
The Void Progenitor

Austin Blake, an ordinary man in all terms, lucked out in a situation and gets reincarnated in the body of nineteen-year-old Zephyr Lynx. He gains an a ability no one was supposed to have But like we all know, Nothing comes for free. Follow him on his adventures and explorations across various galaxies, all the while gaining allies, making enemies, and being hunted down. This is a story about a man whose actions shall affect the Cosmos in its entirety. A man with two clear paths to chose from, now which will he choose; Shall he bring down carnage on all OR Will he save those on the path of destruction. Read to find out. ------- Note: This is my first novel, so don't expect it to be perfect Hit me complaints and suggestions at; Discord : discord.gg/FpBqWR7Pzf But please, if it's a complaint, make sure it's relevant to the novel and if it's a suggestion make sure it's in line with the elements of the novel Release rate: 3-4 Chapters per week Words per chapter: 1100-1800 So if you like my book, just make sure to tell others to read it too. Disclaimer: I don't own the cover.

VOID_ · Fantasy
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37 Chs

An Invasion (Part 2)

Apparently, the people trying to invade didn't seem to be pleased about my strategy, so they decided to kick things up a notch.

That's when boss monsters began to arrive, although the numbers were small, their strength more than made for it, most of them could use the same glowing ability that the emperor scorpion had used on itself, which caused my disintegration ability to have fewer effects, and I began to take hits.

All sorts of monsters with different attacking styles, sealing gates became much harder, strength alone wasn't enough so I had to start using my brains.

As the going gets tough, the tough gets going, and that's exactly what happened, I kept getting better and better at using my shapeshifting ability while facing off with the monster bosses, I could change the structure of my hands into different forms, but I was still getting beat up pretty badly.

I learned some things while fighting for the past hours, I could stretch my body parts up to 2meters and protected myself by covering my body by changing my skin form into a scorpion exoskeleton, I also learned that I could still bleed, though my blood was now purplish instead of your normal red, it seems that my disintegration ability could turn disintegrated particles into energy for my body, though I'm not yet sure, it's most likely the case.

it also meant that I was able to gain strength at a much faster pace, I currently have the strength of an S rank hunter.

I had sealed 15 gates, of which three of them were filled with boss monsters, my mental fatigue was building up but I didn't feel physically tired at all.

As of now, I'm in the vicinity of the last gate, it's located in the outskirts of city f, the monsters were on a rampage, they had already destroyed an entire city and then movie on to the next one, I could see a white gorilla, goblin king with an axe, and a black tiger, each of them 3meters tall and they were running towards me with killing intent, they had designated me a threat to their existence and moved to execute me with haste.

As I took notice of this, l ran towards them with my murderous aura fully on display, I went in the direction of the goblin king first, he was the hardest to deal with out of the three.


He growled at me before swinging his down trying to cut me in half, I dodged then changed my hand into serrated blades; courtesy of a boss praying mantis.

Running around it, I began to slash at the goblin king's Achilles tendon, ankle, and kneecap, restricting his movements as much as possible before the other two could catch up to me, I could anyone of them in a versus match, but letting them gang up on me would only spell my doom.


The goblin was getting more and more furious that he couldn't land a hit on me, which only caused him to bleed even faster, thereby making my job easier, but I had to watch out, the angrier he became the more powerful he became, letting him catch me was something I could not afford, but I forgot that he wasn't the only one around.


The black tiger had reached my position, he leaped off the ground intending to pounce on me, I immediately jumped away, making the tiger pounce on the goblin, but something weird was happening, it was as if they had an agreement beforehand or something.

According to the planetary core, monsters of different races shouldn't be able to tolerate each other presence, but these guys were boss monsters, which made it even more outrageous, they had pride and wouldn't accept that anyone to be better than them, most times they would fight to the death once they crossed paths, but these guys didn't do anything like that.

I've thought of what could make them act like this, but they weren't many answers, the most suitable one was that an intelligent being more we much more power had forced them into obedience and turned them into its subordinates, but even this was just another theory, we wouldn't know until they revealed themselves to us, but if it was, even I didn't want to imagine what would happen.

