
The Wandering Cultivator

His sole purpose is to become the strongest of all! Note: Sorry guys was nota able to release new chapters. I'll be back after the new year's celebration. ************ Cultivation Stages************** Early Warrior Stage Body Refining Stage Early stage Mid stage Late stage Energy Condensation Stage Early stage Mid stage Late stage *hidden stage* ?????????? Mortal Warrior Realm – cultivator can use the different kinds of mortal rank fighting skills with the help of the condensed mortal energy Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Heavenly Warrior Realm – cultivator will be able to unleash the power of a heavenly rank fighting skills with a might of the condensed heavenly energy Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Soul Warrior Realm – cultivator can refine and strengthen the soul of a warrior and condense soul energy Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Heavenly Soul Realm – cultivator can freely fly to the heavens and explore the vast sky and condense heavenly soul energy to hasten healing capabilities Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Divine Soul Realm – cultivator can condense and materialize soul weapons and boost attacking power Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Godly Soul Realm – cultivator can summon soul armor with godly defense power Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Mortal Godly Realm Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Heaven Godly Realm Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Immortal Godly Realm Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Divine Godly Realm Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage Ancient God Realm Early Stage Mid Stage Late Stage True Ancient God Realm Supreme Ancient God Realm Arcana God Realm Primordial Deities Realm Mythic Deities Realm

blurred_vision · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Expert Warrior

Meanwhile on Ren's side, his lackeys are getting ready for the next round of the tournament. In this round one of them is going to face Neonero and declared to Ren he will surely make Neonero suffer an utter defeat.

After several minutes, one of the sect elder jump to the battle platform.

"Hello everyone, I will be the one supervising this second round of the tournament. I know you are all excited to know who will be battling for the third and last round of this tournament. I myself is really looking forward too for the outcome of this special occasion that we are having right now. So without any delay let us all call for the first two disciples that will be competing in this round, Taixun versus Neonero!"

Neonero and Taixun come up to the stage almost at the same time.

"It seems your luck will end here kid. I will show you how an expert warrior fights!" Taixun declared loudly so that the all the spectators will hear him.

Taixun has the courage to say this because he was born from a family of warriors working under the Destro Clan. Since childhood he was trained by his father an Early Stage Heavenly Warrior Realm expert. With his experience and training he really has the spine to say all those words out loud.

Soon after his speech he released his power of the late energy condensation stage and the battle platform started to tremble slightly.

"Wow Taixun can also be considered a genius. Just at the age of 17 and he's already this close to breaking through to Early stage of Mortal Warrior Realm." The crowd keeps praising Taixun after releasing his might.

Neonero was surprised slightly after seeing Taixun's releasing his energy. But he just smiled a bit after that.

Taixun started to envelope his whole body with his energy. In just a blink of an eye his whole body seemed to have a slight glow. This is one of Taixun's family techniques called Earthen Body Amplifying Technique.

This technique amplifies one's strength and speed by three folds. This can already be called a powerful technique since other Body Amplifying can only boost a person's strength or speed. While Taixun's Earthen Body Amplifying Technique can boost both a person's strength and speed at the same time.

"Neonero have a taste of my strength and speed you lousy egg!" Taixun suddenly disappeared from where he was standing just now after saying those words.

With a blink of an eye he was already at the back of Neonero and was ready to punch him in the back.


His punch created a seemingly shockwave after releasing it. It is obvious that the punch was not just a simple punch but a powerful one. Just when all the spectator and Ren expected that Neonero will be flying out of the battle platform and crush on the outside walls, Neonero suddenly disappeared from the spot.


The powerful punch only hit a blank space but the shockwave it created manifested and showed how powerful that punch was.

Taixun was shock by this outcome. He knew that his speed is not that bad and also it has been boosted by three folds already and yet Neonero was able to dodge his attack that easily. But after a few seconds he recovered from his shock and spotted Neonero just ten meters away from him. He leaped and appeared right in front of Neonero then released another powerful punch.


His punch landed but it was stopped with another punch from Neonero.

This time Taixun was in disbelief, his strength of late Energy Condensation stage that is boosted by three folds was stopped by Neonero with his punch!

After witnessing this crowd went excited and noisy, and to why they were excited is because they realized that this is going to be a good one.

"Wow I never thought that Neonero kid has some strength to stop that punch."

"Yeah, and he also can match Taixun's boosted speed!"

Then suddenly both of them disappeared and what happened next is.


Both of them exchange punches and kicks while they flickered on the battle platform. The scene right now was like a battle of real expert warriors. Even the elders, grand elders and sect masters that were watching were shocked by these two disciples. What was more shocking to them was Neonero is able to fight Taixun equally in terms of speed and strength. They all know that Taixun is well trained by his father, but Neonero who they don't know where he came from and who is his family is also a good fighter and they can see through him that his an experienced fighter too.

After a several exchange of blows, the two of them stopped. But right now they all can see that Taixun is gasping and looks really exhausted, while Neonero still looks calm and standing straight without exhausting much of his energy.

At this moment on Ren's side, they all look gloomy. Right now they already know what will be the outcome. Seeing Taixun exhausted, Ren couldn't hold his anger and suddenly shouted.

"You useless dog! Use everything you have and break all his bones!"

Hearing what his Young Master said, Taixun released all his reserved energy and once more activated the Earthen Body Amplifying Technique. But right now, the energy he is releasing and enveloping has a different color. It seems to be having a hint of reddish aura right now.

"Neonero this time I'll surely defeat you and break all your bones! Earthen Body Amplifying Technique Four Folds Boost!" Taixun cried out in anger.

The crowd of spectators was shocked after knowing that Taixun just boosted his strength and speed four folds right now. Most of Taixuns family can only boost their strength and speed two folds, his father and grandfather can boost their strength and speed up to three folds only. Many even said that he will someday surpass his father and grandfather in terms of strength and cultivation level.

Seeing this Neonero also released his energy and concentrated it both on his hands and feet.

And suddenly a loud bang was heard.


Somebody crashed outside of the battle platform. It happened really fast that some of the disciples watching could not follow the movement and was wondering what just happened all of a sudden.

A few seconds later they all saw Taixun outside of the battle platform and covered in dusts and bricks. Then they turned to the center of the battle platform and saw Neonero standing while the wind blews at his disciple robe.

"What the heck just happened? Why is the so called expert warrior the one who's defeated?" a shocked disciple blurted.