
The Villain Is Mine^_^

The villains are always destined to be ruined by the main protagonist, Villains are not born but made, if the world hates them and the female lead is throwing them away, then can I have the villain? For I to love him to death in this life and in all others.

Ryoukardo · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Bai Ling

Before I could enter the realm of "President's wife ran away," I had to decide which character to enter in—the body. There were three playable characters, each with their own power level and distance from the villain. In descending order of power, but in a more compact space.


Power: Very strong

Distance: Far


Power: some power

Distance: close


Power: none

Distance: very close

I do not see why there is a maid option; the villain has thousands of employees and would not even remember my existence. The skills of each body are also taught, and I certainly do not want to learn how to do the dishes or work. Learning how to use a gun is a good skill, I should go with the Mafia. No matter how far away the villain is, my power will bring me close.

The levels were also indicated by a few words written in small font underneath each. The mafia level was the most difficult, whereas the maid level was the easiest to clear.

Well, I guess it is fine! It is within my capabilities! After selecting the Mafia button, I double-tapped to confirm my action.

On the screen, a countdown started as I closed my eyes. A slight nausea and a pounding headache hit me the very next second.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a room, but the darkness made it impossible for me to see anything. The sun was beaming down on my face as soon as I drew back the curtains. I had to close my eyes for a while due to the intense pressure before I could open them again. It was morning, I heard a knock on the door,

"Master, are you up?" The moment I heard the voice, a flood of memories flooded my mind.  The country is governed by five families, ranked from most powerful to least. The Han, Lee, and Bai families come in first, second, and third, respectively, are powerful. Following that, we have the Xing family and the Ju family. The city's power is comprised of them. While Lee and Han hail from different industries, the Xings are well-known in the medical field.

The Jus are involved in the fashion industry, creating luxurious garments for the wealthy like these, while the Bais are known to be involved in the Mafia. Though they put on a facade of being a wealthy business, their true nature is that of a Mafia organization involved in murder and assassination. The original owner of the body, Bai Ling, is the only heir to this whole enterprise, becoming the family head after the death of her father.

If Han Lun was icy, Bai Ling would be the iceberg—so icy and stoic she is. She became even more like that after losing her father and inheriting the family fortune. Only the family heads of the families know of the true business of the Bai family.

Bai Ling rescued Xue Chi, a man outside, from an old man who was known to like young boys; he was an underling to her. The man was also a mafia, so Bai Ling took over his group and saved Xue Chi.

I spoke, "Come in", the personality of the host body is often left behind, leading to me behaving like the original host of the body. But that only lasts for a few days before the original host's personality fades away. After that, I would be able to change according to my personality, regardless, I am going to be like the original host for now.

Going to the mirror, I examined my reflection in it. My short black hair, sharp hazel eyes, long nose bridge, rosy lips, and that expressionless face were all there. Their icy stares could cut through a heart.

With a suit in his hand, Xue Chi entered the room. Now that I was facing him, he was stunning; he was beautiful, but strange. With blonde hair and blue eyes, he handed me the suit and turned around to face the wall. As Xue Chi began to brief me on today's schedule, I undressed.

The daily life of the original owner was in my mind and so it was natural for me to behave so. I wore a suit jacket as Xue Chi spoke,

"Master, today you have a meeting with the Han group and we got a request from the Lee Group as well".

I paused in my actions at that, meeting with the Han group?and also the Lee group?

I thought as a Mafia I sure had a distance from the main characters but oh well well..

I inquired, "What business does the Lee group have with us?", I finished buttoning up my suit jacket as I wore my watch.

"Master, it seems like they require our bodyguards, they contacted our 'hire men' agency, asking them for the family head, Lee Yi".

"Lee Yi?" I whispered to myself, smiling secretly. Xue Chi whirled around to present me with documents that needed my signature. "Yes, master."

I signed off the papers as I walked out of the room to find myself in a large mansion, I was on the upper floor yet I could easily make out the lower floor. I strolled down the stairs as Xue Chi followed behind me.

"Master, The meeting with the Han group is scheduled to start in one hour, we should be heading to the office soon".

I nodded as I sat down at the large table to have my breakfast. The different styles of cutlery fit perfectly in my hands as if it was not my first time using them. I took a bit of my fried egg, as Xue Chi stood to the side and spoke about the affairs of the gang.

I also got to know that the headquarters for the gang was located below my company, so I stay there most time when in need.Before I could enter the realm of "President's wife ran away," I had to decide which character to enter in—the body. There were three playable characters, each with their own power level and distance from the villain. In descending order of power, but in a more compact space.


