
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Movies
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140 Chs


You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn



[Kang the Conqueror POV]

He watched as the city he'd built from the ground up, one of many thousands, went up in the hot plumes of a mushroom cloud.

For a few seconds, Kang stood stunned as the shockwaves crashed against his palace and sent alarms blaring through this part of the city, at least the structures that still remained standing after the abrupt chaos.

"Identify the cause." He finally said to the nearby Quantumnauts, futuristic android sentinels that were under his control.

He watched the picture-by-picture frame of the man that caused the explosion instead of the energy bomb he had thought was the cause.

[Energy readings, though slightly different, bears a 91% similarity to the bioorganic synthezoid known as Vision when ran across the database]

"The Avengers." Kang snarled at the knowledge of the perpetrator and the likely reason they had for attacking. "Scan the entirety of Axia for the presence of other members of the Avengers."

[No other member of the Avengers, aside from the identified Vision, is in the vicinity of Axia]

"So only that primitive machine and those rebelling ants?" The irritation on his face faded away to make way for an unperturbed calm. "I think it's high time I permanently curb these annoying insects. I think I can find one or two uses for an Infinity Stone."

Purple armor pauldrons materialized over his shoulders and the next moment he disappeared, his mind on only one goal.

To show the terror of the Conqueror.


[The Vision POV]

Pulling myself out of the kilometer-wide hole of my ground zero, it wook me a few seconds to shake off the dizzy spell that was currently doing a tangle inside my head.

This was the first time I've ever generated such a level of destructive output since becoming Vision and I have to say that the feeling I got after regaining my bearings was as if I just took the most satisfying dump ever.

It was just that damn satisfying.

"I have to say that I never expected to come across any of your ilk during my time here."

I couldn't even bring myself to feel surprised when I turned around to find the all too iconic character known as Kang the Conqueror standing behind me with arms held loosely behind him… that and the fact that I wasn't getting anything from him. Not even when he appeared behind me.

"Well, what can I say? Arriving fashionably late is all part of the superhero gig and all that shit." I said with a shrug as multiple notifications fang out in preparation of the fight that was about to happen.

"You're different from the other Visions I've met and killed."

[Every precaution and modes of attack are primed and ready]

'Fuck this monologue.'

And that was how Kang saw a giant fist covered in an electromagnetic barrier that smashed squarely against his face, further destroying the ground we stood on as he shot backwards like a punctured balloon.

I didn't let any delusions go to my head in respect to Kang taking any substantial damage from that so I teleported to the place he landed, knees raised for a stomp but I completely missed as he disappeared only for me to get blind-sided by a bitch slap from an energy beam.

'What the hell was that?'

[An unknown form of energy. Caution is advised as it appears to be immensely dangerous to be in contact with]

'Yeah, you don't have to tell me about that twice.'

Whatever energy Kang was using was one hell of a buster as I could still feel the phantom pain even after the impact.

Kang appeared before me, hands alight in whatever blue energy he was using, aiming to shower me in them but a single metal command from me raised the molten metals under us to form a barrier between us. I also cracked up their magnetic field to deflect any sort of magnetic or electrical wave aimed at them but Kang's beams to straight up disintegrated them as if made up of bubbles, forcing me to teleport out of there.

"You attacked me unprovoked; don't resent me for aiming to erase your existence." I heard Kang speak but I wasn't interested in hearing what he said.

Shrinking further to a microscopic size, not that it made any difference to Kang's attention on me, I shrouded myself and this time appeared under him. He immediately reacted to the punch that was coming but tried to dodge it but he completely missed it as my enlarged hands appeared from a smoky portal at his side and punched him with a deafening boom.

I was about to continue with a follow up but found myself stuck by some type of bounded field. Faster than I could react to what was happening, my vision became frazzled as some huge and painful crashed into my body.

[Warning! Warning!! Warning!!!]

'Damn, what's happening to me!?'

Error notifications filled inside my head as I forced myself to stand up despite the screeching feeling that felt as if my skin and bones were grinding against each other like metal.

