
The Walking Dead: Story of Charlus Bohannon

Charlus Bohannon is a US Marshal. Because of his advanced Instinct, he finds himself in North Carolina when the world ends. He changes fate by saving an Aussie Actress, who leads him to King County, Georgia. Where Charlus will be taken on journey led by his family gift, the divine gut. I do not own the walking dead.

D_Blackwell · TV
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13 Chs

Charlus Bohannon

-Day 59-

My name is Charlus Bohannon. I'm a US Marshall. I was working a job in North Carolina when the world ended. But first, let me tell you a bit about myself. I graduated Highschool in Mississippi when I was 15, I joined the military. Before you say anything, I was very special case. My parents died when I was eight years old, I got into lots of trouble, so when I turned 15, I got my shit together and the court emancipated me. I was always a smart kid, but I settled for my GED. Then I joined the army, there was a lot of legal shit but nothing too impossible to handle.

I went to basic training and the my job school. I was good, really good. I was part of the US Chemical Corps. Then I went to Airborne school and then turned 16 in Ranger school. Once Ranger school was over, I joined a Chemical Reconnaissance Detachment and spent the next three years handling classified missions. When My contract was finally up, I became a US Marshall and joined their Tactical Unit.

It's been a year and a half since I became a Marshall. I'm 21 years old and riding a horse in the post apocalyptic world. That's when the world ended, a plague is what took it. A plague that killed the infected and reanimated the dead after some time. The resurrected dead, could only be kill by severe head trauma and they all had a hunger for human flesh. One bite or scratch could infect a person and they'll be the walking dead within a day.

When the world went to shit, I survived. While most people cried and let their family members bite them, I put bullets in heads without blinking. Men, women, children, elderly. I didn't shed tear. It was war, Humans against the walking dead. Besides, I'm a Bohannon and it takes a divine intervention to put a Bohannon down.

Along the way, I met a pretty little Australian Brunette, Adelaide Kane. She was some Australian actress on vacation with her boyfriend when the dead began to walk. At first we were with a small group. However, shit happened and now only we remain. I'm not sad about it, because the dead didn't kill them, a lack of common sense did. Anyway, It's day 59 since the outbreak and Adelaide and I where were on horse back riding into King County, Georgia. We heard there was a military outpost this way and thought we would check it out. I don't really do settlements, But Adelaide begged me and I caved --It was something about her accent and beautiful brown eyes that just swayed me. Naturally, I told her if something went wrong, we would never seek out another settlement again.

--Diary Entree over---

"Hey, Bohannon..." Adelaide called in her australian accent

Bohannon smiled and said, "Yes. Miss. Kane?"

His Mississippi accent was thick. The way he called her, Miss Kane, made her smile just as much as she made him smile.

"I...I was wonder what you planned to do once we got to the settlement?" She asked.

"Hmm... Well, Miss Kane. I'll let you know when we find your settlement. It should be a couple of blocks down at the Hospital." Replied Bohannon. He looked over at Adelaide, then started to sped up into a gallop and she quickly chased him. It was one thing she liked about the new world. It was riding horses again. She loved horses and rode a lot when she was younger.

They laughed as the galloped to the hospital, though their laughter was short lived when they found a dissolate out post and a yard full of bodies. Adelaide's smile reverted to depressed look and tears glazed her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Bohannon. We should have stayed at the farm and I should have listened to you. I-I just thought that maybe.."

"Don't worry about it. It's the world we live in now. I'm sorry that you're trapped here with me and not back home with your family. Now, that's something to be sorry about." he replied.

Adelaide smirked, " If it makes you feel better. I'm glad I'm with you..."

Bohannon chuckled and lit cheroot in his mouth before taking a big hit. When he released a cloud of thick white smoke, he clicked his tongue and his horse started to move.

"We'll scavenge what we can. Remember.."

"MREs, water, ammunition, and Military Maps are the primary. I know, Mr. Bohannon" Adelaide interrupted him with a playful smile.

"Well, let's get to it then, Gorgeous" Bohannon winked as he dismounted his horse and tied the reins to a car.

Together the duo searched the outpost. Adelaide found a water buffalo and refilled their water satchels. Bohannon found the operation center and picked up marked maps. Together they went around collecting rounds for the HK416s and their Sig Sauer 1911s. Finding magazines that fit them was easy. Finally. They both found plated tactical vest to hold their gear.

