

How to rule a kingdom isn't a joke, how to stand strong during war,lead your most trusted men to war,fall in love,dream of a normal but a blueblood can never dream of a normal life it's not by choice it's fate "you have a concubine "Tonia asked "why won't I?I had a lot before you got pregnant so why will I not have one after you left. After all, did royal concubine Lydia not inform you." Marcus asked looking into her troubled eyes it was the first time he looked up since she entered the dinning hall. "I don't know her".Tonia said "oh you don't? she was your handmaiden then,our son might be eight or almost nine now though I haven't seen him since he was four ."Marcus said and started eating again

timm_silva009 · History
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18 Chs


Yvonne woke up,the sun has fully risen. Her dad will obviously be worried if he noticed that she's not around. She stood up immediately. Harry has woken up already and was already roasting the meat. she walked in a hurry to meet him.

"There's a lake down there, you can wash your face".Harry said not looking at her.

"I don't need it,I really need to get out of here,my dad must have noticed that I'm not around". Yvonne said.

"If you say so. Well,I already roasted most of the deer Robert brought. You can take it this is mine".

"Fine,where is it?".Yvonne asked and Harry stood up and looked at her. It was the first time he would see her face clearly. She had a blonde hair which she tied into a loose bun. Her cyan eyes searching his brown ones in curiosity. Even with the fact that she was dressing like a boy, she has the greatest figure he has ever seen. his gaze travelled down her perfect lips and he felt like kissing her again, he looked at her skin also,it was shining like gold. Yvonne would have asked him to stop staring if she wasn't staring.

"Okay!Let me help you with it".Harry said as soon as he collected himself. He took all the roasted deer and gave it to her.She looked into his eyes and looked down again.

"Are you fine?".Harry asked when he noticed that she was red.

"Of course...Well,I'm sorry about yesterday".Yvonne said avoiding his gaze.

"Yesterday?Ohps, what are you sorry about? The king or you urging me on because I'm trying to put it through".Hermes asked as he fold his arms across his chest. he kept looking at her with interest.

"To be honest, I never expected you to be this handsome. so I'm sorry for trying to you know?".Yvonne contemplated on whether to go on or not.

"I don't know to be honest".Harry said his smirk not leaving his face.

"Well,I have to leave now if not my dad would have been shouting right now".Yvonne giggled while Harry raised a brow.As she was about to leave.

"Harry!my name is Harry".Harry said as he crossed the distance between them and gave her a hug then kissed her lips. She blushed hard.

"I'll probably be the one who's sorry now right? Don't worry I'll find my way around probably after doing everything I want to do I'll come back here and I'll like to meet you again before I leave. I'll send a signal, promise me you'll be here.

"I promise".Yvonne said as she left the palace. She felt she was toiling with her feelings by liking him. she walked past trees when she got to her house she climbed the balcony and sighed when she entered her room. it was a good thing that her room was on the last floor. She entered the room and the aroma of the deer filled everywhere just then her father entered. 'Not now' she thought.

"You know you could ask one of the guards to hunt for you instead of you going alone and risking your life".her dad, Bernard said.

"Dad, I prefer it when I go alone".Yvonne objected.

"Fine!What's that?".Bernard asked eyeing the backpack.

"Roasted deer. want some?". Yvonne asked as grabbed a plate under her bed and started placing the meat on it. The aroma filled the room. Bernard smiled and sat on Yvonne's bed.

"How were you able to roast it? You can't light a fire".Bernard asked.

"Yeah!someone actually roasted it for me".Yvonne said.

"You have a friend?".

"Yes I guess".Yvonne said as she flushed.

"That's good.Well,take yours and give me some of it. I need to this with the wine I received yesterday. Get dressed, we are expecting a visitor".Bernard said as Yvonne passed the plate to him. He took it, flashed her a smile and felt the room.

Damn!She hate visitors ,she entered her bathroom and took her bath with the help of her maids. She hates her life. Waking up, taking her bath with the help of maids when her hands work perfectly well, eating sleeping,sometimes attend meetings with her father and then she's back in her room sleeping. same routine everyday. she sighed and walked out of the bathtub, got dressed and walked to her dad's court. She sat down beside her father while her dad kept talking to the people or rather councillors and their hands were shaking vigorously all in the name of expressing themselves.

After a long while, a guard entered the room and whispered into the king's ear while the king gave him an affirmative nod.

"Our visitor is here".The king announced just as he finished the sentence. A guy in a royal robe came in with a wolf after having a huge argument with the palace guards. Yvonne looked at him.He was the guy she met in the woods she adjusted uncomfortably in her seat,he even brought the wolf. She smirked. 'what an effrontery'.He walked up to the king and bowed.

"Your Highness, I'm prince Harry from Mampi kingdom. My father is king Hermes the third".Harry said.

"Prince Harry, I recieved the letter your father sent to me. You can stand up. At least you can have some meals with us before you leaving".Bernard said then he noticed that Harry gaze darkened when looked beside him. Bernard let out a chuckle more like a snort.

"Ohps!that's my daughter Yvonne".Harry returned his gaze to Bernard and smiled but the man continued when he noticed the wolf.

"What a beautiful thing you have here. can you get one for me?".Bernard asked his gaze not leaving the wolf.

"It's almost impossible but I'll try my best".Harry replied.

"I'll take that as a yes.Well,we're going to speak in details during dinner. Yvonne show him around".Yvonne bowed and left with Harry. Harry walked behind her and her curves.she looked more beautiful with makeup and her hair is no longer tied it flowed down her back in long curly waves.He wanted to talk to her but it seems like she doesn't want to be recognized by him.They both stopped in front of a room.