
The Villain still wants to be a villain, even after the first time.

400 years ago, humans with supernatural powers appeared. Lucy Kart was one of them. But Lucy didn't use her powers for good, she used them to destroy everything she saw. As she was dying she saw a kid who's father was someone she killed. She regrets it all for a split second then dies. A goddess in charge of the earth, took interest and made her reborn back when she was in school.

Kist · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"Tch, what a pain." Lucy had and extremely annoyed expression. She then glared at Jack who was trying to get out of her eyesight.

"If you tell me which company sent you, you will be given mercy." Steven said.

"Oh my god...just shut up dude! No one wants to hear some lulu lala middle aged man speak!" Lucy shouted.

Steven was taken aback a bit, then put on a cold smirk.

"Fine then, watch yourself be badly beaten by this lulu lala man."

Steven charged up 2 lasers, while Jack used his abilities blade hands and advanced strengthening to distract Lucy.

She saw what was going on, and immediately dashed towards Steven. It was too late, Steven was done charging and was about to release it. Lucy cried in her heart and tried to use psychokinesis to fling them.

Because of the huge gap in their abilities, Lucy wasn't able to fling him. But she managed to turn Steven's hand away from her last second. The lasers shot into the air and turned into a dazzling white.

Lucy eeked, and carried multiple cars to fling at them. Steven was surprised, psychokinesis was a rare ability. And usually, psychokinesis users could only lift up small things. If Lucy didn't belong to another organization, he would have scouted her himself.

Steven managed to dodge the cars, but saw the cars continuing to the houses. His eyes flashed. What an evil girl! She would even harm innocent civilians! He dashed towards there, and took the blunt of the cars.

Lucy snickered. This was the main reasons why heroes were dumb. If you get caught up in a fight, it's just bad luck. Don't need to risk your life for some insignificant person. Lucy was about to continue, but she felt Jack approaching.

She turned around just in time to meet Jack's blade hands. She put her psychokinesis at the bottom of Jack's hand, causing Jack's hand to go up and make him to be exposed.

Steven saw this and was horrified. Jack seemed to brace himself.

Time went slowly for Lucy.

"Pfft. I finally got a chance! But...if I kill him, then Steven will try to hunt me down no matter what..." Lucy pondered for a bit. "Hm..how to incapacitate him temporarily?" Lucy's eyes lit up.

She smirked and used her psychokinesis to rip open Jack's clothes. She then grabbed one of the shred remnants and used her power to tie to around Jack. Now Jack looked like a tied up kidnapped man.

Steven dashed over and gave Lucy a big laser. Lucy saw it last second and avoided it, but it damaged her leg. Steven didn't care and checked up on the blushing Jack. After confirming he was ok, he spoke to her.

"You...your kind is disgusting." He spat out in hatred.

"Wha?!!!!! What ever do you mean?!!!" Lucy put on an over exaggerated face. She then clasped her hands onto her face. "People like you are even more disgusting!" she faked cried. "They act like they're so holy, but deep down they're selfish people who only want money!"

She grasped her head, clearly taunting Steven. Steven was so angry, he would explode if you put his anger in a teapot! Jack on the other hand, just tried to dress himself up.

"Hmpfh, you're a fool. Such a big fool!" Lucy laughed.

Steven forcefully calmed himself down, he was playing right into the enemy's plan if he were to get angry. Lucy tsked when she saw that it wasn't working. Steven began wondering where this lady came from.

There were no reports of a powerful psychokinesis user in the area. Was she raised then? ...No, they wouldn't take a psychokinesis user. She probably got strong, then took a job to target Jack.

Steven's eyes gleamed. If she was hired by money...her loyalty shouldn't be strong. He hatched a plan.

"You..were you payed to do this?"

Lucy obviously knew that she couldn't defeat the large company, but she needed a chance to settle it. Now it came, as expected. This fool CEO maybe does have a brain after all...

"..Maybe. Why should it concern you?" Lucy said as she flung a lamppost at him.

Steven's brain worked. If she was raised, she wouldn't have given this response. Now she's giving me a chance to hire her, because she wants more money!

"How much are they paying?" Steven asked.

"...How much can you offer?"

"200,000 dollars every 3 months."


"250,000 dollars, no more."


So I finally know how to use authors thought. And you saw the koru part right? That's my friend who's just goofing around fixing my mistakes.

(Yea, I'm like a SUPER chill dude. Like sometimes I don't even know myself.)


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