
The Villain Is Mine^_^

The villains are always destined to be ruined by the main protagonist, Villains are not born but made, if the world hates them and the female lead is throwing them away, then can I have the villain? For I to love him to death in this life and in all others.

Ryoukardo · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Han Lun

By the time I got to the top floor in the elevator, I had more than three secretaries, Xue Chi included. On the top floor, Bai Ling's office was situated.

It was quite remarkable how as soon I had entered the building all the employees were bowing to me, however, these were not just ordinary employees, but the gang members that were working in the office as a cover, it was more of the IT team of the gang, the hackers and all.

Bai Ling rescued the majority of the gang members. They were people who were not wanted by the world, criminals who went to jail for no reason, people like Xue Chi, children from orphans who suffered horrid conditions, and people who had a disability. Bai Ling was a Mafia figure, but hidden beneath her ruthless exterior was a compassionate soul who shielded countless innocents. Despite her exterior chill, she exuded an infectious warmth that made her coworkers' devotion to their work shine.

As my sectaries began the briefing, each with their distinct purpose, I sank into my chair. Other than Xue Chi, I had 3 more secretaries. Two women and one man, Yang Mi, the eldest female, who was convicted for the murder of her child by her husband. She fell into a trap set by her husband, who wanted to inherit her fortune. After being rescued from jail by Bai Ling, she assumed control of the gang's finances. From that point on, she was devoted to Bai Ling without wavering.

In contrast, Xing Tian was an orphan who put in a lot of time and effort to get an education but still ran into problems. To make ends meet, she signed a modelling contract, but little did she know that she had practically sold herself to an elderly man. He was harassing her when Bai Ling rescued her and settled her debts.  Bai Ling won her loyalty too.

She handled the management sector of the gang, managing the members, their pay and all and at last, the final sectary is Chen Wang. According to Bai Ling's recollections, she came upon a severely wounded Chen Wang on the side of the road. Chen had fled from home after his mother's death when his drunken father had been punishing him physically and emotionally. Without further ado, she rescued him, had his father arrested, and adopted him into her gang. He had a new family, that loved him more. He loved Bai Ling like anything, he could kill for her and even die and that's why he was in charge of the training of the gang members.

Since Bai Ling, who was 15 at the time, rescued him when he was 12 years old, Chen Wang, who is now 21 years old, has matured. All these secretaries, including Xue Chi, loved and adored Bai Ling to death. Right now, if I didn't know much I wouldn't have known this after seeing their serious faces.

"Master," Chen Wang announced, "we received a request this morning to dispatch our finest men to the Lee family; they are seeking more than three men."

I signed the papers that Yang Mi gave me as I nodded, and Xue Chi looked over the paperwork for the Han Group meeting.

"Put that on hold for now, I will deal with it after the Han group meeting", Chen Wang nodded as Xing Tian told her report.

Before I could listen to more, we heard a knock on the door, an employee rushed in,

"CEO Ling, The Han group is here but...", sweat was dripping down his eyes, I frowned, what could be so worrying for him to sweat so much?

Chen Wang looked over at him and asked, " What is it? Speak?", with a frigid voice. These sectaries of mine were only friendly to me, not others and I found it quite cute.

The man spoke with nervousness, "CEO Lun is here". The arrival of the male lead was enough to make us all gasp for air. Surely that was never there in the original? Why now?

I got up as I spoke, "Get him and his companions seated, I shall be there soon". My sectaries had grim expressions, it was not often that the first family's CEO would visit personally to the third family's CEO office. I shall see to it and also get to know where exactly the story is yet, I genuinely wish that I am before Lee Yi falls in love with the heroine.

I walked out of my room, followed by my secretaries. As I stood outside of the door which would lead me to the trash male lead, I pondered, that I truly didn't wanted to see the male lead yet, especially before seeing Lee Yi.

