
Myth's in the sky

*Keylee's POV*

I let myself fall down on the grass. My muscles hurt, actually, my entire body hurts. I'm so out of breath. And I still feel like Void went easy on me. I hear him fall down besides me but I'm to tired to open my eyes and look at him. The fresh night air feels nice but also cold because I'm still wet.

Void and I sparred for a while until he somehow convinced me that there was a bear in the bushes and that I had to run 3 miles around. He found it very amusing. Then I pushed him in a river, which I found very amusing.

The kinda bad thing is that he pulled me in the river after that as well. We ended up both in the river at midnight and now I'm cold, wet and exhausted lying down in a grass field.

I look up at the sky. The stars are with so many, it's like I can reach out for them but yet they are so far away. Like it goes so deep. Far bigger than the world I know. It makes me feel very small and insignificant.

'Void?' I turn around to look at him.


'You knew what my zodiac sing meant right? Do you know more about the stars?'

He turns to me too. 'Yes, why?'

I gaze up at the sky again. 'Can you tell me about them?'

I hear rustling besides me as he sits up and moves closer. I sit up too.

Void takes my hand and points it up to a star.

'You see that one? That is Polaris, the North star. You can use it to find your way when you're lost.' He then points the entire constellation out with my finger. 'According to the Greek myth, Zeus cheated on his wife, Hera, with Callisto. When Hera found out, she changed Callisto into a bear. Zeus put the bear in the sky along with the Little Bear, who is Callisto's son, Arcas. In other myths, the constellation is not a bear at all, but is in fact a dog.'

'What do you believe?'

'I think Callisto possessed the ability to change in a bear but people were scared of her and killed her. No god involved at all. Then someone though he saw a bear in the sky and made up a myth. That's mostly how these thing are created.'

He points another few stars. The three brightest stars are lined up and immediately catch my eye. 'Orion's belt. If you find Orion's belt you can find the hourglass figure around it. He's supposed to be the son of Poseidon and the greatest hunter in the world. Hera got annoyed, again, and asked a scorpion to kill him. Zeus felt bad for him and placed him in the sky.'

'Let me guess, you have your own version of this?'

Void looks at me and smirks. 'I'd almost think you start to know me. In fact, I do. I do believe he was one of the greatest hunters in the world, a supernatural hunter. Only I don't believe the gods part.'

'And why not? Supernatural exists too right?'

Void rolls his eyes while I think I just made a pretty good statement.

'Because I knew him.'

My mouth quite literally drops open. 'W-what?'

'He was a hunter. He was arrogant and though that he could beat me. He couldn't, of course. The idiot was prepared for every supernatural attack but couldn't defend himself against something as little as a scorpion. People tend to make things better than they are so they claimed it was the fault of a god. But because the gods couldn't be the bad guys, that would scare them to much, they thought another god showed his good side by showing Orion compassion.'

Void shrugs like it's nothing. I didn't believe in myths and I never knew they were based on real stories. I thought someone had made them up to get famous or rich.

'Do you know the myth where Heracles needs to fight the Nemean Lion. Well, it wasn't a Lion. It was a Löwenmensch. Also Werelion. They said no arrow worked on it. That's true. The Nemean Lion could shift and his thick fur and supernatural healing ability kept him safe. Heracles used wolfsbane and mistletoe to weaken him. When the lion shifted back to his human shape Heracles strangled him. The people who saw it though he had strangled a mythical Lion and they offered the Lion to Zeus who so called placed him in the sky too.'

Now I'm looking more at Void than at the sky but I've never heard these version of the myths. Not that I really knew any myths but still.

I yawn and rub my eyes. Void chuckles. 'Did I bore you that much?'

'Hmm? No not at all, it was very interesting.' I mumble.

Ten seconds later I realize he was joking and I hit myself on my head. Which was, once again, a stupid move cause now my head throbs slightly. Ugh, I'm acting far to clumsy for my liking now I'm tired.

I lay my head on Void's shoulder. I don't know how he feels about that, or how I feel about it, but my head likes it a lot now it finally has something to rest on. And hey, Void doesn't push me away so that's something right?

I feel my eyelids grow heavy and slowly close. I just listen to Void's calm heartbeat and suddenly realize in what situation I'm in. Wow, I'm watching stars with the guy I feel attracted to for some stupid reason and now I'm falling asleep on him.

The wind once again seems to love making me freeze so I stand up.

'Where are you going?'

'The car, I'm pretty sure I saw you with a jacket before we stepped out.'

'You're gonna steal my jacket?'

'Technically it's Stiles' but yeah, I'm freezing. Void shakes his head and stand up as well. Fine, I know how you can get warm again.'

