
The Walking Dead: Story of Charlus Bohannon

Charlus Bohannon is a US Marshal. Because of his advanced Instinct, he finds himself in North Carolina when the world ends. He changes fate by saving an Aussie Actress, who leads him to King County, Georgia. Where Charlus will be taken on journey led by his family gift, the divine gut. I do not own the walking dead.

D_Blackwell · TV
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13 Chs

I Hate Cities

"And what the hell do you want from me?" A blonde haired man asked.

"We met him on the road and patched him up" Answered Adelaide.

"Because the Sheriff here thought it was a good idea to play cop in a lawless world."Bohannon added as he stared at Rick. Merle is a son of bitch. But Bohannon believed, "Even a rabid dog deserves a fighting chance."

It was a hard pill for Rick to swallow and the camp could see that.

"Where's my brother?" asked the blonde man.

"He said he's going to branch out on his own for a while. You just be sure to stay alive until you run into each other again. But he did say you can refill the medication he used and took with him." Bohannon's hand got twitchy and Adelaide put a hand on his shoulder

"Relax…" She said in low calm voice, but the damage was done.

Shane and Rick's hand got twitchy as well. There was darkness in the Marshal they had never seen before.

"All yall chill out. Merle always kept a stash on him. Come on, it's with his stuff." The man gestured to Bohannon and Adelaide to follow him.

As the trio walked to Merle's motorcycle, Shane pulled Rick of to the side and questioned him intensely about Bohannon. Back with the trio, Bohannon restarted his conversation with Merle's brother.

"So what's your name?" Bohannon asked.

"Daryl… I heard Rick call you, Bohannon." he replied.

"Yeah, Charlus Bohannon. And this is Adelaide Kane. Pleasure meeting you, Daryl."

"Hmm, You're not like most Marshals I know." Said Daryl.

"And how many marshals do you know?"

"Marshals have been chasing my family since the 1800's. They kill some of us and we kill some of them" Daryl replied a matter of factly.

"Ahh. The Dixon Family… Makes sense now. I thought all of you sumbitchs would be dead by now. Either way, The old world is dead and I aint a Marshal anymore. But I need to know, do you know how to make that famous family moonshine of yours?" Bohannon asked with a big grin.

"Haha, oh yeah. When my daddy wasn't beatin on us, he was teaching us how to make shine, shot, and move drugs. Real father of the year, he was." Daryl replied lightheartedly.

"I just might have to stick around for awhile." Bohannon tipped his hat and the trio finally walked up on Merle's motorcycle.

Daryl reached into the satchel and tossed Bohannon a bag of pills. "Take what you need" he told them. Bohannon thought for a bit only took half of what Merle actually used.

"Family discount. Got a lot of kids running around here." He said while tossing the drug bag back to Daryl. He didn't say a word, he just nodded his head.

The two men talked for awhile, while the rest of camp went to bed. While many was calling it a night, Amy walked over and offered Adelaide a spot in the RV. Adelaide had been with Bohannon for so long she didn't know wether to accept or decline the offer. Amy glanced at Bohannon who was still talking to Daryl, then told Adelaide that the offer would be open all night before walking away.

"Why didn't accept her offer? You saved her life and she was just trying to pay you back." Said Bohannon to Adelaide.

"I know… Is it weird that I get anxious, just thinking about a night away from you?" Asked Adelaide.

"Nope. I was the same way after my first tour. Sleeping without people you know can protect you in a dangerous situation, gave me an extreme sense of foreboding. It takes some getting used to. But you have start somewhere. Besides, it's cold out here. The RV will keep you warm." Bohannon explained.

Adelaide thought about his words. She realized that she had been living in a war zone and maybe the feeling was her lack of normalcy. Then again, she just liked to be near Bohannon.

"I think I might just do that." she said hesitantly, then walked away.

Bohannon watched her leave. He noticed her tense posture and knew she was thinking a lot. It was a big change in lifestyle for her and no matter how fast she adapted. He knew there was still pieces of her that were traumatized by everything that's been happening.

"That's your old lady?" Daryl asked Bohannon.

The words brought him back to reality and Bohannon answered honestly " Some day, I hope. She's a good woman. Bout you? Got an old lady?"

"Haha oh no. I mean, I did once. Long before the world went to shit. She's probably dead and gone now" Daryl replied as he smoked his cigarette and stared off into the distance.

"The world ended, the dead walk and hunt us. And we still allow the love of a woman to weigh our hearts down and captivate our minds."

"Hmm. As long as it doesn't get us killed. Can't be that bad." Daryl replied and snuffed out cigarette. "I'll catch you later, Bohannon"

"Hmm" Bohannon nodded and walked back to his horse.