I'm running away, jumping across destroyed buildings trying to separate the tiger from the rest as much as possible, and it was working perfectly, the tiger was chasing after me relentlessly when I abruptly jumped up, because of its built-up momentum, it ended up smashing into debris.

Using this window of opportunity, I immediately closed in on it, I slashed at its body as much as I could before the gorilla caught up to me, I made sure to inflict various injuries on its legs before I began running again, this time though, things were a little different.

The gorilla was throwing large pieces of rocks by breaking buildings in front of me trying to block my path or slow me down, he was more dangerous than the other two monsters, the pieces of rocks hit the ground like an explosion and scattered causing an eruption of dust which caused a smokescreen, restricting my vision, but I had my advanced hearing to help me.

I turned my body in a different direction while trying to think of a way to deal with the gorilla when a spinning axe entered into view.


The goblin king had used all his strength to throw his axe at me before falling to the ground, I could only make an X sign with my blade hands in hopes of deflecting it.

Alas, it wasn't so.

I deflected the axe, but the impact sent me flying, as I smashed into a building causing the building to collapse on my body, and a cloud of dust erupted, with my body stretched in a weird position, I could hear the gorilla noises becoming louder, it was getting closer.

Punching the rocks, I quickly jump out of the rocks, while listening for any incoming enemies, as I turned around towards the incoming disturbance, a fist sent me flying, but this time, I had put up both of my blade hands to offset some of the force and also caused a slight gash on the hand, I didn't go too far this time, still, it hadn't made anything easier.


The gorilla was hot on my tail, wanting to eliminate the threat as fast as possible, he began to attack more aggressively by making rapid punches, most of which I avoided easily while looking for vulnerable areas to attack.

Once I found them, I began a counterattack, I kept doging his punches then I stomped the ground to cause an eruption of dust, which only lasted four seconds before the gorilla used his hands to disperse it, but four seconds was more than enough, I had jumped over the gorilla immediately that happened, landing behind it.

The gorilla looked confused about how it's prey had been able to runaway that fast, but it turned his head to look behind upon hearing a thump, but he was struck with pain immediately after, his right legs Archilles tendon had been severed, following his ankle and then the left leg, which made him unable to stand straight, he could see the abomination running while cutting through his legs, making him bleed,which made him all the more furious.


He slammed his fist on the ground, trying to kill the abomination that continued to pester it, big mistake, blood gushed out the next minute, his hands had a large gash in it, he had thought that he was hunting his prey, but he had become one, he was in deep trouble, fear began to creep in, he wanted to run, but that wasn't happening.

"Where do you think you're going" I said as I cut through his shoulder and stomach, making his death inevitable, it fell on his face and I plugged my hands into it's head, killing it.

It's body began to disintegrate in particles which my body absorbed, healing my injuries and assimilating the gorillas structure.

I went on to kill the remaining two monsters, and began heading towards the gate.

I could see the gate in the distance, when I saw a monsters beak protruding out from the gate, another boss monster was out to come out, I couldn't let that happen.

So I ran to it, as fast as I could, by the time I reached it, it's whole head was already out, I quickly started sealing it, but the gate, being a boss monster gate was massive.

The creature noticed what I was trying to do and attacked me with it's beak, trying to stop me as it kept forcing it's way through,

I was able to seal it, though after much effort, the creature's head and right wing had been severed when the gate sealed itself.

I sat down to take a breather when a holographic face appeared in front of me.

[I have found a possible way that will allow you to understand your powers better]

[Though, the process might take some time to complete]

"Do it" as I said that, the ground opened up and a blue box come out to embed itself into my chest.

"That's it?" I couldn't help but feel surprised, I didn't feel anything.

[Yes, that's it]

[What were you expecting?]

"I'm not supposed to feel anything? I asked the core again

[No] , was all it said, then it made an expression as if it was thinking of something before speaking again.

[ It seems the enemies have started phase 2 of their plan]

We had already discussed the probability of something like this happening, we thought maybe they won't even use gates anymore, but it seems that they used it reduce our numbers before coming forth themselves.

"let's go" I said

After which yellow particles covered the surroundings and then


I was teleported


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