
The Villianous Queen Consort

A feisty woman from modern era stuck in an ancient kingdom, what could possibly go wrong? History is tragic, but even more so for the powerless Queen Antiope who was never loved by anyone in her entire life. Her whole life was a political agenda, till the day she died. On the other hand her cruel husband, King Dominic kept marrying till he found the woman to satisfy him, to produce him a heir because despite being the Queen Consort, she was deemed ineligible to continue the line. In the modern day Sky, a feisty woman in her mid twenties, who was obsessed with history, particularly queen Antiope found herself getting immersed in her life, so much so that after a trip to the museum she woke up in the bed of the Queen as the queen herself. Now that she is here, can she change the past? Moreover, the more time she spent here, the more inaccurate those history books seemed. The Queen wasn’t so helpless at all, and maybe her history books needed upgrading. So what would she do now? Will she live up to the Malevolent Queen Consort’s name? Or will she change history and own up to her own story? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Antiope,I love you." Dominic mouthed. “I have always loved you” "Love me?", scoffed Sky/ Antiope. "You never loved me. You chose me for my power, and you kept choosing someone else over me, over and over and over again for the very same reason. The king Dominic I know isn’t capable of love" "Have you lost your mind? Are you even aware of the words you speak?” Disheartened, Dominic whispered. “I am. I know very well that our relationship isn’t built on love. I am not a fool, not anymore” Sky/Antiope informed. The queen might have accepted Dominic, but Sky? She never will. “Of course it isn’t. We never had that kind of relationship because-” Dominic began but was cut off. “Because of you”! Sky/Antiope snapped. "God no, it was never me. I loved you from the day we got married, no... from the moment I laid my eyes upon you for the very first time. It was you who never wanted to get close to me." Dominic reminded her with pain in his eyes. “It was you, who never loved me, never saw me the way I see you” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How will Sky navigate the past when everything she knows, she believes, is challenged? Click in the story to find out more

sillymlk · History
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

"OK this is extremely weird. What sort of practical joke is this?" asked Sky aloud as if there was someone to actually listen to her. She got off the floor dusting herself in the process and found herself wearing a pale blue satin under dress.

"Hmm, this feels rich but wait up what's happening? Hello? Is anybody there? Can anyone hear me?"

Sky started walking around the room trying to figure where exactly she is or what did she get herself into.

The place seemed very familiar like the one in the picture she saw numerous times on Google and in the museum the other day.

"The museum. I was in the museum. I tried touching the picture and then. What happened then?", she tried hard to ascertain the chain of events but in vain. 

Sky tried kicking the walls of the room, pulling the pillows off the bed, knocking the china off the table and creating a ruckus in short, to attract any attention she could. 

Her heart started to beat madly as the gravity of the situation slowly set in. 

"Probably this isn't a practical joke. Probably I am not on any show. Probably something larger is at play. But what? What happened?", Sky started pacing around the room and finally sat down on a chair lost in thought.

"Milady, are you alright?"

Sky almost fell off the chair but managed to stay on.

"Elisa? Are you really here?", blurted out Sky as the newcomer frowned at the her excitement. 

"Milady, I am Elijah, your maid in waiting. Are you alright Milady? You look a little pale.", the newcomer enquired.

Sky barely heard what Elijah said. She ran and hugged her thinking of her old friend, finally feeling a little relieved. 

Elisa was Sky's oldest friend and her partner in crime. They have been neighbors back in Sky's hometown in Magnolia Springs. They grew up together and were practically inseparable until they both left for higher studies but even then they were hard to be kept apart. They had their annual reunions and regular Skype calls. They were always updated on each other's lives. 

Seeing Elisa's familiar face in this unknown land made Sky cry and laugh with relief. 

She tried to hold on to her but the newcomer who claimed to be her maid in waiting tried to shrug her off.

Elijah on the other hand was highly unsettled by her Queen's overtly friendly behaviour. She tried to settle the Queen on her bed but she wasn't letting her go. And most importantly the Queen kept calling her Elisa. 

"Has the Queen finally lost her mind? Did the tragedy shook her? What a pity. She is such a young beautiful mind with such great prospects." , thought Elijah.

"Milady why don't you try lying down? You shouldn't get so worked up in this fragile state of yours. You need to rest. See, I brought you milk with saffron to help you calm and heal. Everything will be alright. "

"What are you talking about? I am absolutely fine. I am curious as to why you keep calling me Queen. Dude I am Sky. Just Sky. No Queen. And can you tell me where exactly am I?"

"Excuse me Milady? Sky? You are "Sky"? No Milady you are Queen. That is sky", said Elijah as she pointed to the pink purple sky visible through the balcony doors. 

Sky started hollering at this. She held onto her stomach as she rolled on to the bed.

"No no I meant my name is Sky. I am not a Queen, just a regular girl from Chicago. Now tell me where am I?", asked Sky as her laughter finally died down. 

"Milady I don't understand what kind of joke you are on to but you are a Queen. Queen Antiope of Scarpetia, the ruler of Eight Kingdoms, the benevolent,  the wise and the fierce."

At this, colour dropped from Sky's face. She felt winded out of breath as the reality hit her. She really is in Scarpetia and somehow she is in the Queen's body. The very queen over whom she has spent countless sleepless days and nights these past three months. She is the Queen who became her reality and her fantasy. 

Sky fell silent and meekly looked up at Elijah and asked, "Your name really is Elijah? You aren't my old friend?"

"No Milady, I am your maid in waiting.",replied Elijah sternly.

"Why were you saying I should rest? Why shouldn't I get worked up? What happened to me?", asked Sky slowly apprehensive of what the answer might be.

"I am so sorry my Queen. It was probably the shock of the situation. I am so sorry I had to be stern with you."

"Don't beat around the bush. Speak up. What happened?"

"My Queen, the child was supposed to be your first born." Elijah's voice croaked at this.

"Child? I never had a child."

"No Milady the child you lost today morning was supposed to be your first born. I am so sorry."

"What do you mean lost? I never had a child. Then how can I lose one?"

"No my Queen, I meant you had a miscarriage. Your child died while in your womb. You were bleeding heavily when you called for the royal physician. And then eventually you lost consciousness. I am sorry my Queen. It is the worst thing a mother can face. I can't put to words how awful I feel. The entire queendom is in mourning. I am so sorry."

Sky felt the floor melt away as she began falling. 

"This isn't true. This can't be true. I read all the journals, all the books. It was never mentioned Antiope had a miscarriage or that she ever carried a child.", thought Sky.

"Are you absolutely sure what you said is true? What did the royal physician say?" enquired Sky.

"He confirmed our suspicion. Your womb was incapable of carrying on with the pregnancy."

This information changed what little views she held or made so far. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

Sky sat staring at her folded palms when a light knock was sounded and a man of slight build made his presence known.

"Her Royal Highness, the King is here to see you in private. Will your health permit? He is waiting outside.", declared the man.

"My husband?", thought Sky as she searched through her memory for a name until it clicked. 

Sky hastily stood up and signaled Elijah to pass her the robe.

She dressed hastily and excused Elijah. 

"Yes I am.", assented Sky as she readied herself to face the man he hated, Dominic.