
The Virtues of this Tropical Isle

In a society where gods used to rule. Mages and witchcraft are a part of everyday life. A mysterious syndrome threatens the lives of a whole tropical island. Seven were chosen to discover and take down this mysterious threat. Each of the seven was chosen because they display each of the 7 virtues. Everett C Sage the main character of this story has barely any besides healing magic but has physical capabilities to make up for it. Everett attends Diamond Saint Academy an academy school where children of political leaders, business owners, and overall smart students go too. Go to school, go out with friends, and go home. He soon finds himself fighting demons and supernatural beings from hell. Will Everett’s “normal”life be changed forever?

Ilovepsicyahi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


The battle between Light and Shadow begins. 







The area gets lit up with the Head captain's ability. Captain Ryoichi parries Luxk's attacks as they both dematerialize into their light and shadow forms respectively.  Luxk glides swiftly within the shadows as Ryoichi with no effort blocks or dodges his incoming attacks. 

Both not giving the other a chance to find an opening.


Nozomi Ryoichi Ability Explained: Illumination

Nozomi Ryoichi is able to weild a shining light that can blind her opponents. She can use these lights to materialize anything that comes to her mind. The possibilities are endless.


"Wow, so this is the power of the Head Captain. She's barely trying." Alice looks on in amazement.

"So fast I can barely keep up," Dillia says struggling to stay focused on what's going on.

"So bright," Mae says. 

"Mae although it looks amazing avoid making direct contact with Captain Ryoichis Light," Alice says as tries to stand blocking the light with her arms. 



Luxk again sends out his shadow chains while Ryoichi sends out her own chains made of light.


The chains intertwine and collide with one another equally matching.


Luxk again disappears into the shadows. 


He reappears right in front of Ryoichi as he swings his blade down.


Ryoichi reappears a much farther distance from Luxk as she is surrounded by three light orbs.

"Hmm, these look awfully familiar?" Luxk says out loud.

The orbs blast of light at the Dark Mage.

He blocks them. Although successfully blocked Luxk's body gets pushed back and the area around him gets destroyed.

"What destructive power," Mae says.

"She's not even trying," Alice remarks.

"Hey Ryoichi," Luxk says.

"Yes," she responds. 

"These orbs and techniques look awfully familiar. Did you perhaps learn from that Gravity Mage I've taken out before?" Luxk asks.

Ryoichi with an expressionless face pauses her movements. 

"Hm," Ryoichi scoffs to herself.

"Please don't put me in the same league as they idiot. These orbs-"


"Act entirely different," Ryoichi says. 

The three orbs turn into clones of herself. 

"Milady and Mae let's head back to the others," Dillia says.

"Alright cmon let's go Mae" Alice grabs her. 

The three stand and attempt to flee the scene. 

"Good," Luxk says as he commands the shadows to spike chains 

"What about Everett?" Mae wonders. 

Alice stands for a moment. 

"I believe we should get you out of here first. His mission is to retrieve you so let's get out of here. " Alice says. 


Luxks appears from the shadows and looks to slash Alice.

"Oh," Alice surprised by Luxk. 

"Milady" Dilla yells as she jumps in front of her.



"Get going you three take Everett with you."

Ryoichi lets down her healing shield.

"Dillia grab him" Alice demands. 

"Yes," Dillia answers. 


Dillia swiftly grabs Everett and carries him on her shoulder.

"Now regroup with the others I'll take care of him," Ryoichi says.

"Right," all three respond as they exit the area.

One of the clones follows the group so they can get back safely. 

"It's just me and you Dark Mage," Ryoichi says staring directly at Luxk. 

"Indeed it's just the two of us now. No interruptions."




Light begins to swell up above Ryoichi as if she's wearing a halo.

She then extends her arms out pointing at Luxk. The rays of light there hone in and track Luck's every movement. He uses the remaining shadows to evade and escape these homing rays of light. The chains try to shield Luxk but it has no effect. The thorns go after Ryoichi but quickly get shut down by the overwhelming ME that Ryoichi is expanding.  "Hahaha, this probably is not even the surface of her ME isn't. What a monster. " Luxks laughs. He shoots back with his own shadow beams created from his blade. "Huh" 

The beams reappear and blast Luxk's face on. 


"As my name suggested I am the Lightbringer. Wherever I go there will always be light. I am the light. Thus the light I send out will never diminish even against darkness" Ryoichi says. 

Luxk bruised and butterfly defeated and outmaneuvered raises to his feet once more. 

"I applaud that you can go toe to toe with a mage like me"

"Am not surprised I've trained for moments like these."

"I must say you have unremarkable durability," Ryoichi says. 

"I don't need your praise," Luxk says as once again the shadows fill the area where he was injured. 

The two circle one another.

"What is your intent with the Crystal Of Life?"

"Scoff what would you want to know? You should already know it's one of three artifacts that can bring about the end of the world and it has the power to reshape the universe."

"Common Knowledge everyone should know that."

"But do you know about the individual power of these artifacts put into the hands of a mage who knows what they are doing?"

Ryoichi listens in silence.

"Well of course am not going to reveal it to you"



Ryoichi again coats her leg in the light as she connects with Luxk's blade.

"Then answer this. Why do you need the girl"

Luxk looks at Ryoichi as he pushes her back with his blade to create a distance between them. 

"It's what the Demon King wants. Am not too sure on what's on his mind but she's one of the objectives in the grand scheme of things."

"But anyways it was nice having a little battle with you Head Captain. We'll meet again but next time it'll be for the Crystal of Life." Luxk says as he dissipates into the shadows.

"Hmm, I should relay this information when we meet up. Where is Serenity she should-" Ryoichi says. 



"Ah, there she is," Ryoichi thinks.

"Captain do you copy"

Serenity's voice is heard in Ryoichi's mind.

"Yes, Serenity I hear you.  I have learned quite a bit of information."

"You not hurt are you?" Serenity asked. 

"No not even a scratch on me," Ryoichi responds.

"That's good." Serenity says in relief.

"Are the lieutenants present with you right now?"

"Yes, both Lieutenenatns are here. They were watching their Captains fight."

"Rendezvous with the others now."

"I make it that both Sho and Itsuki succeeded against the demon lord." Ryoichi thinks to herself. 


Moments before at the top of The Emerald Path.

"So am taking on two instead of one?"

"Yes you will face the two of us now," Itsuki says.

"Time to takeover," Sho says.