I look up. 'Really ho- aaaahhh.'

He suddenly jumps at me with a knife and I quickly jump back. I didn't see it coming, I wasn't on guard, but at least I didn't freeze at the spot. That's some progress right?

I take my knife out of my pocket and block his one with it. While we both push our knifes against each other I kick him with my knee in his stomach. I know what he's doing. We aren't really planning on harming each other, I hope at least, but he does wanna see how I can protect myself. Which I believe I can do fair enough now.

I prepare for another attack but he keeps his hands up and smirks. 'At least you're on guard and focused now. And the movements made you warm up right?'

I sigh and put my knife back in my pocket. It's probably not the best place to keep a knife but I currently don't really have another place.

Void still had that stupid smirk on his face and I do my best to ignore him and find my way back to the car. The only problem is that I don't know where the car is. See, we, or actually I, ran for a while in a random direction in pure fear of getting eaten by a bear. Which sounds stupid now, seeing that bears eat fruit and honey, but when you are in a situation like me you would have panicked too. Trust me.

I find the river back by the sound of it but from there on I have no idea where to go.

'You are totally lost aren't you?'

'No!' I say stubbornly. Not wanting to admit the opposite. Void looks at me with a knowing look. 'Maybe.... I guess a little.... yes, totally lost.'

Void shakes his head and sighs. 'Fine, I know how to get back and because it's late I won't force you to figure it out yourself.'

I frown. 'Thank you, I guess...'

*3rd pov*

Keylee followed Void to the car. It was a long walk but they both didn't mind. It was mostly silent, except that one time Keylee screamed and almost jumped at Void for getting startled by an owl.

Once they reached the car, Keylee immediately grabbed Void's jacket from the back seat. 'I'm steeling this from you.'

'Do I have a say in that?'

'Nope.' She answered, popping the p.

Void silently shook his head but didn't argue back. He just got in the car, for a second he thought about driving away when Keylee would try to open the door and stop a few meters away but before he could do that she had already taken a place besides him.

Keylee yawned again an leaned in the leather seat of the chair. 'I honestly don't understand how all of this isn't killing you.'

'It's easy. I'm a villain.'

Keylee huffed, not believing him for even a second. Void started to drive the car back to Theo's house.

'I'm not joking Kitten. This honestly makes it better. Being a villain I mean. Think about it, you don't have to care about someone except yourself, you do what you like, when you like it.'

Keylee had her eyes closed and for a second Void though she was asleep until she turned her head slightly towards him. She didn't open her eyes though.

'Yeah, but it's bad. I don't wanna hurt people.'

Void sighted. 'Being a villain doesn't mean you hurt people. You're just not a hero. Everyone gets hurt somehow, intentionally or not. If you just don't care about it, life will get easier. People always think that villains are the bad guys but they never think about the fact we need to survive too, we do exactly the same as they do but with other intentions.'

'I don't think that's completely right.'

'Fine, see it this way; people say anti-hero, or morally gray all the time, without realizing not being good would make you a villain too. Our definition of good might not be the same of other peoples definitions of good; that doesn't mean we're in the wrong.'

'You say you ain't a villain, you're a villain from their perspective?'

Void smirked, knowing he told it good enough now. 'Exactly, there are different types of villains, there are different types of heroes. Now Kitten, who do you belong with?'

Keylee finally opened her eyes to look at him. Luckily he was still staring at the road now and then but mostly at her.

She didn't know the answer. Well, she did. She just didn't want to accept it. She knew deep down that it was right for her but Scott would... There, there it happened again.

She pulled Scott in her thoughts again. "I never really let him go, perhaps I never can... But I have to, he doesn't want me in his life, I shouldn't want him. I know what I want, what I deep down want. Even if I'm scared to get hurt..." She thought to herself.

'Kitten? Who do you chose?'

Keylee knew it. And with every second she got more determined. She took a breath. Maybe she should stop trying to help others, help herself first. They saw her as a villain, so she would become one.

'I think I know. No, I know I know.'

Void raised his eyebrows in a questioning way as they locked eyes. Keylee took a breath, did she really needed to say it? "Who do I belong with? I know, I know it, just say it, breathe out and say it. Close your eyes, open them, breathe out, and say it..."

Keylee stared into Void's eyes. They both knew what she would say...

'You. I belong with you Void. I don't care if that's good or bad, if they eye me as a villain, so be it. I'm not planning on leaving your side.'

Void smirked. With every minute he spent with her, he came one step closer to winning, one step closer to getting what he wanted. And he knew, when the time would come, Keylee would chose him over everyone else.