Putting his cowboy hat back on, Adelaide giggled. "Bohannon, something tells me that this is actually your battle attire. Did you raid houses dressed like that?" She asked, referring to his time as a Marshall.

Bohannon was wearing black dress jeans, a tucked in button up, and cowboy boots. He had on a coyote brown tactical vest and a cowboy hat.

"Haha, It's the Mississippi in me. But I was considering to get you a pair of boots and a hat of your own. It's better than those shoes you're wearing and the hat will keep the sun from kissing that beautiful porcelain skin of yours" Bohannon smiled as he strapped his holster to his left thigh and another to right side of his waist.

Adelaide blushed, " I guess we'll have to go shopping after this." she said.

"I guess so"

The duo finished getting what they could load up. They could have took more if they had a car. But horses could get throw traffic jams and they didn't need gas. Besides the feeding, watering, and so on, the maintene was low. A lot lower than vehicle maintenance.

Adelaide and Bohannon talked about a lot of nonessential things as the rode through streets looking for a store. The eventually passed a sheriff's department and a store called, Boot Barn, about a half a mile down.

"Oh, this is it. While you're finally getting appropriate clothing. You can empty that bag of yours and put winter clothes in it"

"I will not!" Adelaide replied, "These clothes cost more than your pay check. And I love the way they look on me."

"The world's over. And I'll hate to see you freeze to death in a month. I've gotten used to having you around, Miss Kane. And I'd like it if you stuck around a bit longer." Bohannon spoke honestly as he tied his horse down.

Adelaide bit her bottom lip. "If you insist, I'll make room for winter clothing"

They spent sometime finding Adelaide a pair of boots. Bohannon got a spare pair and they both got some thicker clothing for the winter.

"Hey, It's getting late. We should find somewhere to sleep." Said Adelaide.

"The Sheriff department. Bout half a mile back. A hot shower and safe building. We clear it first and then hold up for a few days until we find a good place to stay."

Sometime later, Adelaide and Bohannon showered in hot water for the first time in a very long while. They were in separate stools though they weren't high enough to hid the upper body. The sexual tension was their. But they had seen all of each other, often enough to control their urges for the time being. Hell, they didn't even go piss without each other. It was called the buddy system, and it was law to the both of them. It's how they kept each other alive.

Adelaide washed as she stared at Bohannon. He was a tall african american man with mocha brown skin and hazel eyes. He stood at a total of 6'3". A muscular man, he was, with a body riddled in war scars. He has a full beard about a couple of inches long and curly hair on his head due to his mixed background.

Adelaide, was a nearly petite, white australian woman. She has Raven black that fell just beneath her breast and light brown eyes with full soft lips. She stood at 5'4" and had plump ass and perky C-cup breast with a slim waist. And though, she looked at Bohannon and felt that everything was right in the world, something inside of her, told her that she was wrong. That feeling inside told her, that she hadn't mourned her boyfriend long enough to move on. But another part of her urged her to take the next step and ease the tension between them.

"W-we should get out, Just in case there's a limit to the hot water" Bohannon spoke as he turned off the water and stepped out of his stall. Adelaide's stomach fluttered as she got a glimpse of his erect manhood. It made her feel warm now that Bohannon was attracted to her, just as much as she was attracted to him.


Throughout the night Bohannon and Adelaide took turns on watch. When the sun rose They made coffee as they started their day.

"We should get rested for a few days and then head towards Atlanta, we could probably find a plantation to settle down at" Said Adelaide as she looked over the map.

"Plantation? Settle down? Miss Kane, did I hear that right? And here I thought you loved life on the road" Bohannon teased.

"You made life on the road worth living...Hopefully, you --you can make the plantation life feel the same. I'm willing to try, if you are, Charlus" Her cheeks were steaming red and she stared intently at the map to avoid his eyes.

"Well, I'd be damned... If we're being honest, Adelaide. If we spent the rest of this life in a shack, I wouldn't want nothing more than to spend it with you" Bohannon used his middle and index fingers to gently lifted her chin. It felt like he was touching a cloud.

Adelaide hesitantly looked up at him. When she saw his genuine care for her in his eyes, she smiled. She took his hand and brought it to her cheek. She nuzzled into his hand and her eyelids fell shut while she basked in warm feelings.


