
The Villianous Queen Consort

A feisty woman from modern era stuck in an ancient kingdom, what could possibly go wrong? History is tragic, but even more so for the powerless Queen Antiope who was never loved by anyone in her entire life. Her whole life was a political agenda, till the day she died. On the other hand her cruel husband, King Dominic kept marrying till he found the woman to satisfy him, to produce him a heir because despite being the Queen Consort, she was deemed ineligible to continue the line. In the modern day Sky, a feisty woman in her mid twenties, who was obsessed with history, particularly queen Antiope found herself getting immersed in her life, so much so that after a trip to the museum she woke up in the bed of the Queen as the queen herself. Now that she is here, can she change the past? Moreover, the more time she spent here, the more inaccurate those history books seemed. The Queen wasn’t so helpless at all, and maybe her history books needed upgrading. So what would she do now? Will she live up to the Malevolent Queen Consort’s name? Or will she change history and own up to her own story? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Antiope,I love you." Dominic mouthed. “I have always loved you” "Love me?", scoffed Sky/ Antiope. "You never loved me. You chose me for my power, and you kept choosing someone else over me, over and over and over again for the very same reason. The king Dominic I know isn’t capable of love" "Have you lost your mind? Are you even aware of the words you speak?” Disheartened, Dominic whispered. “I am. I know very well that our relationship isn’t built on love. I am not a fool, not anymore” Sky/Antiope informed. The queen might have accepted Dominic, but Sky? She never will. “Of course it isn’t. We never had that kind of relationship because-” Dominic began but was cut off. “Because of you”! Sky/Antiope snapped. "God no, it was never me. I loved you from the day we got married, no... from the moment I laid my eyes upon you for the very first time. It was you who never wanted to get close to me." Dominic reminded her with pain in his eyes. “It was you, who never loved me, never saw me the way I see you” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How will Sky navigate the past when everything she knows, she believes, is challenged? Click in the story to find out more

sillymlk · History
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

The door to the Queen's chambers parted to let the man waiting outside in. 

Sky felt her breath catch as soon as her eyes lay on the newcomer. No picture, no portrait could do justice to the beauty that Dominic was. And most importantly he reminded Sky of Jason, the jock she dated in college during her freshman years. Jason was 2 years her senior with a personality of a duckling. The only redeemable features where his looks and his ability to dunk the ball through the hoop with such precision that national level teams scouted him out to join them.

Seeing the King who resembled her scumbag ex so much made her want to hit the man. But to not act on her urges, Sky turned away from Dominic. The King's face fell at this but he hastily collected himself.

"My Queen, how are you feeling?"

"I do not wish to speak right now. I feel a little ill. It would be of great help if His Highness did not disturb me."

"But I am worried. You bled…. Angelino, you may leave now.", Dominic commanded the royal announcer. "You too Elijah." 

As the royal servers bowed out of the chambers, the King turned to Sky. "You were bleeding so much. I thought I would lose you. Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

"Why do you care?", snapped Sky. "Is Ariadne not keeping you happy? Or are you having a fight with her?", retorted Sky hinting towards the young bride Dominic was to wed soon.

Dominic was in his early thirties and had a polygamous relationship with four women and Ariadne was to be his fifth. 

Everyone knew that the King favored his youngest bride to-be. She was young, pretty, cheerful  and had great knowledge about paints. Marrying Ariadne would give the kingdom the much needed alliance with Ariadne's kingdom Calidon to protect their northern borders from the attack of the ruthless kingdom of Norvak. 

Sky hated the entire concept of multiple marriages. No matter how important it might seem during the ages of the king but to forfeit your first wife and her love to protect the kingdom from an attack that might never come was something Sky's 21st century mind could never fathom. 

"This is no way to speak to your King. You know that this marriage is something I need to do. It is for our own good."

"So is it for 'our' own good that you decided to kill my child?" 

"Antiope", thundered Dominic, his face turning a deep colour of red. "Do not forget your place. I have been trying to be patient with you because of your fragile state but you have been crossing your limits."

"Then tell me how did I lose my child? My to-be first born? I was healthy, happy then why me? And why just before your wedding? Doesn't this seem a little too convenient? Your favourite to be Queen wouldn't want another child competing with hers for the crown.", spitted out Sky. 

"Antiope, no. I would never. How could you even think of such an atrocity? I love you."

"Love me?", scoffed Sky. "You never loved me. I tried so much, all the time. I loved you. And all you did was choose someone else over me, over and over and over again."

"Are you thinking straight? Do you know what you are saying? You never loved me. We never had that kind of relationship. "

"Of course we didn't. You never let that happen. "

"God no, it was never me. I loved you from the first day we got married, no from the first time we ever met. You never wanted to get close. "

"Oh yes right, blame it all on the crazy wife who just lost her child. How convenient."

"No, I am not blaming you. But you always wanted our marriage to be just a political alliance. You always wanted to keep it that way. You never let me come near you."

"You are lying. It's a lie, to cover up your misdeeds."

"I honestly don't know what got into you but Antiope I promise I love you, always have. You never have. You never even let me touch you. You never shared a bed with me, always keeping your distance."

At this Sky began to hysterically laugh. Her lips were curled up in a smile but her eyes spilled poison, "Then tell me my King whose child was I carrying? Was it by some sorcery I got pregnant? Who was the father if not you?", screamed Sky.

"That is exactly why I am here Antiope. Whose child were you carrying? I need to know. It would be a disaster should my ministers and subjects find out. It is a blasphemy and could cost me my rule. I have never questioned your actions and have always respected you for who you were. I have always turned a blind eye to your whims out of love for you but you have taken this too far. I need to know who the man is. Speak up and don't you dare scream anymore. I might just imprison you for your deeds."

Sky felt her stomach drop. Did Antiope really cheat on her husband? Did Dominic really love Antiope? Was their marriage really just an alliance and Antiope was the cold-hearted one? Sky could no longer hold herself up and slumped on the bed. She kept staring at her fingers trying to wrap her head around these new developments. All those journals, those papers, did they all lie? Was history re-written by someone? 

"I would be expecting an answer soon my Queen. I will leave you to your thoughts but you have until 10 tomorrow morning when I shall visit you again. And next time do not scream at me. Do not forget that you are at my mercy.", saying this Dominic stormed out of the room. 

Sky felt her head grow heavy, tears collecting in her eyes. Sky angrily wiped her tears away feeling betrayed but she would not give in. She would get to the bottom of this. She will find the truth. 

"Elisa… Elisa…", Sky thundered. 

"Milady, you called me?"

"Take me to the library. "

"Library, my Queen?"

"Yes, the place where they keep the documents and books."

"But Milady, you are too weak to make the trip. You need to rest."

"Did I not make myself clear? I wish to be taken to the library. Now.", said Sky, drawing herself to the full height.

"Yes Milady, whatever you wish.", squeaked Eiijah timidly.

As they stepped out of her chambers, Sky drew her chin up to imitate the proud queen Antiope was. She would get to the bottom of this, she would uncover the truth, even if it meant going up against the King. Enough men had put her down but not anymore. Her supremacy has begun.