

Summon Ye WeiRu, there was no way they could just let Yang Chen die. That was the only thought that circled MingYu's mind as they reunited with XiangWei and Yang Chen in less than joyful circumstances.

XiangWei's eyes had swollen from all the tears, red and bleary as PingZe half carried him out of the pathway so that ZhiYi could come in and help him with Yang Chen.

"The stitches and the wound tore open when they threw us down here," LanLin said as they stood aside, waiting for the brothers' slow and painful ascension with Yang Chen. She was hugging XiangWei, comforting him. "I ripped some fabric to try to stop the bleeding, but it was too cold and moist down there. The flesh couldn't properly mend itself. I think…"

She quieted down as XiangWei's eyes filled with tears, his body trembling as he tried to push LanLin away and run back down the pathway. But despite her compact looks, LanLin was strong enough to keep him in place.