
Demnatio memoriae

Keylee had slowly drifted to sleep on the way back to Theo and had left Void alone with his thoughts, a dangerous combination, so now Void decided to come up with another trick.

It wasn't hard for a fox to think about a nice trick but then the hard part came, he had to choose which trick he would use and on who...

He stared at the sleeping girl besides him. Her head rested on his shoulder, completely ignoring the warning from a few minutes before.

'I thought I told you not to fall asleep on my shoulder.'

Keylee slightly moved and gripped his upper arm. Void sighted and shook hi head. 'I give up.'

Keylee smiled a little. Void knew she was asleep, he could hear her heart beat calm and steady just as her breath. He also knew she could still hear him, at least, sort of. Otherwise her unconscious wouldn't react on his words.

Meanwhile, Theo looked grumpy at a picture on his phone. His eyes darted from the 4 years old girl to the 4 years old boy and back. It was a picture of him and Keylee when they were younger. When he wasn't yet corrupted by the dread doctors...

His head snapped up when he heard people coming closer. Yet, when he looked up he couldn't see anything. He smiled. 'Cory, I know you're here. Don't hide from me, what is it?'

Cory hesitatingly turned visible. 'I- I was just wondering... You- you said you would do something right?'

'Yes.' Theo wondered to where this conversation was going.

'Well, you- you didn't really do something yet so... what exactly are you gonna do? Not that I don't think you have no plan, I trust you, it's just that-'

Theo stood up before Cory could finish. 'Cory, I get it. I know how you feel alright. But you don't have to worry. I have a plan, I won't let you die. I will protect you, I promise, you just need to do as I say. Follow me and you'll be fine.'

Theo placed his hand on Cory's shoulder and squeezed it. 'Just do exactly as I say, right now I want you to go back downstairs and tell the others to prepare to leave. You can do that alright?'

Cory nodded quickly. Uncomfortable with the way Theo held him on his place. He didn't know if it was meant to be like that, but Theo came over pretty threatening. The slight growl in his tone didn't go unnoticed. Yet he also smiled.

Cory simply forced himself to smile back. 'Yeah, I'll tell them, anything else?'

'No, that will be all. I'll come down in a few minutes, I just need to wait for someone to arrive first.'

Cory nodded once again and walked away. Not wanting to stay there any longer. He knew Theo could protect him, that things would come out fine now, but he just wanted to be normal. "At least I don't have scales over my body." He thought, reminding himself of Tracy, who was partly a Kanima.

Theo closed the door behind Cory and turned around to the window.

'You know you could just use the door right?'

Void shrugged. 'You wanna explain the kid why I look like someone from his school?'

Theo shook his head. 'At one point you will have to make your presence known tho. This is my pack, you're in it too. I would like it if everyone knew each other so we can prevent any misunderstandings.'

'Unfortunate for you, you don't always get everything you like. I laid Keylee on her bed, she fell asleep after we practiced fighting.'

Theo stared at Void. He had the feeling he was keeping something behind but couldn't figure it out for sure. Void looked so utterly calm but the feeling that he wasn't telling something didn't leave Theo alone.

'Is that everything you two did?'

Void lied straight through his teeth. 'Yes, we only practiced, what else should we have done?' He didn't tell Theo about the time they spent talking. He didn't tell Theo how they played around for a while, or how Keylee figured out how to get claws. He especially didn't tell Theo about their conversation in the car.

Theo nodded and smiled like he didn't suspect anything. 'I wan't you to do something. I need you to take Scott to where the beast escaped. To the communication tower. Let him find some clues or something. Make him feel like he isn't totally alone. It will break him once he figured out he was betrayed once again.'

Void nodded like he was actually gonna do that. Did Theo know much about the plan the fox made for himself. Void had everything already figured out, planned and ready to fall in place.

He left, this time through the door, to drive to Scott's house.

'Here we go again.'

*keylee's pov*

I sleepily turn around and pull the blanket up to my chin, completely ignoring the annoying beeping sound of an alarm or something.

It is only when the sound gets really annoying that I open my eyes. My phone is still ringing besides me on a night stand.

It's not an alarm, someone's calling...

I look at the screen. "Stiles"

The next minute I stare at it dumbfounded. Still sleepy and unaware of the fact that I should answer it. When I realize I should have answered it about two minutes ago I quickly pick my phone up. Of course it has already stopped ringing. Now I see a lot of messages and they don't stop coming in.

*Hey, are you still asleep?






Are you awake yet?

I'm gonna spam you until you answer

Wake up*

Before he can send me another message I quickly send something back

*I'm awake you idiot, thanks to you.

What is so important that you must wake me up?*

*If you're still angry at Scott you might wanna come to this location ;)*

Okay, so now I'm curious. I'm still mad at Scott, I think... I mean, I surely didn't forgive him for just dumping me but do I really wanna open old wounds?

*Seeing you didn't reply fast enough I assume you are doubting this. Don't doubt this Kitten, just take your revenge, this will be a perfect opportunity. Go for it, get mad. Be evil :]*

I feel a grin tugging at the corner of my lips. What's up with the smileys? Well, doesn't really matter I guess. I should do this, I mean, Void will be there if things go wrong...

I quickly text him that I'm on my way and I open the location. It's only a 10 minute ride so I think it's time to see how fast I can run. I would drive a car but I can't drive, maybe I should ask Void driving lessons... Focus! Right now, I'm gonna run to the location and.... I don't know what I'm gonna do yet but I'll figure it out!


I end up at a communication tower. Unfortunately, I'm also out of breath. Turns out my condition didn't just miraculously became amazing, I still have a bad condition, not the worst but definitely not like Scott or Theo. Sigh.

