
The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale

A man dies and is reincarnated in an alternative universe in the middle of the 2000s. Although it's a different universe from his own, things are pretty much the same, with very few differences. Using what he knew about some events, our protagonist uses his knowledge to become a billionaire. He was satisfied, as he had everything he wanted. Until... 'Congratulations to you for owning the one and only SHOP, where you can buy food, weapons, ammo, and many other things to help you on your journey through the Apocalypse!' An interface/message appeared in front of him, deeply confusing our protagonist. And the content of the message wasn't good either. ''Apocalypse !?!? What is happening!'' A few days later, news started to show some crazy people biting others. ''... That's bad, isn't it?'' ------------------ The Image is AI generated; I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

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70 Chs

39 - Woodbury (2)

Jonathan didn't waste any time. Since it was already afternoon, he decided to go to Woodbury the next day. But before that, he had already talked to Daryl about the motorcycle.

''Can I borrow it for tomorrow? I should be back within a week.'' Jonathan had also left a long-distance radio with Samantha, in case of emergency. His would be in the INVENTORY.

Daryl just nodded, ''Take good care of her.'

Jonathan then went to talk to Nathanael, Eve, and Samantha. He didn't hide much, and used what Michonne told him, '' According to Michonne, our new member, it seems that there is a town near us that apparently has a psychopathic leader who wants to find us.''

He then told them what Michonne had found out and they all fell silent.

Nathanael, who knew what Jonathan could do, asked, '' Are you confident in dealing with them alone?''

Jonathan nodded, "Yes. But it may take some time. I haven't thought of a plan yet, and maybe I'll just walk into town. I don't need weapons on myself and I can handle a few people on my own.''

Yes, one of Jonathan's draft plans was to simply knock on the door like a survivor seeking shelter and get captured. Inside the city, he would use the stuff from his INVENTORY and start some Chaos inside. And in the middle of it all, he was going to kill the Governor. He just didn't know what to do with the rest of the people, ' Kill them all or leave them alone?'

So far, Jonathan was more inclined to kill everyone, but that could change at any moment.

''When do you plan on leaving?''Eve asked.

''Tomorrow morning. ''

Eve sighed, "Be careful.'' She trusted Jonathan, but now he was putting himself in more and more danger and she couldn't understand why.

"I always do.''

Samantha didn't say much as she already knew he would do something like that.

After this mini-meeting, Jonathan quickly went to see what he had in the INVENTORY, to see what he had. When he saw the amount of weapons and food, his mouth twitched. ' I overspent on this.'

He had many, many weapons. Over 1M of ammunition of all kinds. Jonathan gave up counting the guns when he passed 400, and he only knew the amount of ammunition because it was the only thing he bought in large quantities.

Food then... he stopped counting after he filled his entire room with food. 'Good thing nothing rots inside the INVERNTORY and the things I buy from the SHOP are of better quality... Hurray for cheats!'

After the food, he looked at the other things, like the titanium plates and shields. ' All in order.'

Jonathan looked at the amount of money he still had, ' 2 Billion... although it seems like a lot, one day the SHOP might raise the prices... Oh well, if I have to I can just rob a bank. I doubt there will be anyone protecting them.'

After making an inventory of his INVENTORY, Jonathan went back to his business, which was ... to do nothing?

Jonathan rarely did anything, and whenever he needed to, SHOP helped him.

'Am I a bum?'

With a newfound realization, Jonathan continued on his day. After some hours he took his dinner to block 3 again but this time Michonne did not speak to him.

On this trip to cell block 3, Jonathan pulled Gabriel aside, ''I know it's been less than a week since you've been here, but I'd like to make a proposition to your group.''

Gabriel felt no bad intention coming from Jonathan, so he said, "Go ahead.''

Jonathan shook his head, "First, follow me. This is something I also have to talk to Rick about.''

Gabriel, in the days since he had arrived, had already made contact with Rick and the others. And although they were not besties, they all knew each other.

Rapidly going to block 2, Jonathan noticed that they had just finished their dinner. Carl was the first to notice them, '' Jonathan!'' He walked towards him and Sophia followed him, '' What are you doing here?''

Jonathan smiled seeing this soon-to-be badass. ''Can you tell me where he is?''

Carl nodded, "Follow me.'' He began to lead the way.

Jonathan walked past all the members of the group, saying hello to everyone. Quickly, Carl arrived where Rick was, '' He's there.''

'''Thank you.''' Jonathan discreetly passed Carl some pistol ammunition. He knew the boy's preference, ''Don't tell anyone.''

Carl's eyes shone. He was already thinking how many more times he could shoot using this. ''Thank you!''

Gabriel's eyes widened but he said nothing about this situation.

As Carl left, Jonathan, alongside Gabriel, said hello to Rick.

Rick finally noticed the two of them, '' Oh, it's you both. Why do I own the pleasure?'' Again, Gabriel and his group had met Rick before, and while they could not be said to be longtime friends, they respected each other.

Jonathan sat down and Gabriel did the same, '' You see, I have a proposition for you. And seeing as both of you are leaders of your group, I came to talk to you.''

Rick's interest was picked,'' Say it.''

Gabriel too paid attention.

Jonathan then explained the situation. He think it was time that all groups go to the same block. He said the pros and even the cons, but added, '' I think it's the best for everyone. The kids would love to, as seeing they would not need to walk a few 100 meters to meet their friends.''