A door the sheriff's department suddenly opened and they both grabbed their assault rifle and tactically moved towards the source of the noise. Adelaide was in no way, a professional, but a good month with Bohannon --she knew the basics of tactical movements and shooting.

They moved through the halls at a steady pace. It was a big building, after a few turns...

"Don't move" Said Adelaide and the Two men and boy froze in place.

"Now drop your weapons!" Bohannon added.

The metal hit the ground and the bearded white man spoke up "I'm Rick Grimes, King County's Deputy Sheriff."

"Who gives a shit, boy. The United states of America is under direct federal control. All the way down to the smallest town. As US Marshall I can take the department and you can't say shit"

"US Marshall? Is... Is the government moving back in? Are their more?" Rick rambled off his questions

"What? No? The government is over. You're no more a Deputy than I am Marshall. Put your riffle down, Miss Kane" Bohannon placed a hand on her riffle and gave a gentle pull. With their weapons lowered, they put rifles on safety.

Hearing a soft click Rick slowly turned around and saw the couple. "We don't want any trouble" he said, "We just came for some weapons, a change of clothes, and a car." he added.

"Start with a shower. Come on, I'll take ya there." Bohannon then turned around and pulled Adelaide into a affectionate kiss. "We'll finish our talk later, fine by ya?" he finished.

Adelaide took a depth breath and nodded happily.


"So what's your name?" Asked the middle aged black man in the shower

Bohannon took a drag of his Cheroot and replied with a puff of smoke, "Charlus Bohannon. Former US Marshall."

"You mean deputy?" Rick interjected.

"No. I mean US Marshall. No deputy. I was part of a special unit. Full of Marshalls. Think wild west on a global scale. We even picked our own Deputies. Now how about you introduce yourself." Bohannon gesture towards the middle aged man.

"I'm Morgan and this my son, Duane. Say, hello, boy" Morgan answered.

"Hello, Sir" Duane greeted Bohannon as he rinsed his body.

Bohannon tipped his hat and looked towards the men. "Times up, if anybody's going to waste the hot water, it'll be Miss Kane."

Rick ended his shower, followed by Morgan and Duane.

"Dress and meet us on the floor. I have a map that could help you find your way. It's a bit old, but it's better than nothing, ya hear?" Bohannon turned away and went back to the main floor.


Rick and his company, walked in as Bohannon and Adelaide were talking about small towns around Atlanta and potential places to stop.

"You guys, look better. How do you all feel?" she asked.

The men replied and then Rick asked to take a look at the map they head. Adelaide showed the post near Atlanta and Rick decided to head to the CDC, while Morgan decided to hunker down and join him later.

As the two men went their separate ways, Adelaide and Bohannan kicked back. They had a couple of drinks and talked about their future plans.

"I think we should join Rick at the CDC. Well, not join him, but follow his lead. I know how much you want company and a semblance of normalcy. I don't want to take that away from you."Said Bohannon.

"But the city?"

"We can avoid the city altogether. It's safer, actually."

"Then, last do it." She replied.

Bohannon and Adelaide spent the rest of the day exploring the together. Everywhere they went. They checked for medication and Tomahawks. Bohannon always reasoned that bullets wouldn't be around for every. A Tomahawk was the weapon of choice for Bohannons since the American Revolutionary war.

Near the center of town, The couple found a pharmacy with three dead fellows occupying the place. Adelaide choose to kill them with her blade. She wanted the experience and Bohannon didn't argue different.

When antibiotics and antivirals were stocked, Bohannon and Adelaide rode out of town in search of the CDC safe zone.


Some time later, as the couple trotted, Adelaide felt it was about time she started to know Bohannon just a little better.

"Charlus, How old are you? It's quite hard to tell with that beard on your face."

"Haha, How bout you take a guess." He replied

Adelaide put on her thinking face and said, "Hmm 26/27?"

"Are ya asking or tellin' me?" he asked

"I'm telling you. I Believe you to be 26/27 years old" she replied

"Well, you're wrong. I'm 21. My birthday was a few months before the world went to shit."

" Really?" she asked a bit shocked, "You're only a year older than me. Except I turned 20 when everything was going to shit."

"Is that so? When's your birthday? Next year I can plan something special for you." Said Bohannon

"Haa, August 9th. And just so you know, I have a thing for red velvet cake."

Bohannon took a mentally not but refrained from replying due to the appearance of a king county police car.