Bohannon placed a hand on his horse and was about to take down his sleeping bag before he decided to leave it there. He then walked to the RV and sat in a chair next to the RV door --Pistol in hand.

Morning came faster than expected. Everyone was getting up one by one and started moving the dead. Sometime later Shane and Rick walked to the RV with the intention of waking Dale in order to request some tools. The moment Rick's hand touched the RV door he heard the hammer of a pistol draw back and he froze.

Shane drew his pistol and aimed it a Bohannon. While the people in the camp starred.

"If you think you're going in there, you're surely mistaken. Get your hand off the door, Rick. Call your dog off, as well."

Rick took his hand away and Bohannon put down his pistol. "Miss Kane is sleep and I don't trust you. So until she comes out. You can't go in. We understand each other?"

Rick nodded and gently put his hand on Shane's pistol and pushed it down.

"Don't worry she'll be up in a bit."

"I thought you were sleep?" Said Shane.

"I never sleep. So you still planning on going to the CDC, Rick?"

"I don't know. I was thinking about it. But it has to be a group discussion." he replied

"So be it. Adelaide and I are leaving when she wakes. Well, at least I am. She's her own woman." Said Bohannon

Bohannon then took a flask out and handed it to shane. "Take a sip and ease up. They world isn't getting easier. Find a way to live in this new reality and stop stressing."

Shane took the flask and thanked Bohannon.

"It's Dangerous out there. We'll do better if we stick together" Said Rick.

"I don't think so. My guts telling me to keep it moving. Planning on heading south." Bohannon took his flask back from Shane and finished off the rest of the liquor that remained.

"South? No destination?"

"Nope. I just follow my gut, Rick. It saved Adelaide, many times. Adelaide led me to King County where we met you. My gut told me to follow Adelaide's hope of new group, we saved a lot of your people. Good things happen when my guts involved." Said Bohannon.

A few moments later, Dale came out of the RV. "What's going on here?" he asked.

"We came for another axe or something to speed this clean up along." answered Shane.

Bohannon waited for Adelaide to come out and then pulled her to the side.

"You're leaving aren't you?" She asked.

"My guts telling me to keep it moving. We found a group. They're good people and if they're strong enough. I know I'll see them again" he replied.

Adelaide's brow furrowed, "And what does your gut say about me?"

"It's telling me that you need to make your own decisions. Personal feelings aside, you should do what feels right" Though his words said one thing, in his mind he wanted her to come with him, even if it meant he had to drag her kicking and screaming.

"These are good people, Bohannon."

"I know. I also know that you like being with people. You're a social butterfly, love. I'm not. So, are you coming?" he asked for the last time.

Adelaide eyes watered, "I don't want to let you go, Charlus. But I also like the people here. Amy is a sweet girl. And last night she would have died without me. It felt good to be the one protecting someone for a change. Don't go, Charlus."

Charlus nodded and walked to Adelaide. She was a short thing. Bohannon towered over her. He tilted her chin up and leaned forward, giving her goodbye kiss. As he was about to back up, Adelaide held onto his vest and returned his kiss with vigour and unfiltered passion.

"You better not die. And when you come to your senses you come and find me...I'll be waiting." She forced a smile and then turned away. Bohannon licked his lips and then mounted his horse.

He took one last look at Adelaide Kane and left on his horse. After a few trots his horse broke out into a full gallop.

Bohannon rode hard for miles. He wanted to be out of the city by night. Some hours later, around noon. He finally approached the CDC. It was a complete and utter shit show. Bodies everywhere. The reanimated and the humans, dead. Weapons scattered across the lawn, food rations, medical trucks, and so forth. The place was a gold mine.

Tying the reins to the bumper of a humvee. Bohannon took a moment to scavenge. He dropped his sleeping bag and replaced it with Ammunition and medical supplies. Emptying the MREs, he only kept the Entrees to make more space For a blanket. Satisfied with his haul. Bohannon road south.

The city had dead fellows on every other block. It was hard maneuvering there. Harder than Bohannon thought...

The sound of hooves hitting the ground attracted walkers. It echoed through the desolate streets like a calling card.

"I fucking hate the city. Haa!" he shouted and horse broke into a gallop. He pulled right and then left. Eventually running into a horde moving south as well. His horse reared, nearly throwing him off his saddle.

"Hold on, Evergreen!" He shouted and pulled the reins taut.

Back on all fours, Bohannon turned his horse and galloped away with a horde on his tail and a good dozen in front of him. He was forced deeper into the city. Surrounded by Hotels, restaurants, and department stores.

"Shit" he muttered.

Bohannon was now turning in circle in the middle of an intersection. A horde coming from two directions and small group coming from a third.

