
The Villain Lady-love

Ariana, a simple yet stunning and beautiful girl live happily in a small town of Devon with her parents, until a deadly disease struck the town that killed them, leaving her and her brother orphans. Aidan Sheraton, the Duke of Sheraton, who everyone fear in the capital for his ruthlessness, and was known for being a villain by everyone for his cruel ways of doing things. He was ordered by the King to investigate the deadly disease in the small town Devon and in the meantime to find his childhood fiance. What will happened when the villain got his eyes on the naive and innocence Ariana? *Cover is not mine* PS : *Everything here is fictional*

Mish_Black · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Ablaze - I

"What? Burn down the whole town!" exclaimed Ariana.

Ezavius nodded at her, "There's no other option left, even I alone couldn't completely erased this black magic that surrounded the town."

Ezavius and Ariana were outside the overgrown lawn of the church, which was unattended since ages. Since, most of the villagers, who are the believers of God had dissolved as the years pass by. Hence, the remaining non-believers villagers had completely disregarded the Dunwich Church.

Ezavius could only explained to Ariana about the situation of the town, since she's the only unaffected person.


Ariana was about to suggest herself, when Ezavius immediately interrupted her, "You can't, every house in Devon town has completely filled with black magic, even if we both tried to disperses it with magic, it would not work."

He added, "Lady Ariana, don't worry. Duke Sheraton will rebuild the whole town after everything is over."

Although, the duke didn't says anything about rebuilding the town, Ezavius was sure he wouldn't left the town unattended.

Ariana was silenced, as she process Ezavius words. She knew burning the town is the right choice for everyone, since, who know it might infected more people. But, Devon was a place filled with happy memories for her and Jace, it was their only home, the place they weren't abandoned.

"My Lord, just do as the duke success," Roxana finally agreed, since these is for everyone well-being.

"Then," Ezavius hesitated, "Can your brother used his power to help us?"

Ariana was about to rejected him, since, he had just awakens his power, which might put his life in danger.

When Jace came out of the church and interrupted her, "I'll do it," he declared at Ariana and Ezavius.

"Jace," Ariana exclaimed in shock, "Don't you know, this might put your life in danger!"

"Sister, it's ok, Lord Ezavius will be there to help me. Anyways, now I have learn to control it a bit."

Ariana noticed he looked adamant and feel helpless at his stubborn attitude, therefore she turned to Ezavius and raise her index finger and said "On one condition, I will go with him."

The situation at the church had reduced a bit, since, Ariana had completely heals most of the infected ones, with her healings power and also with the help of the others witches.

"My Lord!" An anxious voice exclaimed at Ezavius.

They all turned to the voice and spot a young man, one of the mage that stayed with the duke, came running anxiously at them. He was panting and at the same time turned to Ezavius and cried out ,"My Lord! Most of the Knights and soldiers, which are station near the town got infected with the disease."

Ezavius was a bit stunned, but he quickly

"What did the duke say?" Ezavius asked calmly.

"The duke immediately ordered to evacuated them here," the mage replied.

Ezavius was slightly stunned, but quickly composed himself and then turned to Ariana and speak in a cold voice, "Lady Ariana, It's not that I'm preventing you from following Jace," he paused, "Since you can see, the situation at the moment is out of our control. So, I prefer you to look after the peoples here."

Ariana knew she was selfish, but who wouldn't be, when she had just lost her adopted parents, and she doesn't want to lose her only family member she had, thus, she grasped Jace hand firmly, "Please, protect yourself," Ariana then gaze at Ezavius, "If something happen to him, immediately inform me."

Ezavius nodded, "Certainly" and then turned to the mage and said, "Andro, you bring the knights and soldiers, which are infected here."

"Yes, My Lord," Andro said and instantly vanished from the place which he was standing.

"Let's go Jace," Ezavius offered his hand to Jace. Ariana hesitated a bit to released his hand, but Jace resolutely took off her hand, "I'll be fine, sister,"

He then took Ezavius hand and instantly in the blink of an eyes, they both vanished into thin air and left Ariana alone at the unkempt lawn of the church.


The town of Devon entrance gate which was obstructed by the Knights and soldiers for almost a week, was now completely deserted and uncanny.

Ezavius teleported himself and Jace smoothly into the most tall, secluded rooftop in the middle of the town, where half of the town can be seem conspicously.

In the empire, the number of peoples who could teleport can be counted on the fingers of one hand, the current monarch Emperor Elrod, the powerful wizard of the empire Ezavius, the Dark Mage of all times Vier, and last strangely and mysteriously, the Duke of Sheraton possess the ability to teleport without using a magic spell which was extremely a complicated spell that required a massive amount of mana.

However, the duke could teleport effortlessly, unlike him, who had practiced for years, which had consumed a lot of his mana, even though he's proficient in teleporting at present.

Jace gazed at the silenced town, then turned to the wizard who remained still with his eyes closed, while chanting a protective spell at himself in a words, Jace barely able to catches.

After a while, a rushing sound can be heard in the air and a figure appears infront of them in a flash, with a red cloak draped on his body, while his green eyes gazed at them nonchalantly.

Ezavius, instantaneously open his eyes, when he heard a whoosh sound and turned his gazed at the direction of the sound.

Infront of them stood the duke, as his figure with a red cloak seem conspicuously in the bleak surrounding.

"Your Grace," nodded Ezavius.

Meanwhile, Aidan silently gazed at Jace for a second, and then turned his gazed to the wizard.

"Why don't you start?"

'We were about to start, but you came,' thought Ezavius in his head and want to said out loud.

However, he turned to Jace and said in a serious expression,"Jace, start now."