"Looks like he ran out of gas. Come on, he might be on the road up ahead... Yaah" Bohannon snapped his reins and the horse cantered off. cAouple of miles up. Adelaide and Bohannon found a small house.

there wasn't much there but some old man with his brains blown out. Bohannon picked up a set of fresh horse tracks riding towards the city and figured it was Rick.

"Well the sum bitch is still alive. I guess we can keep moving then." Said Bohannon and the two mounted their horses and rode off.

--- Day 60---

I met Sheriff yesterday, seemed like a good man. Tightly wound though. also met a man and his son, but I don't think they'll make it. King County wasn't really the right place to settle down. Anyway, Adelaide and I are on our way to the CDC.

The girl said somethings the other day and it's got me hoping again. I just can't figure out if the state of the world is pressuring us or if it's a real connection. Either way, I have condoms on standby. We all know it won't be the right time for a long time.

All right, so the reason I decided to write today, is because I can feel it again. My grandfather said the Bohannon men had keen instinct. Like we were touched by a god. "Never betray your gut, son. the Christians have their bibles and the Bohannons have their Guts", he said.

I never understood what he was talking about until I had near death experience on the job at the beginning of the year. Ever since then I've been doing weird shit. First I turn down a good gig in Germany and end up in North Carolina. Then I stop for some Aussie couple and save Adelaide from getting her throat ripped out. Now I find myself catching feelings for the first time since Kandahar.

And most importantly. My gut is telling me to ride towards the city now. And the words of my grandfather is echoing in my head. Hell, Adelaide slipped under my blanket tonight and i'm thinking of my goddamn grandfather. I hate the apocalypse. And I guess we're riding to Atlanta.

Well, I'm going to get back to bed. Got a feeling tomorrow's going to be a hell of a day.

---End of Entry---

After some explaining to the confused Adelaide. Bohannon convinced her to believe in his Gut. Afterall, it was the reason she was still breathing.

Trotting on the free way into the city. Adelaide and Bohannon spotted a box truck riding their way. They dismounted and held their reigns in one hand while their spare hand was on their pistol.

The sound of the brakes produced a screeching sound as the truck came to a stop. A middle aged white man was driving the truck. He looked a bit pale when he stepped out the truck.

"Help me, I -- Well, I'll be damned. A white cowboy leaves me for dead and Nigger cowboy saves me." The man said as he chuckled aloud.

Bohannon raised and eyebrow and Adelaide drew her pistol and pulled the hammer back. The click caught the man's attention and he straightened up.

"Apologize" said Adelaide

"Sometimes I speak without thinking. I apologize. I just need some bandages and some pain killers, if you got em" He said

"Don't worry none, one of my grandfathers was a greyback during the civil war. Racist sumbitch, but he learned the error of his ways. I'm sure you can too. Come on, let's patch you up" Bohannon turned around and pulled a med-kit from his bag.

Bohannon cleaned the man's wound and wrapped it in bandages, "So how'd it happen?" asked Bohannon

"People from my camp left me to die on a roof. I was handcuffed and severed my own hand to get free."

"Tough man, what's your name? and How do you plan to pay for the supplies we used on you?" Asked Bohannon

"Merle...Merle Dixon. And I have a camp by the quarry, Rob em, kill em, do what you want. Or you can ask my brother, Daryl, to replace the pills I used."

"Hmm I take it, you're leaving your brother behind?"

"Damn right, I need to go out on my own for a bit. Thanks for the bandages." Merle said. He walked back to his truck and went on his way.

Bohannon looked at Adelaide and said, "you believe my gut, now? We came to the city and a camp was waiting for us."

"That's actually kind of spooky... And we don't have to go through the city to get to the Quarry, we can make it by sundown." Said Adelaide

Bohannon laughed and the two mounted their horses and rode for the camp.


It was around sundown when Adelaide and Bohannon rode up on an RV, attracting the attention of the people in the camp. They seemed to be in the middle of cooking dinner. The couple dismounted and tied their horses to a tree.

When they finished a black haired man with a King County Sheriff's shirt own was looking at them with his hand on his pistol.

"What y'all want?" he asked

"Were looking for Merle's brother. We patched Merle up on the road and he sent us here to collect payment." Answered Bohannon.

"Hmm, so you say. How do you know your not here to rob us?" The man asked with an intense paranoia.