I look around, I don't see Void or Theo anywhere. They must be inside.

So I walk inside, there's a heavy looking closet or something with claw marks and a pool of blood. Behind it is some sort of ripped up raster in the ground, I'm not sure what it was used to be but right now it's broken. It literally looks torn apart. I bet that's done by the same creature that caused the claw marks on the closet thing.

I doubt if I should go down, there is a ladder but it's also dark. Though I can see in the dark if I focus...

I suddenly hear a snarling sound. It's followed by a high pitched electric sound and Void warning Scott of something behind him. At least I know something is going on down there.

I ignore my doubts and jump in the hole. My vision turns green again and I can see everything perfectly. There's some sort of black smoke on the ground but without any scent. I have never seen something like it before.

Once again I ignore it and start running towards the growling. Is Scott fighting someone? Not Void or Theo right? I would be really pissed if he'd hurt them...

Someone screams. Josh?

'Sucks doesn't it?' That's Stiles' voice. Like, not Voids lower voice but really like Stiles. Is he pretending to be Stiles?

I turn around the next corner and bump straight into Theo. He looks surprised to see me and suddenly looks kinda.. mad?

'What are you doing here?' He hisses lowly.

'I- I have all right to be here Theo! why didn't you tell me you were gonna do something to Scott? I could help!' I whisper/yell back.

Theo looks taken aback. 'You would help me against Scott?'

'Yeah, I thought I told you that.'

'Yes but, you know, mythical twin bonds and everything...'

I sigh. You've got to be kidding me. Is he seriously believing in that crap? Well, I have to admit I believed in in too for a while but if it was a real thing, so many things would have gone different.

Scott's growling and snarling begins to come very loud now and as I peek around the corner I see him with fangs, claws and red eyes growling at Cory. Void lies down on the ground with Josh. Tracy seems beaten up too.

I nudge Theo to do something, Cory looks terrified.

Theo rolls his eyes and walks in.

'Okay! Maybe they're not ready to take on an alpha...'

I quickly follow him to see if Cory is alright. I don't know him very good but I've seen him at school sometimes. He's like the sweet cute quiet kid. Scott looks at me in disbelieve.

'Especially not one that can smell fear.' I tell Cory.

He looks back at me with big eyes. 'He's got fangs!'

I try to give him a comforting smile. 'So do I, only I won't need them.'

with that I turn around and smack Scott hard across the face. He stares at me dumbfounded. 'K-Keylee.. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Theo said that-'

I cut him of by kicking him in the guts. My anger coming up again. 'Save it Scott. And don't try to blame Theo for anything! You are the one who abandoned me, AGAIN, when it became too much for you!'

Scott looks at me with open mouth and then turns to Theo. 'What did you do!?'

Really!? He's got to be kidding! He's still trying to blame Theo? I give Theo a quick glance and walk over to Void and Josh when he slightly shakes his head. Fine, I'll let him talk with Scott first. I can always kick him afterwards.

'I found some new friends. I don't take rejection well, I guess she neither.'

Tracy and I pull Josh up and drag him away while Theo moves closer. He looks down at Void. Void looks up and nudges his head a little. 'Hey Theo.'


Aha, so we are really pretending like Void is still Stiles. Good think I didn't pick him up then. Theo looks down at some words at the ground. "Demnatio memoriae". I have no idea what that means but before I can ask, Theo stamps on it. The floor cracks and the words fade. Scott looks even more shocked.

'You are gonna leave here, thinking that you need to worry about me. But you're wrong.' Theo walks past Scott. 'We're actually back on the same side.'

Scott frowns. He doesn't understand, and to be honest, neither do I. We are so not on the same side, what the hell is Theo talking about?

'Because that thing... That's what we need to worry about. Your pack and mine, we're gonna go back to school and pretend like we're normal teenagers but at night we are going to be fighting for our lives. That thing is not a chimera.'

'But it's just a kid underneath, someone like us.' Scott protests.

Theo shakes his head. 'Not anymore.'

With that he starts walking away while Scott just watches him. He then turns to me. I don't feel the urge to slap him anymore. I just feel disappointed. He's not who he used to be. He's not my brother anymore.

'Why are you with him Keylee? Don't you see this is wrong?'

'No Scott. But even if it's, maybe I like wrong, have you thought about that?'

He doesn't answer. Normally I would feel the urge to hug him now. Be there for each other. But I don't feel it now. I only feel disappointed. 'I guess everyone was right after all. Cat's and dogs, or in this case wolves... They just don't go well together.'

I look at Void on the ground who is looking at me with concern. Though he quickly shakes it of while mouthing that he'll see me later.

So I walk away. I don't follow Theo and the others. I just walk out of the building and look for Voids car.

After a few seconds I have the feeling like someone's looking at me. I turn around but don't see anything except for a few cars. Like, why are there three cars here? None of them is Void's right? And... are there people in it?

I stare at the car. Someone is inside, it seems like an elder woman. The window of the car slowly slides down and she peeks her head out. Her hair is a brown color just like her eyes and I was right, she's old. That might sound mean but she really looks like she could be my grandma or something.

'Are you Keylee McCall?'

Okay, not creepy at all that she just randomly knows my name. 'Uhm, yes ma'am. Can I help you?'

She smiles. 'I believe you might can.'

I notice her Spanish accent. The door of the driversseat opens and a man in a dark suit steps out. I get a restless feeling in my chest and I feel my heartbeat speed up. Something is wrong, I feel kinda threatened.

My gaze wanders to his hand, it seems like he has his hands in his pockets but when I look better I see he's holding something. It seems like a gun, that couldn't be right, right?