"It's nothing but another war, Bohannon. Relax and find the way. There's always a way out"

He took deep breaths and looked around as fast as he could. On the third floor of a hotel. A burly bald white man looked out of the window standing next to a sign that read: 'HELP!'.

Slinging his rifle on his back. Bohannon road hard to the front of the hotel build. Trampling a few dead fellows in the process. Leaping off his saddle. He grabbed two saddle bags then ran inside. He was met by a lobby full of walkers. Drawing his pistol. He attached his suppressor and moved towards the steps

Pft Pft..Pft Pft.. the sound of suppressed rounds being fired.

Thud, bodies drop and Bohannon made it to the stairs. When he saw the knob, he smiled. He had to twist and push. That concept made the the stairs the safest place in the hotel beside the personal suites.

Closing the door behind himself. Bohannon had to put down a couple of walkers and then reloaded before going to the higher levels. Reaching the third floor door, Bohannon was forced to put a couple of bullets through it. When the knob was shredded, he pulled the door open. He couldn't remember what room the man was in. So he focused on clearing the floor. With a pistol in each hand. Bohannon went ape shit. It rained blood and metal. It was a big floor and speed was his only option.

20 walkers, dead. He then went room to room. Some were open --the walkers inside killed. Some were looked and walkers could be heard moaning on the other side of the door.

Knock knock knock.

Whispers could be heard inside.

"Open the door! Did you put the 'Help' sign in the window?" Bohannon waited. The stairwell door to the floor was broken now, and too much time only allowed bad shit to happen.

The suite door opened partial. A metal bar kept it from opening any further. A brown haired, white woman with Hazel eyes was standing at the door. "Are you that cowboy we saw out in the streets?"

"Cowboy? Hmm, I like Marshal better. But, yes, that was me. So, you need help, darling?" Bohannon smiled and the woman shut the door on his face.

After a few moments it opened again and a couple came into view. The room looked like that had been there for weeks. The walls to the adjacent rooms were tore down for more space.

'Three women, three men. three with guns and one with a melee' he thought as he looked around, 'Smells of shit and piss. Foods running low. That man...malnourished' Bohannon looked at the blonde haired white man. He looked well built but his body was now failing him.

"How long have you all been here?" he asked.

"Since it started. When things started falling apart, we were at a party down the hall. You know drug haze and all...we missed a couple of days. when we came too. People bolted, but we had nowhere to go." The hazel eyed girl replied.

Bohannon nodded and walked to the window. Looking down, he saw his horse being feasted on. He ground his teeth and choked down his anger. He turned around and stretched out his hand to the hazel eyed Woman. "Charlus Bohannon. What's your name?"

"Sasha Grey" She took his hand and shook it with a smile, "It's pleasure meeting you"

Bohannon looked at the woman with a raised eyebrow. Sasha had the same expression Adelaide had when she introduced herself.

"Are you famous?" he asked. He honestly didn't know.

"Sort of... depending on your taste of entertainment." She replied in a sultry tone.

Bohannon nodded, "Well, okay. do you your friends have names?"

"Stoya" replied a beautiful woman with raven black hair. She had delicate porcelain skin with soft pink lips that naturally shined as if they were covered in gloss, "And this is Riley, she doesn't talk much anymore" she added.

"She'll come around. I know someone who was the same way once. And she's back to her old self -- a purebred social butterfly. How about you gentlemen?"

"I'm Steve, the dying guy is, Ray, and the drunk over there is, Kev." It was the big burly bald white man that replied. He was the same man the Bohannon had saw in the window.

"Good, now that we're acquainted. Let's get the fuck out of here." said Bohannon.

"How are we supposed to leave, if were surrounded by those...things?" asked a panicked Sasha.

"Some call them walkers. I like dead fellows, myself. And we kill them. Some will live, some might die. But when we get free. You'll have a chance at life. You have five minutes, then I'm leaving." Bohannon pulled out half of a cigarillo and lit it.

"Care to share?" Asked Stoya.

Bohannon let out a puff of smoke, "I don't know where your lips have been" he said before taking another hit.

Some time later, the group decided to leave with Bohannon. Though the malnourished, Ray was left behind, but not before he got a bullet to the head.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that" said Bohannon as he looked at the now dead Ray

"He was just some guy we met when people started eating eachother. Look on the brightside, now there's a professional whore for each of us." Steve laughed while he nodded his head. Bohannon slightly nodded and walked to the door.

"Cold world...But let's see how well you do against these dead fellows." Bohannon opened the door. He then gave his Saddle bags to Sasha and led the group into the stairwell and then to the first floor.

"I saw a service door on my way in. Stay close and keep moving." were the last words Bohannon said before he opened the door to the first floor and started the fight.