
The Villainess Tales

|Be careful what you wish for| What will you do if you suddenly awaken in a different body? In a different world, where your only fate is death? Natalie is devastated by the tragic death of her favourite character, Hina Kudo- the villainess of a popular online novel. While she grieves over the character's death, something unusual happens to Natalie as she suddenly wakes up and finds herself in Hina Kudo's body. At this point, she is faced with the dangers and tragedies of being a villainess as she must make choices to ensure her survival in this dangerous new world. Will she be able to get rid of the "Villainess" tag? Will her choices lead to a happy destiny or something worse? Also, can she truly escape her predetermined fate? *note- I take no credit for the cover photo*

faizalatee · Fantasy
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138 Chs

An Uninvited Guest

Hina's eyes cracked open as she still hugged onto the duvet, head and vision dancing. She moved her gaze over the slightly bright room, disorientated. She could tell that she overslept but it was much needed after her sleepless nights.

Cleaning off the sleep from her eyes, she noticed the wetness of her eyes. She traced the lines down her face and figured she had been crying.

[Did I cry in my sleep?]

She flopped onto her back, sprawled out like a starfish, gazing into nothing. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, there was an urgent knocking. It was like a desperate knock to get in but she had misplaced the keys.

She sorted through her thoughts, searching for the fading memory. She could sense that she had dreamt about something last night but she couldn't remember. For a moment, she managed to grab a hold of a vision, catching a glimpse of what she was desperately trying to recall.

She could scarcely remember a boy and a lantern festival of some sort, but it was all blurry. She couldn't remember what he looked like, where she was or what they talked about. She did, however, remember the bubbling happiness she had felt. It was the happiest she had ever been.

She wanted to rattle through her head for more, but a throbbing pain threatened to creep up so she stopped.

[A friend huh?...] there was a slight relief at the thought that the original Hina had one good memory despite her terrible childhood.


Hina heard a familiar knock on the door. She tilted leaned her head towards the door as it quietly opened.

"Good afternoon, lady Hina" Suki and Aoi greeted her as warmly as usual.

[Afternoon? For how long was I asleep?]

"You have been asleep for quite some time, my lady. You were sound asleep when we came to wake you up in the morning and you wouldn't wake up no matter how many times I called out to you. The head maid told us to let you be, as it was possible that you had not been sleeping well." Suki explained to her as if she had read Hina's thoughts.

"The Lord also said it was okay for you to sleep in" Aoi added.

Hina sighed in relief, taking in the scent of the jasmine tea Suki presented to her. It was amusing how Suki always knew the right flavour of tea she craved every waking.

"I see. That's good to hear" she said.

She brought the cup up to her mouth, breathing in the warm scent before drinking.

"The Lord also said to inform you that he has an important meeting to attend and that he would not be back until late at night, so you need not wait up for him and rest early"

"Okay, thank you for informing me"

"Then, is there anything you would like to do today, lady Hina?" Aoi asked.

"Hmm...what about a picnic?" Hina blurted out, not putting much thought into it. Her daily routines were a repeating cycle and she felt the need to switch it up and do something slightly different or else she might just run mad.

"A picnic?" Suki asked, mesmerised by the concept.

"Yes. Rather than the typical brunch, I would like to have a small picnic. What do you think?"

"It is a great idea! I will inform the chef right away and have him prepare for it, lady Hina" Aoi bowed and rushed out, leaving Suki to attend to Hina.

"How is the investigation coming along?" Hina finally asked.

"It's progressing smoothly, my lady"


"Then, shall I prepare your bath now, lady Hina?"

"Yes, thank you"


A small picnic had been arranged, just as Hina had requested for.  Suki had accompanied her, leading her to a small pond situated on the far east end of the estate. The tranquil backyard waterside gave off a fairytale feel to it.

Hina sat down on the soft blanket,

appreciating the picturesqueness of the sight.

"This is nice," she said, smiling lazily at the view, wishing she could take a photo or two.

[My social media would have blown up with pictures of this]

She noted with a smile, taking out some snacks to munch on.

