
Waxen Moon

The night was devoid of any light, not even the moon peeked through the thick sets of clouds, but this didn't bother PingZe. He stepped under the sloping rooftops, keeping away from the middle of the street. Buildings stood tall and threatening in their dead silence.

He preferred the cover of darkness; it was easier to move unnoticed. But now, even the dark couldn't hide him from the prying eyes.

Wolf-shifters, PingZe had smelled them the moment he had stepped through the gates and so had ZhiYi. But MingYu had been oblivious to it, and PingZe didn't blame him. The scent was subtle, and only for them having spent so much time with the likes of Xie Qiang did they recognize it.

A little smile formed on PingZe's lips as a faint snap of wood sounded right behind him. He was being followed, but he didn't care. These wolf-shifters seemed more roguish. Wolves working under Su Lang were well-disciplined warriors, nothing like the spoiled Xie Qiang, or these shifters.