
The Waifu App In The Apocalypse

Jason Augustus, he is an ordinary young man who enjoys reading Manga and playing Video Games. An ordinary man with a slightly odd last name and that's about it. When coming out of a corner store, Jason to his horror found out he was in the Apocalypse. Somehow, someway, he time traveled five years into the future, without aging one bit. How does he know his time traveled? Some mechanical voice In his head, of course. Furthermore, he even got some Waifu App on his phone that lets him summon them and buy their abilities and skills. ... At least something good came out of the Apocalypse, right? RIGHT?! ****** [ I write for Fun and for Entertainment. Don't take this too seriously. This Fanfic could be counted as Wish-Fulfillment. Also - I own nothing in this Fanfic but I my own creations and ideas ]

VoidShiro · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

[ Chapter - 5: Farming Points & History ]



Covered In blood, stood Jason on top of a pile of dead Goblins. His army uniform has many cuts and tears throughout it. Fresh blood drips from his hands and legs

It's been a few hours since taking out those Orcs. Since then, he has been running into little groups of Goblins, which he killed for points. And If his Calculations are right, he has about 14,000 WP. Meaning - he has killed over: 31 or so Goblins in total, in about three hours. Ten Goblins per hour.

' I need to...find some Orcs.' However, before he could move, his body dropped onto the lifeless bodies of the Goblins under him,' But first - Let me sleep...'


When Jason woke up, he groaned, feeling his whole body yell at him and smell of the dead under him.

' Shut it. We still have a long way to go.' He then sighed,' Oh great, I'm talking to my body. Basically to myself.' Jason's sure he's going a wee bit insane. Just a little bit.

Getting to his feet, he pulled out his Glock-19 and short sword he looted from that Orc lady.

' Two mags left, huh?' Jason frowned, getting down from the pile of dead Goblins. He only has two magazines left in his Glock-19,' I guess I gotta get used to fighting with a sword.'

Giving the pile one more look, and making sure he looted everything from them, he set out.


" Wait-"


" Great-"


" Please-"


" That's 15,000 now." Jason whipped the purple blood from his face. Around him, a tail of a dead Goblin was cut into nice skillful pieces.

' Gonna need more...' A whisper said in his mind, as he eyed another group of Goblins, running to him.

Putting his Glock-19 away, he pulled out her short sword and got to work.

...However, before he could, a tall buff green Orc walked out of the Goblin's side, to him. In his hands, is a long sword with colorful gems running alongside the grip and the cross-guard.

" So you're the one-"


Gritting his teeth together, the Orc growled out as Jason pushed him back a few steps," Who been cause us trouble."


Blocking a slash aiming for his neck, the Orc frowned,' He's getting better...'


Kicking Jason into a broken-down car, he sneered," Humans... So annoying. Why can't-"


" Argh!" Holding his hand in pain, he roared at Jason and the Glock-19 he's holding," Fucker!"


Flying above duel is a large black Vulture with burning red eyes. Its wings seemed to shine under the moonlight.

' Piss him off...Then kill him.' An emotionless Jason eyed to Orc like he was looking at an ant.

" Stop looking down on me, you shitty human!" Ticked off, he roared and slashed his sword down on Jason.


" What the-" Shocked, the Orc sweated seeing Jason block his blow with one hand.

' Never reveal your full strength.' Jason smirked, pressing the pistol on the Orc's forehead,' That is the Art of War.'

" Wait-"


{ Ping! You Killed A Mid-Tier Warrior Orc | 5,200 WP }

Turning his head to the side, brain matter and blood splashed over.

Pushing his body off of him, Jason jumped into the fray of scared Goblins.

' He really is here...' A Goblin smiled, as his head got slashed off.


" *Huff! That's *Huff!* 21,200, now." Jason panted, feeling his lugs cry out for help. As of now, he can't really feel his fingers or hand. They don't feel like they're there anymore.

' Need to take a break.' Farming points In real life is too much work. Plus, he doesn't really smell the greatest right now.

' Need a shower too...' He groaned.

Walking to the Orc, Jason took anything of value and threw his body In his inventory.

Taking the weapons and gold from the Goblins, he started to run again.


' This looks like a great place to take a nap in...' After an hour of looking, Jason found a decent-looking Hotel.

Opening one of the doors, he found a clean room waiting for him.

' Bed...' His eyes literally shined, upon seeing the bed.

Putting a hold on just plopping on the bed, he put another bed next to it and pushed it in front of the door and window. After doing the same to the TV and table, he then fell on the bed.

' Oh, how I have missed you!'

Closing his eyes, sleep took Jason in a matter of seconds.

Watching all of this, an unknown type of dog on a skyscraper seemed to smile.









Planet Earth. This planet is dominated by the Human Race. However, after the zombies appeared, cities and whole countries fell like dominos. Earth entered into the Zombie Era for the first few years, which puts the dominance of the Human race on Planet Earth. Very soon, the humans learned the law of the jungle and the Leveling system that appeared when humanity was on its last legs. And within the human race, and the advent of new races, stronger than ordinary human beings, who were both more evolved and advanced human races than ordinary human beings, began to push back the undead. With abilities and skills straight out of fantasy and video games, the humans began retaking cites after cites.

Even when normal animals evolved into Monsters in their own right, the humans still kept on winning battle after battle.

However... this all ended when Titan size colorful Gates appeared all over the world. Out of these gates, all kinds of fantasy races came out. And they did, the newcomers pushed the humans all back once again on their last legs, only leaving the humans in various cities throughout the world that they created into a stronghold, against the undead and the race they thought only lived in Anime and Games and TV Shows.

This is a type of world Jason Augustus has found himself In. A dog-eat-dog world where only power matters.

