
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Movies
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140 Chs



"Oh, I see you came along with the witchcraft twins." Stark lightly commented, not even turning around from the screen in front of his face to visually acknowledge their presence.

"It's Maximoff, Stark." Pietro said in a dry tone that eventually worked to draw away Tony's focus from the numerical simulation result of a new suit he was working on.

"Seriously, I thought we were over all that. No one? Fine, I'm still the bad guy." He threw his hands up in the air like he was frustrated before turning to the silent subject of this visit. "You want to throw yours around too and make it a full circle?" He asked. 

"No. I believe your actions and decisions were made with the best of your intentions." Vision said, giving the most systematic reply he could process. "The results were just not in your calculations."

The twins didn't say anything at Vision's words, knowing fully well it was a silent reprimand to them. Tony only needed a look at them to immediately understand the dynamic between the three of them. 

For the Maximoffs, Vision was something like the best good that came out of their worst decision as so they made sure to watch him closely, fearing the worst and hoping for the best. 

Vision on the other hand most probably saw the two as maybe something to protect(?) or at least sympathized with them, seeing them as victims of this whole ordeal – Tony concluded. 

"So? What brings you here?" Tony asked after they all got themselves settled in Tony's workroom. 

"I wanted your opinion on something." Vision started and immediately gave Tony's attention. What would something as advanced as Vision want answers for? 

"Let's hear it then, Optimus."

"I know you have some data on both my neural synchronicity and also some speculations on the Mind Stone." Tony looked surprised and also a little suspicious at the nature of his request, nothing much, just curiosity. 

"And tell me why you want that? Your processing power eclipses that of Jarvis and Ultron. We still don't know what that does but it's all addition at this point, right?" 

Vision shook his head at Stark's point. It was a very simple misconception when it came to Vision and his capabilities. The internet was a stepping stone for him, but humans created the internet. Even the information and mathematical formulas were mostly created by humans. His equations would always be based on what he assimilated from humans. 

"My calculations, though varies, I think is precise. What I'm more interested in is what are both you and Banner's thought on the Mind Stone. It was your algorithm that gave birth to my neural arrays after all, was it not?" In simpler terms, he wanted the input of two of the world's most intellectual genius' opinions. 

Computers could be wrong when presented with the wrong variables and what he was doing was making sure he had as much variables as possible when cracking down the Mind Stone. He just couldn't will it to happen. He'd tried that already. 

Tony looked at Vision for a few seconds, pondering on his words but just decided to simplify the process. "Why do you want more information on the Mind Stone?"

"Simple. It's for preparation."

"Preparation for what?"

"A true extinction level event." Vision's words turned the entire room silent but he continued undeterred. "Like Thor said, two Infinity Stones had recently surfaced in the universe. Someone sent Loki to Earth to retrieve the Tesseract and gave him a scepter with one of the universe's most powerful relics and he lost it. What do you think will happen?"

"War." Tony's heart beat so fast against his chest that he thought he'd go into a seizure. 

"An Infinity War. Thor's warning weren't given its due credit. The Earth isn't ready for a higher form of war." Vision stressed. Though he needed his free reign, he wanted the Avengers to actually put in the work. This was his world now. There was no way Thanos would be the end of it. There were more frightening things out there under space's black sky. 

"Are sure are you?" Normally Tony was the most skeptic person anyone could ever meet, but this wasn't the first time he had received a premonition like this. Ultron was conceived because he wished for a stronger shield. Third time's the charm, and he didn't want that. 

"100%. I can feel it. Something stronger is coming." It wasn't practically a lie on Vision's part because he knew something was bound to happen in the future, but for what he had no idea. 

Wanda on her part looked a little frightened by Vision's words, why, because she remembered what she saw in Stark's head. It was because of his fears that Ultron was created. She didn't want another mistake birthed out of paranoia. 

"Who knows?"

"Not one yet, but I'll tell them after this. The Avengers needs to stay together." Vision said with all the seriousness he could muster that took even Stark aback. 

"You say that as if something's going to happen to our little boyband."

"Because we both know Steve won't sign the Accord that's being spoke about."

"So you know about that, huh? Guess you've been snooping around on your own. Now that's something you picked from me." Stark joked but none were in the state of mind to be humored. "I'm fighting against the Accord, but…"

"It won't work, Stark. You should know that." Vision disagreed. 

Stark rebutted Vision. "How do you know that?"

Vision only gave Stark a stare that Stark knew too well as it was the same one he gave people who were being stupid or naively ignorant. This guy really did pick up something from him. 

 "You don't get it." Stark groaned. "We can't risk another mess like Sokovia or New York. New York would have been destroyed had the nuke hit and the continent would have sank had the city taken flight. The death call shouldn't be ours to make." He ended up shouting before sighing and slumping back into his chair. 

"That's guilt talking, Stark."

"Oh yeah? And what do you know about guilt. Emotions are way more different than whatever definition you'd find on the net." Was Stark's bitingly sarcastic remark. 

"You're right. Emotions are harder to comprehend. Infinitely so for one such as I to understand but I know what sounds logical and what is just plain stupid, and the Accord is."

"Then who do you think is going to be held accountable when we make another mistake?" This was the reason why Stark wanted to go with the Accord even if he was so against it. The regret and guilt he felt was too great to bear alone. 






You can find +5 chapters ahead in my patreøn

