
The Waifu App In The Apocalypse

Jason Augustus, he is an ordinary young man who enjoys reading Manga and playing Video Games. An ordinary man with a slightly odd last name and that's about it. When coming out of a corner store, Jason to his horror found out he was in the Apocalypse. Somehow, someway, he time traveled five years into the future, without aging one bit. How does he know his time traveled? Some mechanical voice In his head, of course. Furthermore, he even got some Waifu App on his phone that lets him summon them and buy their abilities and skills. ... At least something good came out of the Apocalypse, right? RIGHT?! ****** [ I write for Fun and for Entertainment. Don't take this too seriously. This Fanfic could be counted as Wish-Fulfillment. Also - I own nothing in this Fanfic but I my own creations and ideas ]

VoidShiro · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

[ Chapter - 4: Orcs? There Are Fucking Orcs Here?!


Looking from the top of his window, Jason frowned, seeing a group of green-skin fantasy-like Goblins. They seemed to be looking for something in a zealous manner.

' Zealous Goblins...What has the world come to!' He sighed.

' I guess, It's about time I leave anyways.'

Putting all his stuff in his Inventory and making sure it's clean, he cleared the barrage he made and started walking down the hallway - holding his Glock-19 at the ready.

Clearing the barrages on the two floors below him, he started hauling ass downstairs.


When he made it downstairs, he paled seeing the Goblins look at him with raised eyebrows as he stepped out of the building.

" Oh!" Look they know him, the Goblins smiled and bowed," We humble Goblins greet the Great Dark One!"

' Dark One? What the fuck are they talking about? Do they also play DnD?' Jason's mind rebooted itself many times.


' Fuck it.' Upon not finding anything, he shrugged his shoulders.


{ Ping! Three Low-Tier Goblins Killed | 300 WP }

In a swift motion, he pulled the trigger and killed the three Goblins.

Taking their armor and weapons, he kept a dagger went him and started running.

' Now they know where I am at!' It's better than being dead, he told himself. Is really is.


' Damnit Murphy!' He cursed, seeing a very buff lady green-skin Orc.

" Ho? Aren't you a cutie~" The buff lady Orc licked her lips, eyeing Jason, especially in one area.

' No Death By snu snu!' His blood froze, as he took a step back.

" Oi. You can't leave now." Licking the tip of her dagger, she smiled," I want you. And I will have you."

' Fuck this shit, I'm out!'


Shooting at her, Jason dived into a building and ran out of the other side of it, into a tall grass area.

' What the fuck?! Why is the grass so tall?!' He yelled into his mind.


" Shit!" Ducking, an arrow shot above his head. Glancing up, he saw a slender male Orc aiming at him with a bow and arrow from a top window.

Giving him the middle finger, he dived into another window and through a dark hallway.


After an hour of playing hide and seek with the two Orcs, he sighed deeply. Certainly, he is hiding on the top floor of a tall building that is crushed into the one next to it.

" Where are you~ Where are you~ I wanna play~" He heard the Lady Orc's voice echo from the floor below him.

' Bloody hell...' Maybe he should have bought a Waifu...

Looking at his shaking hands, he sighed again,' I guess I'm gonna have to kill her...' It's the Survival of the fittest here, is it not? And he wants...No - will survive.

" *Sniff* Oh, there you are." Hearing outside his door, Jason's hands stopped shaking as a cold light appeared in his sky blue eyes that weren't there before.


With wasting even a moment after making up his mind, he unloaded into the door, getting painful screams and yells.

{ Ping! Six Low-Tier Goblins Killed | 600 WP }

' Fuck.' Was Jason's response, as the door opened and the Lady Orc walked in over a pile of dead Goblins.

" You sure want me really bad, huh?" She giggled, sauntering to the 'defenseless' human, she has taken a liking to.

" What can I say... I can have a thing for powerful woman." Jason confessed, while his eyes seemed to shine in the dark room.

" That's a good thing for me, is it not?" Showing Jason her six back and bulging muscles all over her body, she smirked," I'm perfect for you."

" Now let go of your weapon and come with me." She instructed Jason.

" Alright... But, can you pick me up?" He 'bitterly chuckled'," I can't really feel my legs at the moment."

" Poor things. I sure can." Letting her short swords hang from her waist, she went to pick up Jason.

However, she froze, feeling a cold barrel at her forehead.

Locking eyes with Jason, she giggled," What are you gonna do? Smack me with the gun? I didn't know you were into that too~" She knows these types of guns don't hold a lot of ammo. And she made sure, by counting each shot. So, that gun is useless right now.

" You must be new to America." This was all Jason said, as he pulled the trigger, making brain matter and blood splash all over his clothing," Let me re-educate you... Oh, wait. Your dead."

{ Ping! You Killed A Mid-Tier Warrior Orc | 5,200 WP }

' Eh...' 5,200?! That's huge for him right now! One more of these guys and he can summon a Tier-2 Waifu! And two more, he can summon a Tier-3 Waifu!

' *Gulp* What should I do...' Survival or power? Survival or power? Survival or power? Which should he pick?!

" You...You killed my sister!" Never mind, it got decided for him.

At the end of the hallway, the Archer Orc screamed in pure rage, running at him!

When the Archer Orc jumped on him, his lights in his eyes died out. Sticking through his heart is a dagger Jason got from the Goblin.

{ Ping! You Killed A Mid-Tier Warrior Orc | 5,200 WP }

Pushing the body off of him, Jason breathed in and out hard," Bloody hell..." It is truly a bloody hell.

Using all his strength, he shakily stood up and dropped himself on a chair.

' This is some bullshit...' Whatever God sent him is bitch. He's honestly happy that God got punished, whoever it is.

Standing back up, his mind blacked out, as he took everything he could use and left the building, with the bodies in his inventory, due to not wanting to be tracked down.

Glancing up at the Moons, Jason gave it the finger, as he started running again.