"Good afternoon, young master!" Suki greeted automatically as she gaped at the young lord. There had been no word of his return so how was he possibly here? Last she had heard was that he was studying in a neighbouring country.

"Hmm sure," he replied dismissively as he walked past the maid.

Hina turned sideways to find Kai striding in her direction.

"Take a few steps back. I'd like to have a private chat with the new lady of the house" he directed a gruff demand at Suki, leaving no room for rebuttal.

Suki cautiously peeked at Hina, who gestured at her to do as told, before breathing a brief reply "Yes, young master".

Kai watched, making sure that the maid was far enough before sitting down on the blanket.

"What are you doing?" Hina asked, a pinch of annoyance in her tone as she eyed him.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you ask Suki to give us some space? I don't think we're close enough for that"

"Aren't we? Besides, you wouldn't want the maid to hear about our secret rendezvous, now would you?" Kai smiled as he spoke.

"You shouldn't speak so crudely" Hina warned, glaring at the young man who had a talent for getting on her nerves.

On the other hand, Kai was constantly fascinated by Hina's behaviour. Unlike her timid appearance, she was outspoken and hot-headed. Nothing like the reports he had gotten about her.

Hina had wondered why he had not been present when his father had returned from his business trip. He also never came to any family meals.

"You were not present when your father arrived. You also didn't attend any family meals. Why?"

"Why do you ask? Did you miss me?"

"If you don't want to tell me, then don't"

Hina replied with a shrug, turning back to watch the waters as they sparkled under the sun.

"My father and I are not really on good terms..." he eventually said, looking away from her.

"We have barely spoken to each other for years.."

"Why is that?"

"Hmm. I guess we stopped caring for each other after she died.." the corners of his mouth lifted in a bitter smile.

"He remarried just a few weeks after her funeral. Someone would think he had been waiting for her to die..." Kai added, his tone was cold and distant and Hina could sense the resentment in his deep voice.

Kai could still vividly remember those dark days. They lingered in his vision like it was just yesterday it all happened. His frail mother had taken up an illness, stuck in bed day after day until it turned to months. It was a painful sight, seeing her colour and smile wither into deathly paleness and tearful whimpers. The medications were seeming useless and her body could not hold on any longer. Her passing had released Kai from his pain and all he felt was numbness. The skies poured out for days following his mother's funeral as if it was mourning with the family. The black coffin sat in the middle of the room, decorated with white irises; her favourite flower.

The room was filled with mourning and crying from the people she had touched with her light. Her light that had gone out forever. Soon after his mother's burial, while the estate was still in mourning, father brought home another woman. It was a rainy evening. Little Kai had waited for his father's arrival but the man did not return alone. With his arms wrapped around another woman, he had smiled at Kai, telling him to be respectful to his new mother. A new mother. The words slipped out of his father's mouth so easily, as if to say that his mother was easily replaceable. Kai soon found out that the two had already held a private wedding, inviting only a few close friends and family. It was then that their relationship began to wither.

Hina watched Kai's expressionless face. His brows furrowed tightly, lost in his thoughts.

Hina already knew he was talking about his mother's death. She had heard some of the maids gossiping about the young master's fallout with his father.

"What are you thinking about so seriously?" Hina finally broke the silence. Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he instantly relaxed his features and glanced at her.

"Nothing.." he replied.

She knew he was lying but it didn't matter. Besides, the two were still learning to adapt to the presence of each other and that was more than enough for her.

Hina rummaged through the picnic basket for some dessert and offered him a cupcake.

"Here, take it"

"You're acting nice today. You usually look like you want to punch me in the face " He commented, taking the cake from her.

"That's because you usually do things deserving of a punch."

He smirked at her remark as he took a satisfying bite from the dessert, his eyes still locked on her.

They enjoyed the peaceful quietness of the weather, listening to the trilling buzzing and chirping of insects and the slushing of water lacing through rocks.

"Has the old man been good to you?" Kai peered curiously at her.

"Yes, he has" She replied

"That's good, I guess.." he laid down to rest his back, placing his hands behind his head.

"I guess so too..."

Hi, Readers! New chapter up!

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