
The Villainess?

How did I get here? The last thing I remember was falling asleep after finishing the book: Trials Of Love. How did I become the villainess Camilla who has the same name as me? **************** Our female lead, Camilla used to be a very extrovert person who had many friends and was socially liked by everyone. However, after her parent's death, she was assigned to live with her Uncle and Aunt. Over time she slowly distances herself from her friends as she believes that she doesn't deserve happiness. She thought that she was the reason her parents died. Back then her parents died in a car accident when they were speeding toward the hospital where she was kept. On that very eventful morning, she had accidentally burnt her hand during food tech and was rushed straight towards the hospital. When her parents heard they too rushed over there hence they got into a car accident and eventually passed away. The only thing that would bring her happiness was that one book her parents left for her: Trials of love. It talked about a young boy named Damian who grew up in poverty but eventually became the grand duke of the Thedo empire. The Thedo empire was named after the first King founder of the empire. Damian grew to love his housekeeper's youngest daughter Eveline. The two had to go through many trials until they earned their happy ending... Of course with the occasional villainess ruining the happy pair. But who would've thought that our female lead ended up as the villainess? The character she hated the most. Camilla Rose Avery was the lost daughter of the present King and Queen. Camilla had been stolen when she was a year old by a maid. She was found by her older brother when he ran into her in an orphanage on one of his royal tours. Her love for Damian meant that she would try to kill Eveline. Because of her evil deed, she ended up being banished to the eastern empire when Damian became the grand duke. He married Eveline and then the story closed. Ella transmigrates into Camilla. However, there was still time to fix everything. She would be kind to Damian in the hope that he would remember her kindness in the future. Our female lead has decided to change her destiny so she tried very hard not to fall in love with Damian. However, the storyline seems to be changing. Why is the male lead running after the villainess this time? ********************************************************** Please vote for this book as I've entered a completion with it. English isn't my first language so bear with my grammatical. mistakes. The book cover is not mine, I found it on Pinterest. Please support my other books: - Prince and his wives ( sterilizing) - Rebirth for him (sterilizing)

Xiao_Ling16 ¡ Fantasy
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109 Chs

Chapter 21: Fine treasures

Camilla POV:

When I stepped out of the bathroom I noticed that Damian was still outside the bathroom. I smiled at him and he walked pasted me into the bathroom. Was I that long? I don't think so. I didn't even wash my hair as I don't think a hairdryer has been invented yet. Uhhh I am gonna miss the lovely technologies my world has. I proceeded to walk downstairs and I noticed the food still on our table. I don't think anyone is gonna eat that anymore. 😕 And sadly I'm still hungry.

Grabbing my cloche I walked towards the back pasting a few guards who bowed and kindly showed me the way towards the kitchen.

There is nothing here. I think the people who had owned this Inn had gone for a long time. The kitchen was dusty, so where did the food they gave us come from? I saw that there was a back door that could be opened. I opened the door and walked outside. The night was falling but I could still make out some images. Towards the left was a plot of vegetables and towards the right were 2 chickens and a rooster. Would there be any eggs? If there are eggs I could make a quick omelette. I walked towards the chicken pen and noticed that there was some food on the food stand. It looked like corn. The chicken must have been fed not long ago. I walked near them and the chickens ran away to a corner in fright. I noticed around the pen there were at least 5 eggs. That would be enough for only 5 of us. I need more. The knights are human, they need to eat too. I lifted the roof of the chickens and noticed that there were two other hens in there, a white one and a brown one. They were probably keeping their eggs warm. I lifted one of the hens and saw that there were 3 other eggs. One of them had a crack in it though. Was that egg fertilised? Maybe it needs some time until it fully grows. I left that egg and picked up the other two. I moved towards the other hen and it decided to peck my hands. I yelled in pain and threw the chicken out of its house. Underneath I could see that the eggs were could new. There were a few feathers on it but we could wash it. There were 4 eggs there and so I took those too. I placed each one near my ear in case one of them had already grown into a chick. But none of them made any sound of such. It seems that they were all raw eggs. So I placed all of the eggs on my cloche carrying it towards the kitchen. There I found a bowl and placed all of the eggs there. There were 11 eggs.

Walking back towards the vegetable plot, I noticed that there were some apples on the tree. We could eat those. Placing my cloche on the floor I gently climbed the tree. On one of the branches, there were 5 ripped apples. I gently leaned towards the other side and plucked the 5 apples off. "What are you doing?" someone asked. I turned my head back and noticed it was the boy- Ryan. I must have misplaced my footing because I could feel that I was falling. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact but it never came. I opened my eyes again and noticed I was looking at someone's chest. huh, why was I here? But his chest is really fine. The third font does him any justice because I could see the outlines of his abs. Wait want he only 4 years older than me? How does he have such a fine chest? How much would he have trained for this? "Have you looked enough?" he asked whilst glancing at me. I looked up and noticed his brown eyes. They were so dreamy. One day he would become a very handsome man. I hurriedly slapped my face as I forgot I was in someone's embrace. I hurriedly blushed and jumped out of his embrace. "Sorry about that," I muttered. "It's ok. I'm glad they're is a lady who admires these fine treasures. Anyways what were you doing?" he announced. Forget what I said about him being a handsome man. I'm sure that no one would want him especially because of his narcissistic personality. Fine treasures? I've seen better.