Rick and Gabriel started to think. Rick said after some consideration, ''Can I talk to the others about this and gather their opinion?''

' Oh, so Ricktadorship didn't start ... or it did and it already ended.' Jonathan nodded, '' Sure. Take your time.'' He looked at Gabriel.

Gabriel didn't hesitate. He didn't care much for the place he was in, he just wanted a place to stay, '' I don't see anything against it.''

"Think about it. What we have in abundance now is time.''Jonathan then said goodbye to both of them and went to his block.

He spent a few more hours awake, thinking of ways to infiltrate Woodbury, and finally went to sleep.



''Remember, if anything happens, radio me. Don't hesitate.'' Jonathan reminded his group once more, '' Be on standby in case of an attack. This group is after us, so be suspicious of anyone who comes while I'm gone.''

While Jonathan was away, Eve would take care of Block 1. He also made Samantha promise not to go to the watchtower while he was away. Nathanael would be in the tower almost all day, as a lookout. Jonathan said he didn't have to, but he insisted.

Rick and Gabriel were also informed that Jonathan was going to leave and came to see him. Rick said, ''Are you sure about this?'' He didn't know everything that happened, but from what Rick heard, there was a hostile group nearby and Jonathan wanted to go and check out their situation and see if he could figure out their intentions.

Jonathan smiled, '' Don't worry, I'm just going to look around and try to avoid a confrontation.'' It was a lie. He was going to enter the city and kill their leader. He was just trying to think of a plan so that no one would suspect him and the group nearby.

Rick had some other doubts, but he just said, "Stay safe. I'll take care of everyone while you're gone. And, by the time you come back, I will have my answer regarding the thing of all of us moving to the same block.''

This made Jonathan feel a little better, as Rick was protecting his group and he would probably accept the change to one single block, 'He already sees my group as his group. And he's the protagonist, usually, his group is kept safe, right? ... Right!?'

With a new thought in his head, Jonathan thanked Rick, '' Please do.''

Gabriel then approached him, '' May I pray for you?''

Although Jonathan was not that religious, more protection was always good, '' Of course.''

Gabriel then said a short prayer for Jonathan's protection. After that, it was time to leave.

Jonathan looked at his group, "Don't worry, I should be gone for a week at most. And if everything goes well, we don't have to worry about this group anymore.''

Then, Jonathan said another goodbye and walked away.


Looking at the place where Michonne pointed at the map, Jonathan went slowly with the motorcycle, always looking around to see if there was anything strange. Although Michonne had shown on the map where it was, Jonathan was also unsure of the exact location.

Then, for the next three hours, Jonathan was traveling to where Woodbury was supposed to be located. When he reached the point where Michonne had pointed on the map, he saw, a little way off, the fences and gates of Woodbury.

Jonathan stopped the bike, dismounted, and put it in his INVENTORY. He put away all his weapons, and tore off some of his clothes, to make them look worn. He also put on a backpack, all screwed up and put a lot of ammunition in it. He needed an excuse to get in, and an exchange between ammo and food was a great thing.

When he finished his transformation, Jonathan looked like a person who had been hungry for a long time, and his clothes indicated it. The only thing he couldn't change was his weight, which, though thin, indicated that he ate well. But this was the best he could do.

After this transformation, he walked towards Woodbury, paying attention to everything. If anyone indicated that they were going to shoot him, he would react.

Jonathan mentally prepared himself and appeared at the gates of Woodbury.


It was just another normal day for John, a resident of Woodbury. His job was to guard the gate and watch for people passing by.

John knew about the atrocities that occurred to the unlucky outsiders who entered the city. He knew it, he didn't like it, but he was powerless to change it. The only thing he could do was try to scare off the survivor who came knocking on the door. But that often failed, because it was a very bad world out there, and people craved a place to live.

And today it was only John who was taking care of the eastern part of the city. The city had four gates and usually two guards, but today John was alone because his partner was busy with .... stomach problems.

Everything was indicating today was going to be a quiet day, without John needing to do anything, but suddenly he noticed a person approaching. Instinctively he pointed his gun at them. After he saw that it was just a person, he relaxed for a moment. But then his expression changed because he knew that if the person asked to come in, there wasn't much he could do. After all, the Governor said to him to let every survivor who arrived enter the city.

Then, as John saw the person getting closer and closer, he used a threatening voice, "Stop right there!''

The person stopped and finally noticed the gun in John's hand. She began to tremble and raised her hands, "Don't shoot! I only came here because I thought you could exchange supplements!''

This gained John's interest, '' What do you offer? If it's something good, I can let you in and show it to my leader.'' He was lying. John would not let the person in at all, for his own good.

The person took the backpack off his back and opened it. John's jaw dropped when he saw the amount of ammo inside the bag, ' What the fuck!?'

'' ... Did you rob the army or something?'' Now John was hesitating. The Governor needed and wanted the ammo. '' What do you need in return?''

The person beamed. It seems she thought the deal was already done, '' I need food. As much as you think this is worth it.''

John hesitated once more. He knew once they accepted the person in, she would not come out. But, he also knew his group needed that ammo, ' The Governor is preparing an attack in a group nearby and need this...'

Sighing and offering a small prayer for the person in front of him, John opened the gate and let the person inside, not knowing this decision would later have some disastrous results for his group.

Guys, my PC stopped working for good this time. I will be on a forced hiatus until I have the money to buy a new one.

See you soon!

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