a level of A class or even an S class being." Added by the other one.

"Hmm. Yes I can sense them too but not quite many. I did even sense for a moment a familiar strand of energy earlier not far from here." The one shrouded in black red lightning like energy said.

"Hahaha! A mere A class or S class, they're just nutrients for us to grow more powerful!"

"Revor, do not underestimate the warriors of these world. Not all A class or S class are of the same level as the class of warriors where we came from!"

"Apologies my lord, I will remember that my lord, Nozgrand!"

"Alright let's start the hunt and devour all of their core energies!" Nozgrand ordered his two companions.

"Hehe. Let's get the party started." Revor said.

One of the grand elders of the Mystic Lightning sect was about to ask but suddenly Revor appeared in front of him and stab his source of energy (dantian). After that, the hand that was used to stab the grand elder can be seen emitting a yellowish light like Revor was holding an orb of energy.  Then Revor crushed it and the lights were absorbed into Revor's body.

Witnessing this horrifying scene the other grand elders and sect masters started fleeing in all directions. Realizing that the gap in strength is too enormous they have chosen to flee rather than to fight. But Revor and the other being did not just sit idly; they started to chase after them and one by one all of them died miserably and their energy cores absorbed by the two.

"Insects are really insects!" Revor shouted.

"What were you expecting from such weaklings Revor?" the other being asked.

"Haha, but after absorbing one of those guys energy I was able to get an information that there are stronger warriors from a continent in this world brother Rogur!". Revor answered with laughter and delighted from the information he gained.

"Oh is that so? That's great news indeed!" Rogur said while touching his chin.

"From the warrior's knowledge there are exactly two continents that powerful beings can be found and they call their rank as Godly Soul Realm one is Western Plains continent and the other is the southern continent which they call Continent of Despair. In Western Plains there are warriors most likely at the same level as the two of us and at Continent of Despair are full of monsters which may be as strong as us or even might be at the same level as our lord".

"If that is true then our lord can really gain tremendous power in this world. They might be at the same level of power as our lord but in a different class. Our lord is one of the S class warriors of our galaxy and destined to be the overlord of our galaxy." Rogur added.

Meanwhile on sect master Lightning Kan side, he was already facing in a fierce battle against Nozgrand, but it is pretty obvious that Lightning Kan is on a very disadvantageous situation right now. The gap in strength is really huge combined with the weird techniques that Nozgrand is using, Mystic Lightning sect master Lightning Kan can be seen as good as dead.


Lightning Kan was thrown to the sect master's palace face full of blood and the body was full of deep wounds. His residence was destroyed and now his whole sect is burning and almost all of his disciples and elders are dead. He can hear the screams and cries for help of all his sect members.

"You there, serve under me and I will let you live!" Nozgrand said to Lightning Kan.

"It would be a waste to kill you. With your strength and talent you may be able become one of my generals someday!." Nozgrand added.

"Haha, thank you for the complement. But I have no plans on betraying my disciples and elders who died from the hands of your subordinates. I would rather die fighting than become your slave!" Lightning Kan answered.

"If that is your wish, then I'll gladly devour your energy!"

"That's not going to happen! If I cannot defeat you in battle then I'll just bring you with me to afterlife!" Lightning Kan screamed.

Lightning Kan was ready to use his life force to self destruct in hopes to also kill the three foreign warriors but a sudden burst of flame shrouded Lightning Kan and he vanished when the burst of flame disappeared.

Nozgrand and his companions were surprised as they have not sensed anyone around who could have helped Lightning Kan escape.

"That flame just now, It looks familiar to me. Where have I seen those flames." Nozgrand said in his thoughts.

"Lord Nozgrand, it seems that no one is left alive." Rogur said.

"Alright, let's leave this place and head to the place they call Western Plains. Wait before that let's devour all the monster beasts in this continent that can help us grow our strength. It is better to increase the chance of successfully devouring all the stronger warriors of that continent. If it is true that they have even stronger warriors there, it might be a little problematic for us." Nozgrand ordered the two.

"Yes lord Nozgrand!" the two answered in unison.

Then the three leave the ruined Mystic Lightning sect.

After several minutes, the area where Neonero was thrown suddenly lit up and a small vortex appeared. After the vortex disappeared Neonero can be seen on the ground still unconscious. Several hours passed, Neonero wakes up and saw that the whole Mystic Lightning sect was in ruins, and he can see that there are lots of corpse of disciples and elders of the sect scattered everywhere. And suddenly Neonero heard a sound. Then a floating notification window appeared right in front of him.

Ding! "Congratulations to user Neonero on activating the Akashic System!"

Then a holographic person appeared beside the notification window.