I informed my secretaries to stand outside of the room. I breathed in and out as I strolled in to see a man sitting in front of me with his back.

In addition to wearing a suit, his broad back and combed hair—likely gelled back—made him stand out. As I turned to face him, he met my gaze. Radiant complexion, captivating eyes, a high bridge of the nose, arched sword eyebrows, and crimson lips. He was quite charismatic, and I can see why Bingyan was so gullible. But where are we now in the plot?

"CEO Ling, I have never met you before," he said, flashing me his repulsive charmer grin. It was clear he was the male lead; he immediately began to speak in a way that would win me over, but wooing Bai Ling—who is notoriously unfeeling—was no picnic.

"What business might CEO Lun may have with me?", I asked as I sat down in front of him. He smirked as he glimpsed at me. Quite chaotic the male lead is compared to my villain, no need for comparison, of course, Lee Yi is the best.

"We have a deal CEO Ling, so of course I had to come to show my support for our companies working together". The deal between Han group and the Bai group was very simple, the Bai group had businesses in many industries especially when it comes to the whole Mafia business, they made their own guns and imported them out. Upon hearing about it, Han Lun made the decision to arm his men with weapons. It is not that he is involved in this industry; he simply wants to ensure his own safety as the CEO and head of the first family.

I am Mafia, so he reasoned, I must have decent weapons, so he felt better about approaching me. While using the adjacent phone to contact Xue Chi about bringing the contract to be signed, I let out a sigh.

"I requested the contract, and my man will bring it to me right away."The male lead with his same stupid grin nodded.

"Also CEO Ling, I would like to hire some men from your agency, I want strong men to be able to protect a fragile women". My eyes dimmed, woman? The heroine, probably?

As soon as I asked, "If it is okay with CEO Lun, who might this woman be?" his smile faded. The expression became solemn. Thankfully, I am a woman; otherwise, the male protagonist would have already seen me as a potential rival.

"Mine Woman", the male lead had quite a dark expression that one might think that he was a Devil. Honestly, the villain is said to be the crazy psycho in the novel but I think the male lead is no less crazy.

I was silent when he said, "CEO Ling you are coming for the annual party? You have always missed it but maybe you can consider it". He chuckled as muttered this. He sure turns fast, one second dark Devil next pure Angel? but this must be that annual party where Lee Yi and Bingyan meet, of course I have to go.

Bai Ling hates socializing and she has truly missed all these parties held each year by the Han group, and many more held by other families. Bai Ling would be the house insect compared to Lee Yi, the party bug. If it was any other family that did this, it would be disrespectful towards the Han family, however there is some caution towards the Bai family. Due to the Mafia business, many families keep them at arm's length, the same goes for the Han, they don't fear the Bai family but they also don't treat them as causal since many of the bodyguards working in the Han family and others are from the Bai. After the Bai family ran a bodyguard agency for a long time, providing sturdy men to many families, the little side business expanded into a major enterprise.

Bai Ling has a fixed routine as I mentioned before, home and work and home and work. That's all there is in her life, unlike the other characters in the novel. As of that the other families were used to her nature of avoiding the parties.

"Not this year CEO Lun, I would definitely attend the annual party, hope you are looking forward to it". My face contorted into an expressionless scowl because I was unable to muster an emotion befitting Bai Ling's character.

Han Lun gave me a sidelong glance before he nodded and laughed. Xue Chi entered the room with the contract. He handed it to me as I signed and passed it to the male lead for him to sign. He skimmed over the details, but I did not bother because I had faith that Xue Chi would not include anything that would not work to my advantage. With Han Lun's signature, our agreement was sealed.

Holding out his hand, Han Lun extended it for a handshake. I held his hand and gave it a gentle shake after staring blankly at it.

"Happy cooperation CEO Ling", he shaked my hand so many times that I wondered if I would need to-go see a doctor after. I sighed as I also mumbled the same thing.

"Happy cooperation CEO Lun".