Bohannon reached into a vest pouch and pulled out a black wallet. He held it up and tossed it to the man. "You know a Rick Grimes? He worked at your department. He knows me and that Marshal badge is to let you know that I'm law abiding. You set the rules and I'll follow em. Unless you want to take my guns. Then we'll have a problem"

A boy stepped up and said, "You know my dad?"

Bohannon looked at Adelaide with a smile and she rolled her eyes. Bohannon faced the boy and replied, "You must Carol. Your daddy was looking for you and your momma when I met him. Did he make it here alright?"

"He did, did you happen to see him on your way here?" a woman asked.

"You must be Lori. No we did not. Do you know where Merle's brother is?" Adelaide asked.

"He's with Rick, they should be back soon. Why don't you join us?" The man replied and tossed Bohannon's badge back to him.

As everyone sat around. Two blonde women cooked. They were sisters the oldest was Andrea and the younger, Amy. To the left of Bohannon was the black haired man, Shane, Rick's best friend. Their was also the Morales Family, and Dale. More were coming, but they were in there tents at the moment.

Some time later, While everyone was eating around the campfire, Bohannon pulled out a bottle of whiskey. "I feel bad eating your food without payment. So, y'alls care to share a drink with me?"

The group smiled and replied happily. Bohannon poured drinks and the conversation began to flow a bit better.

"So, Bohannon. Where are you heading after you leave here?" asked Shane

"Ehh, don't know. Maybe a nice farm with Miss Kane. My gut tells me she'll make a mighty fine wife." Bohannon winked at Adelaide and she blushed a bit. Though it was hard tell with her cheeks rosy red in her tippsy state.

"Is that so? How'd you two fine people meet?" Shane asked again.

"North Carolina. I was on vacation with my Boyfriend and Bohannon was on the job. When shit went to hell. My boyfriend was bit. I tried stop many people, but Bohannon was the only one to take the time to help. We were both pretty clueless at the time. So I had no idea that my boyfriend would try to eat me after he died and reanimated...

If Charlus wasn't there, I might have been walking around as one of those things right now. We've been together since. At first it was for my safety, then he taught me how to survive. I was an actress before the world ended, so Charlus was god sent for me" Adelaide swooned and the adult smiled and felt a nice warmth in their hearts at the display

That atmosphere was soon broken by Amy's outburst, " I knew it! You're Adelaide Kane... you played Lolly Allen in 'Neighbors' and Jade Ann James in 'Secrets of the Mountain'"

Amy looked like she was going to lose her shit.

" I take it you're a fan?" Adelaide asked

"A little, yes." Amy replied

"She watched, Neighbors, religiously" Andrea added with an amused smile.

The girls continued to chat as Amy went all fangirl and they talked about Adelaide's acting Career. The conversation died down when Adelaide and Amy went of to use the bathroom.

A buzzed Bohannon, pulled out a pack of tobacco and rolled it in a tobacco leaf before striking a match to light his cigarillo. His buzz eased mildly with every hit of tobacco. Bohannon pushed himself up and bid goodnight to everyone. As soon as he turned around he saw a muzzle flash and heard a loud bang that startled the camp. He watched as Adelaide pulled Amy back into the RV.

Another dead fellow grabbed Amy's side. Without missing a beat, Bohannon drew his pistol and let of two controlled shots killing the dead fellow for good.

"Adelaide! We need to protect the horses!" he shouted and continued to shoot dead fellows as he walked to his horse.

Adelaide was soon on his tail after she closed the RV door and left Amy inside. The camp became chaotic. Many people died and some fought with everything they had to protect their precious people.

Adelaide and Bohannon kept firing and the horse bucked around in fright while the battle kept on.

Pah Pah, round after round. clink clink, the sound falling shells hitting each other adding to the symphony of battle.

The other side of camp was soon over run but only lasted a moment when a group of men came from the woods, ending the dead fellows for good. When Rick fired the last round into crawling dead Fellow, the horde attack had ended.

Bohannon looked around at the dead while Adelaide checked him for any bites or scratches. Another night of death. While walking towards the survivors, Amy ran and threw herself into Adelaide's arms, crying and thanking her over and over again.

"Bohannon?" Rick called out, "What are you doing here?" he asked while holding his boy Carl close to his chest.

Bohannon holstered his pistol and ashed the the still burning cigarillo. "Here to collect payment... I'm looking for Merle's brother." he said...