
The Pit (1)

Two maid servants were drying the clothes after they had been thoroughly washed.

While working they gossiped to relieve their boredom.

" Did you hear the news about the bastard ?",

The other maid shook her head.

" They say he's a one in a million prodigy, he started walking at age 1 !! and now he's been visiting the library with the princess who supposedly cares for that bastard !?!"

" Eventhough it isn't her child ?", the other maid asked curiously.

" Yeah, it's the strangest thing isn't it ?", another maid remarks.

" Well it doesn't make any difference does it ?... he'll never be able to enter the succession race because of his filthy bloodline."

The two maids continue to gossip on.


It's been close to two years since I've been forced to reincarnate.

During this time, I've learnt a lot about this world.

The continent I was born on was called, Arcadia. It mainy consisted of four main factions or kingdoms.

The one I was born in was the Demonic Kingdom.

Other than the demonic kingdom there are three other dominating factions,

The Human Empire, Lataina

The Elf Tribe, Vol^Heim

The Dwarf Kingdom, Tor

There four factions ruled the Arcadia.

I was the son of the third prince in the demonic kingdom.



I'm royalty, kind of since my dead mother was human my bloodline is 'filty' according to the people here.

Since I started walking early, I was regarded as a genius by the people here.

Little did they know that I was walking with help of mana, it was so simple really!

I couldn't help but laugh at myself for not thinking of using it sooner.

I wasn't sure that I would be able to use mana properly but it worked somehow, even thought the amount I could use was very little.

As soon as I felt the mana in my body, a screen similar to the one used in the survival game appeared, but there were some changes to it.


Name: Alexander....

Age: 1.8

Patron God: L$@ther

Primary Occupation: **#

Secondary Occupation:**#


Strength: 1.4

Agility: 1.3

Stamina: 2.2

Intelligence: 69.5

Charm: 0.4

Mana- 5/??



Corrupted Grace

Skill description: ???***


It looked similar to a linkedin profile in my opinion.

There were many questions I had about this new version but I decided to wait to get answers for my questions.

Getting the wrong crowd to pay attention to me might result in me being killed.

So, I'll try to strengthen my body and hide for now.

I don't want to catch the attention of the demon queen... in other words my grandmother, the one who had killed my mother.

She's the strongest person in the Demonic Kingdom, she was the sister of the demon king and took the throne when he died.

All the titles and system felt a a little confusing to me but I'll probably understand in time.

Right now, I was chomping down on my lunch along with Leylin.

For the past two years she's been the one looking after me, as my step-mother. She's always nagging me to do this and that but I can't seem to hate her.

She reminded me of myself somewhat, but unlike me she chooses to suffer in a hell others made for her.

Yep, that's right.

I'm talking about her marriage with my 'father'.

I haven't seen much of him these last two years and even when I do, he ignores me like I don't exist, not that I care.

But from the bruises I see on Leylin' s body from time to time, he seems to be paying a lot of 'attention' to her.

I wish I could help her, but I'm a weak child and I'm sure that he'll get bored with her soon, that was the kind of person he was.

" Are you done, Alex ?", Leylin asked me with a gentle smile on her face.

I nod my head vigorously.

I did know how to speak, but I'm hiding that for now since I want to surprise Leylin when my pronunciation becomes better.

Imagine her surprise when I suddenly start to speak proficiently !

" Heheh", I chuckle fantasizing about how my prank would go.

" What's so funny ?", Leylin asked while ruffling my hair.

I shake my head and bring my finger to my lips to show that it was secret.

" Oho.", she replies back amused.


After listening to Leylin ramble on for sometime, she carries me to her room.

It was time for our afternoon nap.

She swings the door to her room open and gets inside with me on her shoulder.

She drops me on the bed and goes into the dressing room to change into her pajamas. I wait for her on the bed patiently, hoping to pass the time I gaze into the mirror opposite to me.

A image of a young boy greeted me, he had thick black hair and eyes that were just as dark as his hair. The boy's skin was unnaturally pale as if he hadn't gone outside in ages. The boy had no horns.

I still wasn't used to my new appearance. It was strange to see myself as a young boy. Furthermore, I had no horns.

The horns were the most distinct feature of a demon, yet my mother's genes didn't allow for me to have them since she wasn't a demon.... she was a human.

My thoughts get broken as Leylin once again enters the room, now in her pajamas.

She lies down next to me and hugs me, closing her eyes to sleep.

But I wake her up and point to the books on the table next to the bed.

Seeing me frantically waving at the books we had borrowed from the library earlier this week, Leylin lets out a sigh and asks,

" You want me to read them now ?...", from the tone of her voice it seems like she's too lazy now.

It's time to take out the big guns.

I hit her with my best puppy eyes look and she finally relents to my wishes like always.

She takes the first book out of the huge heap and started reciting the words in it,

She patted my head, while I lay down on her lap and attentively listened to her,

" This is a story from ancient times, a story about a demon king and a.... hero ------"


Happy New Year !!!!!

It's sad that I'm writing at 12:00... alone, Where's my new year KISS HUH ? HUH ?...*cries in virgin*

Carrot_Dudecreators' thoughts
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