I hastily pulled myself to dodge another shot of that beam. I stacked multiple magnetic fields together in a pyramid sequence and punched at it without delay, causing a wave of superimposed magnetic frequency to shoot at Kang while obliterating everything in its path.

I flew up into the air and shot a wide range laser beam from my eyes as an overcompensation but I could give two shits about things like that at times like these.

A quick glance around the city showed me the chaos that was taking place in every sector of Kang's utopia as the rebels rushed in to face off against the unending wave of robots under Kang's control.

Pushing those thoughts away, I channeled electricity through my whole body causing it to cackle in yellow and blue lightning and dived towards Kang who looked more pissed than hurt.

'That armor of his is such a cheat.'

He rushed at me and the both of us collided midair with a sonic boom pushing the other a good space backwards but none of us relented as we both were upon each other again with punches, kicks and energy blasts to throw the other off.

Even though my physical strength far eclipsed Kang's, and also my mobility, it meant nothing to him as he proved durable enough to shrug off almost anything, energy blasts and all. Trying to get into his armor was a laughable endeavor that didn't even result in any feedback.

[Overexposure has resulted in rapidly disintegrating molecular integrity]

'The hell? Shouldn't my quantum-shifting and molecular disintegration nullify such an effect?'

[The properties of Kang the Conqueror's energy are unknown and it is effectively bypassing all laid down defenses against such an event]

"Fucking hell…" I muttered as I dodged the barrage of beams that he was shooting at me without stopping. Telekinetically picking up one of the random body parts lying around, I increased its size to over 300 meters and sent it towards Kang.

I used the chance created when Kang blasted through it to teleport to his back and drive a vicious backhand to his face and sent him crashing before he had ample chance to react.

'I need something concentrated.'.

I had no time to properly deliberate between the wisest course of actions against an opponent like Kang who needed but a single moment to turn everything around, so I opted for throwing everything I could come up with at him until something clicks.

[Physical phenomena possess extremely low compatibility with quantumization. Hence it is currently impossible to fuse electromagnetism with quantum-siphoning]


[Low compatibility between quantumization and physical attributes. Fusion is impossible in the case of density manipulation, telekinesis, technopathy, molecular deconstruction…]

'Just get me something else.' I shouted internally as I crashed deeper into the ground only to phase through it as a building fell into where I had crash landed.

Rushing towards Kang, I wrapped myself in a repelling field but covered my hands in an attracting field and threw a punch at Kang only for it to be efficiently blocked by a reflective barrier that was the opposite of what my hands were covered with.


He tried grabbing my cape but his hand went through it so I quickly grabbed onto his but that turned out to be a wrong move as the moment I made contact with it I was crudely shoved backward in a burst of energy.

[Query resolved]

[High compatibility found between Form-shift and quantumization. Fusion is possible]

I couldn't focus on the new notification as Kang layered it into me in a two-step left-right combo with an under kick that sent me skidding backwards.

Whatever energy Kang was using was seriously hurting me in every way. My inner thoughts were resonating with the same frequency like that of a scrambled channel, severely reducing the seamless efficiency of my mental partitions.

He tried gaining on me by warping to my position but it was something I fully expected so the moment he appeared in front of me with his energy-clad fist, I held him in a telekinetic hold and bombarded him with electricity and then joined my two hands together, transforming them to a gigantic blaster straight out from a Transformers movie and hit him point blank, blanketing the entire area in a blindly white light.

The entire landscape around us was reminiscent of one straight out of biblical armageddon with fire and molten lava across the vast patch of land. The armies fighting around us had long evacuated or spread out from our center area.

I looked at Kang who looked worse for wear with something flickering around me, probably what protected him from being evaporated. Honestly this guy was more irritating than anything else. The amount of weapons he had for any type of situation was nothing short of terrifying.

"I have to say I'm pretty impressed… and rightfully angry so, that a single member of the Avengers had pushed me this far b-"


I fired another energy blast at point blank after teleporting to a few meters away from him.

"Like I could give two shits about your 'feelings'."