
The Villain still wants to be a villain, even after the first time.

400 years ago, humans with supernatural powers appeared. Lucy Kart was one of them. But Lucy didn't use her powers for good, she used them to destroy everything she saw. As she was dying she saw a kid who's father was someone she killed. She regrets it all for a split second then dies. A goddess in charge of the earth, took interest and made her reborn back when she was in school.

Kist · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The rebirth

Gaia was looking at the earth. After letting the humans gain supernatural powers, there were many casualties. Gaia frowned upon seeing this, but there was no choice. The other gods were all trying to take a bit of earth, and Gaia was weakening. So she let go of the seal and the supernaturals awakened.

Gaia also found pure souls, and blessed them with power. She hoped that they would do good things for the world. A soul she blessed, died today. This one in particular was very pure, and shined very brightly among the other souls.

She smiled then reached out her hand to the soul's memories. After reading them, Gaia's face was sad. A bright person was forced to go though all of this, causing destruction for other people.... She then looked at the last memory. She saw that the soul subconsciously regretted her actions.

Gaia was full of pity. She thought of it for a moment, then placed the soul on her lap. She then took another soul, who was with the soul. Then chanted a prayer. After it was done, she waved them goodbye and rested.




"MOTHERFU-!" Lucy was about to curse, when she remembered everything. Confused she checked her phone's time and date. September 8, 4010. Exactly 10 years in the past when she was 16.

"H-Huh? How did I get sent back in time?" Lucy was confused. Suddenly, her phone went off again. [Wake up now! School in 10 minutes!]. Lucy hurried to dress as a habit, and ate breakfast.

She lived alone since her parents died, so she didn't worry about anyone noticing changes about her. What she did have to worry about, whatsoever is that she was still going to school...with the person who will kill her in the future.

"Urgh...." Lucy braided her hair and put on her thick glasses. Her beauty was always obscured by the glasses, but she didn't care because she read articles on how "Beauty was a pain" and didn't want to take any chances.

Lucy thought of what to do while walking to school, she easily blended in with the crowd full of students. "Hmm... what to do what to do." She thought.


Hunter was sad after hearing Lucy's last words... She was a smart and bright girl in high school, but she strayed on the path of a villain.... He remembered her last words, "If only... someone extended their hand towards me.... maybe I wouldn't have gotten on this path...."

Hunter was still grieving, when suddenly he felt as if he was pulled out of something. There was black, then he heard a familiar Alarm. He found himself in the bed, he would sleep in high school.

He checked his phone's alarm, then saw the date. September 8, 4010, 10 years back in the past.

But how? Was it someone's power? Was there a god who took pity on them? But was there even a god?

Hunter was confused, but he had an idea. If he really did travel back in time, then he could fix Lucy from going down the villain path! Thus Hunter begun his path to help Lucy.


Lucy was annoyed. Annoyed with everything, the noises, the students, the people,the stingy teachers, the hoes,the arrogant bullies, everything.

Lucy wanted to use her power to kill everything here, but she couldn't do this since she has to be cautious.

Speaking of which, do I still have my power? Lucy awakened her power at 17 but she was 16 right now. She tried to lift a pebble on the ground, as she waited for the stoplight to turn green.

The pebble vibrated, then floated up. Lucy then tried to lift up a car. It slowly creaked up. Good, her power was still her to defend herself. Wait if I know the future talents...can't I recruit them and rule the world?! Lucy smiled to herself evilly as she flexed her fingers subconsciously.

Thus her path of a villain continued there.