Power: Very strong

Distance: Far


Power: some power

Distance: close


Power: none

Distance: very close

I do not see why there is a maid option; the villain has thousands of employees and would not even remember my existence. The skills of each body are also taught, and I certainly do not want to learn how to do the dishes or work. Learning how to use a gun is a good skill, I should go with the Mafia. No matter how far away the villain is, my power will bring me close.

The levels were also indicated by a few words written in small font underneath each. The mafia level was the most difficult, whereas the maid level was the easiest to clear.

Well, I guess it is fine! It is within my capabilities! After selecting the Mafia button, I double-tapped to confirm my action.

On the screen, a countdown started as I closed my eyes. A slight nausea and a pounding headache hit me the very next second.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a room, but the darkness made it impossible for me to see anything. The sun was beaming down on my face as soon as I drew back the curtains. I had to close my eyes for a while due to the intense pressure before I could open them again. It was morning, I heard a knock on the door,

"Master, are you up?" The moment I heard the voice, a flood of memories flooded my mind.  The country is governed by five families, ranked from most powerful to least. The Han, Lee, and Bai families come in first, second, and third, respectively, are powerful. Following that, we have the Xing family and the Ju family. The city's power is comprised of them. While Lee and Han hail from different industries, the Xings are well-known in the medical field.

The Jus are involved in the fashion industry, creating luxurious garments for the wealthy like these, while the Bais are known to be involved in the Mafia. Though they put on a facade of being a wealthy business, their true nature is that of a Mafia organization involved in murder and assassination. The original owner of the body, Bai Ling, is the only heir to this whole enterprise, becoming the family head after the death of her father.

If Han Lun was icy, Bai Ling would be the iceberg—so icy and stoic she is. She became even more like that after losing her father and inheriting the family fortune. Only the family heads of the families know of the true business of the Bai family.

Bai Ling rescued Xue Chi, a man outside, from an old man who was known to like young boys; he was an underling to her. The man was also a mafia, so Bai Ling took over his group and saved Xue Chi.

I spoke, "Come in", the personality of the host body is often left behind, leading to me behaving like the original host of the body. But that only lasts for a few days before the original host's personality fades away. After that, I would be able to change according to my personality, regardless, I am going to be like the original host for now.

Going to the mirror, I examined my reflection in it. My short black hair, sharp hazel eyes, long nose bridge, rosy lips, and that expressionless face were all there. Their icy stares could cut through a heart.

With a suit in his hand, Xue Chi entered the room. Now that I was facing him, he was stunning; he was beautiful, but strange. With blonde hair and blue eyes, he handed me the suit and turned around to face the wall. As Xue Chi began to brief me on today's schedule, I undressed.

The daily life of the original owner was in my mind and so it was natural for me to behave so. I wore a suit jacket as Xue Chi spoke,

"Master, today you have a meeting with the Han group and we got a request from the Lee Group as well".

I paused in my actions at that, meeting with the Han group?and also the Lee group?

I thought as a Mafia I sure had a distance from the main characters but oh well well..

I inquired, "What business does the Lee group have with us?", I finished buttoning up my suit jacket as I wore my watch.

"Master, it seems like they require our bodyguards, they contacted our 'hire men' agency, asking them for the family head, Lee Yi".

"Lee Yi?" I whispered to myself, smiling secretly. Xue Chi whirled around to present me with documents that needed my signature. "Yes, master."

I signed off the papers as I walked out of the room to find myself in a large mansion, I was on the upper floor yet I could easily make out the lower floor. I strolled down the stairs as Xue Chi followed behind me.

"Master, The meeting with the Han group is scheduled to start in one hour, we should be heading to the office soon".

I nodded as I sat down at the large table to have my breakfast. The different styles of cutlery fit perfectly in my hands as if it was not my first time using them. I took a bit of my fried egg, as Xue Chi stood to the side and spoke about the affairs of the gang.

I also got to know that the headquarters for the gang was located below my company, so I stay there most of the time when in need.

I finished my breakfast as I got up, followed by Xue Chi and more men in black, the bodyguards. Bai Ling had an organization that supplied bodyguards or men to the people in power since the mafia men were more trained than your average bodyguards.

I stepped out of the house as the butler placed the shoes in front of me. The luxury that this woman lived in was never ever imagined by me yet I have it now in my hands. I got out of the mansion as Xue Chi opened the car door. I sat in as I closed my eyes.

Xue Chi looked at me nervously as he looked at me. The Daily Life of Bai Ling was plain however quite exaggerated, she does not do anything by herself, so many servants. It's quite a new and exciting experience since I was born in a middle-class family.

I slept for a while before I woke up to see a huge building towering over me. The building was none other than the hide out of a office.

To. be continued.....