
The Villainess turns into the Heroine

Iona is originally a villainess in her world of Fontana after being executed for her crimes she reincarnates into the body of the kind and pure Duke of Devashire’s daughter with the same name. Iona initially struggles with her new identity as she is internally evil and corrupt. But as enemies face her, Iona’s past as a villainous comes quite handy. Especially when she is told that because of her status she must marry the current Tyrant King Peregrine. After hearing a street psychic’s warning that if Iona marries Peregrine she will be met with death soon after, Iona creates a new plan to survive. She must make the Tyrant King hate her. Instead of being his lover she must become his ex-lover! Follow Iona as she goes through her new life as a “good” girl who tries to make the tyrant king hate her with her past life villainous ways. Will she succeed or will she succumb to fate and fall in love with the flirtatious King?

SelaraChan · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Disobedient toys

I slightly hid behind Peregrine as I fanned my face irritatingly.

Damn it. These three toys just had to show their anger and disobedience now when I'm with my husband. I sighed. The one thing a villainess like me abhors the most is when my prey gets irritated. Once my prey gets irritated it causes issues for my control of the situation. After all I lose the small amount of fun that I've had in torturing my subject. Now I just have to straight up punish them.

"Do you know how long we've been waiting for you? Radford and I were looking for you all over the city plaza!"

I smirked as I looked at a frustrated Vicktor. His thin eyebrows were knitted with his frustration. I cracked my fan shut as I walked up to him and poked the edge of my fan in his abdomen. Vicktor winced as he backed away. His anger dissipated as it turned into fear. My fatal glare said only one thing. "I'm pissed. You better not try to do anything or I wouldn't mind ramming this fan into you to pierce your body to the wall".

Vicktor nervously laughed as he said.

"I mean, we were only worried about you dear sister after all."

I smiled as I retracted my fan. That's more like it. I love an obedient and smart toy.

"What do you mean we care about her? If it wasn't for this bitch delaying us we would have been home by lunch already! Now we have to wait for her to pick her dress and go home by dinner! We haven't even eaten anything since morning!"

I looked at Radford. He trembled under my gaze but his anger did not abate.

"Why are you glaring at me Iona? Do you think that I'm scared of you just because of your glare? Does the man next to you know of your true evil nature? Or did you trick him with your kindness as you have done with us? Mister, I suggest you leave this bitch while you can. Or else you might be deceived-"

My hand moved on its own. Radford coughed out blood as my fan left a red mark on his right cheek. Radford widened his eyes as he looked back at me. Tulio and Vicktor backed away. I then leaned in and whispered.

"Congratulations my dear brother. You have managed to successfully piss me off."

I caressed his red cheek as I said.

"Oh I'm sorry my dear brother. There just seemed to be a large bug on your cheek. It was yellow so I was afraid of it being poisonous. Whenever a bug comes in front of me I do tend to crush it after all."

My golden eyes gleamed as I emphasized the "crush" when I looked at my toys. Radford then pushed me away. Anger was apparent on his face as his red eyes glowed.


This was quite irritating. I had never had such a disobedient toy in the entirety of my two lives so far.


I don't have the time to waste on this insignificant broken toy. I need to discard him quickly.

As I was lost in thought I felt myself be suddenly pushed away. I winced as I fell to the ground.

"Hey you son of a-"

I shut my mouth as I watched Peregrine hold the edge of Radford's sword with his bare hand. Blood deeper and dripped on the floor. Radford's eyes widened as his eyes dulled in color. His hand trembled as he dropped the sword. If it weren't for Peregrine, a second later I would have been swimming in the river of the dead. Vicktor and Tulio watched in fear as I looked at Peregrine's face.

For the first time in my life I felt a shiver of what humans would call "fear". The way that Peregrine's gray eyes glowed along with his toothy smile and furrowed eyebrows made one tremble. A sort of dark menacing aura was emitted. Anyone could feel his anger form miles away. Peregrine then took out his sword and brought it to Radford's neck. Peregrine's deep voice tumbled and shook the ground as he said.

"Give me one fucking reason why I shouldn't dye the floor with your blood right now? What is an insignificant piece of trash like you doing? Who are you to dare raise not only your voice but your sword against my wife? Are you that enthusiastic to meet Lucifer in hell? If so I can easily fulfill that wish for you in a timely manner."

Radford cried out as blood started dripping as Peregrine started to push the sword into his neck. Vicktor and Tulio sat on the floor in shock. Peregrine's eyes then slid over to Vicktor as he yelled.

"And you! Who the fuck do you think you are to question my wife? Are you her lover to limit the time that I spend with her? After I'm done with this insolent roach I will decorate the bloodied streets with your intestines."

Vicktor shook all over as his usual calm composure was reduced to ash. As Peregrine's words pierced my very being another emotion besides fear filled me. It was a strong emotion that made my heart beat quickened and my cheeks flush with warmth. I felt admiration for the man.

At that moment I felt that it was alright if I died after marrying this man. No matter what I had to make him mine and mine alone. He had to stay by my side for the remainder of my miserable excuse of a life. My very core longed for him.

As Radford cried out once more I snapped out of it. I stood up and turned to face Peregrine. I then stood on my tip toes and placed my hands on the sides of his face.

"Peregrine dear, please look at me. These insolent roaches are not worth your anger or malice. Your dear wife is safe and sound. Nothing has happened to her. Please refrain you attention from these fools and give me a shred of that attention. Your dear wife is getting quite jealous."

Peregrine's silver eyes dulled as I felt his tense face relax. His eyes sparkled as they looked at me. He then dropped his sword and hugged me close to his chest. The smell of lavender filled my nose as I wrapped my arms around his trembling body.

Lord above I had just met this man less than an hour ago yet we were already hugging. As I hugged him I hoped that he couldn't hear the sound of my beating heart.

Was this what people called "love at first sight"?


Thank you so much for reading my luvs❤️I'm so sorry for the late update! I've stayed up last night studying for a test! But your little smol author loves you all so she has updated. Stay safe and be careful❤️😍😷